Chapter 38: Nine is the number of poles

Chapter 38: Nine is the number of poles


Su Chu's Hunxi Youlong seemed to feel some threat to Yixiang, and let out a roar, and roared angrily. The soul of Hunxi Youlong was originally a collection of true energy, but Su Chu was the one who condensed himself Emperor Qi, to put it bluntly, means that the current Hunxi Youlong is already equivalent to something between living things and true energy, with simple wisdom.

In fact, dragons and phoenixes, the creatures in these two myths, even in the form of condensed true energy, have their own simple wisdom, which is the pride of divine beasts, and also the pride of divine beasts. They can obey orders With one's own master, but for others, it will be mercilessly destroyed.

"Terrifying true qi!" Hong Qigong couldn't help but exclaimed.

Hunxiyoulong is fully unfolded, it is like a hundreds of meters long body, although it is between transparent and translucent, but that kind of terrifying aura makes people feel terrified, and as Su Chu breaks through the peerless Soulxi 24 Tour Dragons have become even scarier.

Moreover, Su Chu is in another world. If it is really in the world of Yitian, even Zhang Sanfeng, Su Chu's Hunxi Youlong, would not dare to fight head-on. Although he can defeat it, it is definitely not easy, because in the world of clothes Su Chu is the emperor, the strongest emperor!

"Qigong, you're not bad either!" Seeing Hong Qigong's sudden burst of strength, Su Chu obviously didn't expect that Hong Qigong could display such power.

Eighteen golden dragons floated across the sky, floating in all directions, entangled around Hong Qigong like soul wandering dragons. Su Chu is not sure whether his Soul Xi Youlong is sure of victory

"Agitated" swallowed deeply, Huang Rong asked in horror: "Sister Li, is this really something a warrior can achieve?"

"Do you think what you see is an illusion?" Li Qi asked with a smile. Reluctantly said: "But Sister Li,

Can humans really reach such a point? &

"Of course!" Li Qi nodded quietly and said with a smile: "Your father can also reach this level. Huang Yaoshi and Hong Qigong are listed as one of the five masters, and Hong Qigong is slightly weaker than Huang Yaoshi. &

"So it's like ^:! ? Children have a heroic father when they were young, and Huang Rong is no exception. In Huang Rong's heart, Huang Yaoshi is the strongest and the most powerful. Hearing Li Qiong say that, Huang Rong was immediately happy Standing up, the whole person smiled.

**Sure enough, he is still a child. & Li Qi smiled and shook his head.

However, Li Qi did not explain too much, because this is indeed the truth. Although such a vision is very amazing, it is no exception that Hong Qigong can do Huang Yaoshi, not to mention that Li Qi has really seen Su In that battle with Chu, he was even someone who had seen Zhang Sanfeng make a move. Compared with Zhang Sanfeng's move, which caused the purple air to flow eastward for three thousand miles, this was simply a small scene within a small scene, and there was no need to compare it to "three Zhuo Suchu looked intently, but then he couldn't help but smile, as expected, stretching out his hand is so easy to manipulate, let alone the most powerful dragon among the beasts, even Hong Qigong condensed it with the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon. It has become eighteen golden dragons, but it is only the lowest three-clawed golden dragon. If it is lower, it will become a flood dragon!

But it is true, if the eighteen golden dragons are all nine-clawed golden dragons, then Su Chu turns around and runs away immediately without even thinking about it. Although Su Chu is proud, she also has self-knowledge, and she has a chance of winning if she can condense two nine-clawed golden dragons. But if it is eighteen, there is no doubt that you will lose, and you don't even know how to die.

But don’t think that divine dragons are so easy to condense, many divine beasts are superficial, and not everyone can cultivate a certain kind of martial arts, just like Su Chu’s nine-clawed golden dragon condensed by combining his soul and dragon with his own luck. Even the founder of the Yin Yang family couldn't achieve this kind of cultivation, because it is a personal problem at all.

Every kind of kung fu method, whether it is the Tiangong Collection or ordinary martial arts, is condensed to the extreme. The path that everyone walks out is different, and the same Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are ordinary palms in Su Chu's hands. But in the hands of Hong Qigong, it is enough to condense eighteen three-clawed golden dragons. This is the gap, the difference between the same martial arts.


The roar of wild beasts, the cry of divine beasts, fierce battles broke out between the two sides, Su Chu and Hong Qigong did not move, but the sweat was indeed overflowing, using Qi to resist things, the pressure they both endured was enormous, especially The pressure that Hong Qigong had to bear was even greater.

Of course the three-clawed golden dragon will not be the opponent of the nine-clawed golden dragon, so Hong Qigong can only fight Su Chu head-on with a few seconds, otherwise he will definitely lose, so Hong Qigong must concentrate on manipulating the eighteen three-clawed The golden dragon came to defeat Su Chu, but even though this complicated number of meters brought great power, it consumed a lot of mind and spirit.

However, Su Chu did not dare to relax. Although the Nine-Clawed Golden Dragon is strong, the qualitative change will cause a change in m. When the luck reaches an extreme, it will cause a very huge qualitative change, just like the current Hong Qigong and Yixiang. If it's not an opponent, then two, two, three, three, eighteen!The luck of numbers leads to quality.


The violent explosion was obviously invisible, but everyone could feel the impact as if they had personally experienced it. Hong Qigong stepped back three steps, suddenly rose into the sky, clasped his hands together and roared, and the eighteen golden dragons disappeared out of thin air. The next moment it actually gathered in Hong Qigong's palm u came? "Su Chu murmured. Suddenly, she opened her eyes.

Hunxi Youlong wrapped around Su Chu again with a sense of decadence, and the purple sword energy slowly emerged from Su Chu's palm. Nine is the extreme number. What kind of power will it emit when it rises?Qigong can only fight Su Chu head-on with a few seconds, otherwise he will definitely lose 933, so Hong Qigong has to concentrate on controlling eighteen three-clawed golden dragons to defeat Su Chu, but even if this complicated number of m brings Powerful power, but it consumes a lot of mind.

However, Su Chu did not dare to relax. Although the Nine-Clawed Golden Dragon is strong, the qualitative change will cause a change in m. When the luck reaches an extreme, it will cause a very huge qualitative change, just like the current Hong Qigong and Yixiang. If it's not an opponent, then two, two, three, three, eighteen!The luck of numbers leads to quality.


The violent explosion was obviously invisible, but everyone could feel the impact as if they had personally experienced it. Hong Qigong stepped back three steps, suddenly rose into the sky, clasped his hands together and roared, and the eighteen golden dragons disappeared out of thin air. The next moment it actually gathered in Hong Qigong's palm u came? "Su Chu murmured. Suddenly, she opened her eyes.

Hunxi Youlong wrapped around Su Chu again with a sense of decadence, and the purple sword energy slowly emerged from Su Chu's palm. Nine is the extreme number. What kind of power will it emit when it rises?Qigong can only fight Su Chu head-on with a few seconds, otherwise he will definitely lose 933, so Hong Qigong has to concentrate on controlling eighteen three-clawed golden dragons to defeat Su Chu, but even if this complicated number of m brings Powerful power, but it consumes a lot of mind.

However, Su Chu did not dare to relax. Although the Nine-Clawed Golden Dragon is strong, the qualitative change will cause a change in m. When the luck reaches an extreme, it will cause a very huge qualitative change, just like the current Hong Qigong and Yixiang. If it's not an opponent, then two, two, three, three, eighteen!The luck of numbers leads to quality.


The violent explosion was obviously invisible, but everyone could feel the impact as if they had personally experienced it. Hong Qigong stepped back three steps, suddenly rose into the sky, clasped his hands together and roared, and the eighteen golden dragons disappeared out of thin air. The next moment it actually gathered in Hong Qigong's palm u came? "Su Chu murmured. Suddenly, she opened her eyes.

Hunxi Youlong wrapped around Su Chu again with a sense of decadence, and the purple sword energy slowly emerged from Su Chu's palm. Nine is the extreme number. What kind of power will it emit when it rises?

Chapter 39: Evolution is easier said than done

Chapter 39: Evolution is easier said than done

"Master, are you alright?" Guo Jing asked nervously while supporting Hong Qigong carefully.

Hong Qigong doesn't look a little bit miserable now!The clothes that were already full of patches have become tattered, the long hair has also become tattered, and the body is covered with wounds of various sizes, especially the wound on the abdomen is completely pierced through. The arms were twisted unnaturally, apparently fractured, and covered with numerous wounds.

It can be said that Hong Qigong lost this time, and he lost very badly, but from the outside, Hong Qigong was not seriously injured. These injuries looked serious, but Hong Qigong himself knew that these injuries could be easily recovered , are minor injuries, after all, the two of them are just sparring, and Su Chu is not killing him.

Hong Qigong shook his head and said: "No problem!no problem!It's not a big deal, but there are talented people from generation to generation. It seems that I, an old man, will soon be surpassed by newcomers. &

"Master, don't worry, you will be fine." Although Guo Jing is stupid, he can still say such simple words.

Hong Qigong shook his head silently. Feeling his tenacious true energy, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, thinking that the sword that pierced through heaven and earth actually pierced through his eighteen three-clawed golden dragons. Thinking of the ten three-clawed golden dragons that devoured him stretching out their hands in a roar, Hong Qigong felt tremendous pressure.

It was different from the pressure of facing Wang Chongyang, but like facing the pressure of the emperor or even the emperor of heaven. Hong Qigong couldn't help laughing. No matter what it was, he devoted his whole life to fighting gold. Such a terrible person Focusing on the Jin Dynasty, I am afraid that the Jin Dynasty will have a hard time!

When a person who is both good and evil, powerful or even powerful and terrifying is on top of anyone, even a country is only qualified to be afraid, and this is everything that strength brings.

"I didn't expect that this world would be so terrible〃!" Compared to Hong Qigong, Su Chu's face was flushed, and he was in a very strange state.

Su Chu broke Hong Qigong's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms with a single sword indifferently, but what Su Chu didn't expect was that at the last moment, Hunxi Youlong was not under his control and pulled the internal force of Beiming Divine Art to swallow ten consecutive palms. Eight three-clawed golden dragons, this time Su Chu is not well, he was already injured, this way, it feels like a person who eats too much and is about to explode.

Without even thinking about it, Su Chu sat cross-legged on the ground, and the Hunxi Youlong, which had risen from the yin and yang zhenqi in his body, began to rotate rapidly, refining the eighteen three-clawed golden dragons that he snatched from Hong Qigong.

The current Su Chu is like a dynamite bag. Even though Su Chu has the treasure book of heavenly powers such as Beiming Shengong to absorb true energy, and through the six gates of Jiuyin, Jiuyang, Taiyi, Yinyang, Immortal Seal, and Qiankun Great Teleportation Martial arts opened up a huge dantian.

However, Su Chu's true energy itself is huge, plus the aura of heaven and earth in this world is too terrifying, and Hong Qigong's true energy is even more terrifying, otherwise it would be impossible to fight against Su Chu in the early stage of peerlessness. He even seemed not to lose the wind, forcibly devouring one-tenth of Hong Qigong's true energy, and it was the condensed three-clawed golden dragon. If Su Chu didn't refine it quickly, he would most likely explode and die "What's the situation?" Huang Rong looked at Su Chu differently and scratched her head strangely.

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