Su Chu looks like f!Hair is not injured, in fact Su Chu is not uninjured, the difference in strength between the two is not too much, of course Su Chu will not be much better if Hong Qigong is slightly injured, but the first point of the silkworm kungfu has repaired these Injury, the second point is that the Dao hug on Su Chu's body is made of the toughest inner skin of the ten thousand-year-old python and blood silk, which can be called a magic weapon.

However, Su Chu couldn't help but feel dignified. In that battle, Su Chu brought the nine sons of the dragon, and fought in the ten thousand-year-old python that lived in seclusion in the deepest part of Shennongjia. No one knew about that battle. What was the process, but everyone knows that everyone in the world knows that when Su Chu carried the [-]-meter-long ten thousand-year snake back, he was covered in injuries, and most of the nine sons of the dragon were also injured.

At this moment, all the people respected the world again. Sometimes warriors are on the bright side, and these terrifying creatures hidden in the dark are the most terrifying.

"The eighteen three-clawed golden dragons condensed by Hong Qigong's true energy have been devoured by Master Yi Beiming's magical power and are being refined. Li Qi explained gently.

Fortunately, Huang Rong, like Huang Yaoshi Yixiang, is a person who is both righteous and evil. If a so-called righteous person is here, I am afraid that he will start screaming and killing Su Chu when he hears that Su Chu has such evil skills. The slayer defends the way.

Huang Rong rolled her small eyes, looked at Su Chu who was motionless, and then looked at Li Qi, who was so weak that she couldn't help but flinch, and rushed towards the distance with a grimace, this was the best chance to escape, thinking of her own Not doing light work, Huang Rong landed on the bloody BMW all of a sudden, and said loudly: "Hurry up, hurry up!" &

Immediately afterwards, Huang Rong was dumbfounded, because she saw the sweaty BMW looked at her contemptuously, and then she didn't move, walking towards Su and Chu in a very leisurely manner.

"Damn it!" Huang Rong cursed inwardly, she was so smart and confused, how could BMW Youling control her even if she wasn't its master.

Just now she wanted to jump up (Nuohao Zhao), but the next moment Huang Rongli froze, she saw a finger on her shoulder and she was sitting behind her with a smile, as if hugging her lover Yixiang Huang Rong broke into a cold sweat as Li Qi gently held herself in her arms.

"Damn it! I miscalculated again." Huang Rong was sure that Su Chu would not be able to wake up, and Li Qi didn't know martial arts, so he ran away like this. He didn't feel Li Qi's movements at all, and he was already restrained.

"Little girl, you can't sneak away! Otherwise, the master will criticize me." With a black-bellied smile, Li Qi didn't force the black-haired man to come out.

Why! ,

There was a sigh, and Su Chu's voice came to several people's ears: "Evolution is easier said than done.&.

Chapter 40: Target Jin Kingdom

Chapter 40: Target Jin Kingdom

&Rong'er, you're overthinking this time! " Li Qi hugged Huang Rong as intimately as his lover, a pair of perfect jade hands gently walked on Huang Rong's body, although it looked unusually fragrant, but in fact Huang Rong wanted to cry without tears, because Li Qi He actually sealed all the acupuncture points on his body continuously, and now he is completely an ordinary person.

"Damn it, my calculations are still wrong!" Huang Rong gritted her teeth and sighed helplessly. The last chance is gone. If you want to escape, I'm afraid there is really no chance.

In fact, from the moment Su Chu and Hong Qi openly fought, Huang Rong had already calculated it, no matter whether Su Chu won, lost, or even both sides suffered, no matter what kind of situation Huang Rong had already thought of, but What I never expected is that Li Qi's cultivation is so good 1^)0

In fact, it’s no wonder that Huang Rong didn’t expect that the current time is exactly two months. During these two months, Li Qiao has fully recovered, but Su Chu has been prohibiting Li Qi from taking action because of physical problems, fearing that Li Qi’s health will be serious. Therefore, it also created the illusion that Li Qi is just an ordinary person who doesn't know martial arts at all.

"Hey! 937& sighed softly again, Su Chu has returned to normal, slowly opened his eyes, as if swimming in his eyes, a nine-clawed golden dragon walked by, emitting an unwilling roar.

As mentioned earlier, creatures such as dragons and phoenixes have their own intelligence or instinct, and the same is true of the nine-clawed golden dragon. Its purpose of devouring eighteen three-clawed golden dragons is for evolution. number of poles.

The only thing that can be allowed between heaven and earth is nine, and if you want to evolve, you must break this restriction, just like a warrior, in fact, every time a warrior makes progress, he breaks the limit again and again, but what the warrior breaks is his own limit , but what the Nine-Clawed Golden Dragon breaks is the restriction of race, the restriction of heaven and earth, this restriction is really too difficult.

Soul Xi Youlong needs specific qualifications, extremely strong true energy, and the manipulation of any kind of karma of the sun, moon, and stars. Su Chu has all these factors, and combines his own emperor's energy with Soul Xi Youlong Combined with this, the ultimate move of the Nine-Clawed Golden Dragon was created.

But the problem is that the Nine-Clawed Golden Dragon has reached the extreme, and it is too difficult to make progress. The progress of the dragon is divided into the increase of claws and the increase of reverse scales. This time, the Nine-clawed Golden Dragon has swallowed eighteen three The Clawed Golden Dragon was designed to break through the limit of nine claws, but unfortunately it failed in the end, and only increased the number of reverse scales to nine pieces.

"I'm curious, is there really a big gap between warriors and cultivation?" Su Chu suddenly became confused.

Su Chu doesn't know what the realm of the great master is, but Su Chu can be sure that if he is a great master who has reached the limit of heaven and man, he can easily swallow clouds and mists, fill the sea and build land, so that miraculous means can be used, not to mention There is also the realm after breaking the void.

"This problem needs to be found by the owner on this trip!&

The system just gave an ambiguous answer to this, and Su Chu just shook his head silently and didn't say much. After so many years, Su Chu has already understood that the system doesn't say anything, so there is no need to ask more questions. won't say it.

"So that means the little girl is going to run away again?" Su Chu looked at Huang Rong with a very strange smile.

Holding Li Qi in her arms, Su Chu lowered her head as if she had made a mistake, but actually she was thinking about Huang Rong who didn't know what to calculate, and suddenly laughed: "Little girl, do you know?"I really like the taste of girls. &

"You scoundrel, if you dare to touch me, my father will not let you go." Huang Rong immediately roared coquettishly and shyly.

Su Chu curled her lips and said, "Does this have anything to do with me?"Hong Qigong is not my opponent, (cefe) your father is also at the same level as Hong Qigong, so how could he be my opponent. &

"Great-grandfather will not let you go, let me tell you that great-grandfather loves me the most." Huang Rong said proudly.

"Really?" Su Chu asked back, and said with an evil smile: "Although I don't know why, I'm afraid your great-grandfather retreated because of some special reasons. It seems that because of this kind of willingness, he couldn't take action at will. Otherwise, it would be impossible for me to be rated as number one in the world. "

"You are the number one in the world?" Although I don't know what Su Chu means, Huang Rong will not admit defeat if she loses.

Not much to say, just a faint smile, Su Chu's palm was already hooked up, and the next moment, a piece of clothing was thrown in front of Huang Rong as if it appeared out of thin air.

"What does this mean?" Huang Rong took the paint in doubt. Sticky  badger green   [-] also  play   did not force the line さ neon prying sticky  trade falcon blowing 楧  road    climbing finger zinc moisture shallow: Mei Nading?/p>

Su Chu showed a broken smile and said with a wicked smile: "Put it on, no

Then you can sleep with me tonight. &

"Humph" snorted coquettishly, Huang Rong ran into the forest obediently and changed her clothes, but soon there was an ear-piercing scream from the forest, and Li Qi said helplessly: "Master, you I really know that such clothes are too unacceptable for women of this era.&

"This is my improved clothes! Of course there is no problem. I am a very naughty person, so I won't let others see my things." Su Chu smiled and shook her fingers.

Soon Huang Rong came out in a secretive way, holding the miniskirt tightly with both hands, and because she was wearing high heels, she walked with a limp, which seemed very strange.

Needless to say, this kind of dress is known, of course it is the perfect maid dress, of course Su Chu has made a lot of modifications considering the reason of ancient times, for example, the absolute domain that should have been completely blocked by black silk, The shoulders that were originally leaked are also covered by black silk, so it looks like nothing is leaked at first glance, which can be accepted by women of this era.

But in Huang Rong's eyes, such a dress is too embarrassing!

"That's right! As the price for running away, from now on you will wear this outfit and give Su Chu a helpless look. In the end, Huang Rong got on the horse and followed Su Chu's pace, and the target was the Kingdom of Jin...

Chapter 41: The Loved Martial Arts Competition

Chapter 41: The Loved Martial Arts Competition

"Damn it, Miss Ben is quitting!" Huang Rong roared, slapped her hands on the table fiercely, glared at Su Chu, her big black eyes stared at Su Chu day and asked Su Chu to give her a hand. The meaning of the statement, it seems that it means absolutely never giving up.

Su Chu looked at the clothes in the lacquer, and there was a dark curtain behind him, but it was darker than the phantom wielder?

But without waiting for Huang Rong to be happy, Su Chu continued: "Of course there is no problem taking off this maid outfit, but little girl, you should know that after taking off this maid outfit, I am short of a warm maid. What do you think of you?" Can it do the job?Feel free to, if you can.

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