Su Chu didn't resume the sound transmission, but just scanned the person 1.5 in front of him with a pair of phoenix eyes, squinting slightly, of course he knew who this woman and this man were, Yang Tiexin and Mu Nianci.

Now Yang Tiexin changed his name to Mu Yi in Jianghu, Su Chu understood that Yang Tiexin wanted to find a good family for Mu Nianci, and if nothing happened, Wanyankang, also known as Yang Kang, would soon have a series of incidents. It's a pity that some things have changed. Now that Su Chu is there, these things will never happen again.

"My little girl, Mu Nianci, is competing in martial arts today to recruit a relative. I hope to find a promising young man in his twenties to arrange a good marriage for my little girl." Yang Tiexin shouted loudly.

Is it really just a simple dislike?Maybe Huang Rong thought so, because she couldn't look directly into her heart, but Su Chu and Li Qi were people who couldn't understand!

"Husband, it seems that sister Rong'er is ready." Li Qi said with a voice transmission with a smile.

Su Chu didn't resume the sound transmission, but just scanned the person 1.5 in front of him with a pair of phoenix eyes, squinting slightly, of course he knew who this woman and this man were, Yang Tiexin and Mu Nianci.

Now Yang Tiexin changed his name to Mu Yi in Jianghu, Su Chu understood that Yang Tiexin wanted to find a good family for Mu Nianci, and if nothing happened, Wanyankang, also known as Yang Kang, would soon have a series of incidents. It's a pity that some things have changed. Now that Su Chu is there, these things will never happen again.

"My little girl, Mu Nianci, is competing in martial arts today to recruit a relative. I hope to find a promising young man in his twenties to arrange a good marriage for my little girl." Yang Tiexin shouted loudly.

Chapter 43: This is the Rhythm of Selling My Daughter

Chapter 43: This is the Rhythm of Selling My Daughter

??Little Niangpi, obediently let her go, I just happen to be short of a thirteen-room concubine. The burly man laughed loudly, and more than a dozen people on the ground who were younger brothers also laughed, whistled one by one, and said some very ugly words.

Mu Nianci just looked at this burly man quietly, but said in a gentle voice, strong and cold: I offended you! a

Of course, it goes without saying that even though Mu Nianci is not a martial arts master, he is still much stronger than the trash present. This handsome looking burly man was thrown by Mu Nianci in just a few moments. down.

And the martial arts used is the North Beggar Hong Qigong's Happy Walk, Su Chu said interestingly: "Looking at the little girl's Little Free Walk, it is not complete at all, but it is enough for self-defense. It seems that Hong Qigong The old beggar also taught the little girl for a while. &

Little girl is a combination of boxing and step 24. It is a martial art very suitable for women. The footwork is light and agile, and the boxing is impermanent. In the battle with Su Chu, Hong Qigong relied on his martial arts and Su Chu has fought dozens of moves, but of course the battle between the two is not a joke like a little girl.

Soon one after another people were thrown down, and all the people were silent for a while, no one knew if they would be thrown down when they went up, after all, they were all dignified figures here, so it was okay to be ashamed That's great, then it's really embarrassing, how can I enjoy myself among my peers in the future?

"That's right." Taking a step forward, Su Chu has already arrived on the martial arts arena as if she is ethereal and immortal.

Just stepping on the martial arts stage, no matter whether it is Yang Tiexin or Mu Nianci, both of them know that a real master has appeared, and Mu Nianci gave Su Chu a shy look, and thought to himself: If u I can accept his words. &

In fact, it's not that Mu Nianci doesn't want to find a good family to marry. Although his adoptive father hoped that he could marry a descendant of the Guo family, he gave up after failing to find one after so many years. Just hope to find a suitable man to marry.

Regardless of other things, Su Chu is definitely a woman's dream lover in terms of appearance and appearance, and Mu Nianci will never want to refuse.

"Just a stinky Taoist priest, get out of here quickly.

?? Taoist priests can also get married?Don't violate your rules

law. h

Naturally, these people are the ones who can't understand Su Chu, and they started to slander Su Chu under the tandem of some people who fell off the stage. It's a pity that others don't know, but how could Huang Rong not know that Su Chu is not a good thing? People with a bad temper, these people, they are dead!


A soft and flat voice came slowly, seventeen people present who just taunted Su Chu fell to the ground at the same time, bleeding to death from seven orifices, no one knew what happened, but everyone I understand that it is definitely Su Chu who made the move, otherwise how could so many people bleed to death at the same time.


As if being strangled by the neck, the people who were about to open their mouths suddenly stopped, and each of them stepped back in a hurry, revealing the figures of Li Qi and Huang Rong. At this moment, everyone began to feel strange Thinking about it, it is obvious that there are other women, and it turns out that no matter how strong a man is, he can't change his lustful nature.

"You have a family? Mu Nianci looked at Su Chu carefully, and had already thrown away the weapon in his hand. He had no chance of winning against such a master, and even less if he used a weapon he was not familiar with.

"Yes, and more than one. **Su Chu didn't deny it, but admitted it generously.

Mu Nianci frowned slightly and said, "Then why did you come on stage?" "

"Because I think you are very good. W Su Chu thought for a while and thought: "You are qualified to be raised by me as a canary. &

"You & Mu Nianci's weak character is almost enraged by the voice. There is no way what Su Chu said is too irritating. This does not treat Mu Nianci as an important person at all, but as an important person."ーAn object is regarded as auspicious.

Su Chu looked at Mu Nianci and asked with a smile, "Do you feel bad?"

"Hmph! ■?" Mu Nianci snorted coldly, but didn't say much.

There is no need to say more about the current situation, as long as I see the real chapter under my hand, Mu Nianci's little favor for Su Chu has completely disappeared. Although people in the world also know the polygamy system in this era, it does not mean that The sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes will accept such a system, unless you can make others accept it.

"Yo Yo! The big villain seems to be hated by others!" Huang Rong said very leisurely.

Su Chu didn't look back and raised his palm slightly, and an invisible force rose up. Mu Nianci realized that his body was out of control, and smiled: "Little girl, do you think if I fall in love with someone?" Is there anyone in this world qualified to resist? u

Invisible force seemed to pervade the entire surroundings of the martial arts arena. Everyone felt the aura rising from their hearts. Everyone almost knelt on the ground. They couldn't bear this terrible aura. Mu Nianci, who was in the center of this breath, naturally suffered the most.

Mu Nianci, who was enduring this terrible breath, resisted himself not to fall to the ground.


In the end, Mu Nianci's will could not hold on even though he was tenacious, and he fell to the ground helplessly, with drops of bean-sized sweat dripping down his forehead.

At this moment, Yang Tiexin had already come out: "Young master, the young girl lost, and this time the contest to recruit relatives was indeed won by the young master. I wonder if the young master can talk indoors?" &

Yang Tiexin could also feel that terrible aura. Su Chu looked at Yang Tiexin and Mu Nianci with a flash of unbearable but then firmness. Su Chu vaguely understood something, and this meaning, I am obedient Isn't this the proper way to sell your daughter?

Chapter 44: The Dirty Adult Deal

Chapter 44: The Dirty Adult Deal

Outside the door, Mu Nianci looked nervously at Li Qi and Huang Rong. Women are confident in themselves, and Mu Nianci is no exception. But looking at the two women, Mu Nianci had to admit that he was inferior to the two women. It was still not enough, but immediately Mu Nianci became even more puzzled, since there is already such an outstanding woman, why should he enter the arena of this martial arts competition to recruit relatives?

Seeing Mu Nianci's doubts, Huang Rong curled her lips and said, "Sister Mu, you don't have to care about that big villain, that big villain is simply a hungry ghost, as long as it is a beautiful woman, she wants to take it away." &

Mu Nianci looked at Li Qiong in embarrassment, saying that Mu Nianci's character could not be done in front of his relatives, but Li Qi smiled indifferently, Li Qi already understood Huang Rong's character and intentions Of course, there is no need to care about it.

"Little girl, it's your turn to go to bed tonight!" The sudden sound in the ears of the three of them made Huang Rong, who was excited to speak ill of Su Chu to Mu Nianci, immediately faint, and she sat down on the side , but from the big dark eyes, it can be seen that Huang Rong didn't give up at all, but didn't know what she was thinking.

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