Seeing that the outside finally became quiet, Su Chu shifted his gaze to Yang Tiexin, and before Yang Tiexin could speak, he said lightly: "Tell me, what kind of conditions do you want to send Mu Nianci to you?" give me?

Su Chu's words were very straightforward, which made Yang Tiexin startled and looked out of the window hastily. At this time, Su Chu continued: "Don't be so careful, I have already isolated this room with my true energy, you and I Conversations are inaudible to anyone but you and me."

Hearing Su Chu's words, Yang Tiexin's eyes flashed with a tangled look, but he thought of something unknowingly, a touch of tenderness flashed in his eyes, and then said firmly: "Mr. Su, my real name is not Mu Yi."

, but 11&

"Yang Tiexin, a descendant of the generals of the Yang family back then, is the real husband of Bao Xiruo, the concubine of the prince Wanyan Honglie of the Jin Dynasty, and the real father of the little prince Wanyan Kang." Su Chu revealed all the details of Yang Tiexin with a single mouth It's all over.

"How do you know?" Yang Tiexin stood up in surprise, looked at Su Chu nervously, and at the same time even unconsciously held the iron gun in the room with one hand.

Hooking his finger, the next moment Yang Tiexin felt that terrible force oppressing him for the first time, so he sat down, Su Chu took a sip of tea, although it tasted bad, Su Chu didn't show any signs of it

Come out, just said lightly: "You don't have to know how I know, you just need to know that I have no problem with your affairs, you just need to tell your conditions." &

Hey sighed softly, put down the iron gun in his hand decadently, Yang Tiexin sighed: Mr. Su is right, I am indeed Yang Tiexin, but I already have guesses about the news about my wife and son, but It was really confirmed by Mr. Su. "

Su Chu didn't say a word, just continued to listen to Yang Tiexin's nonsense, it was indeed nonsense, some of the past events Yang Tiexin described seemed to Su Chu to be nonsense, Yang Tiexin vaguely felt that his wife should have been raped by Wanyan Honglie looted.

But Yang Tiexin is not sure, after all Wanyan Honglie's Prince's Mansion is a heavily guarded place, and Yang Tiexin is an ordinary person, even if he is a second-rate martial artist, where to go to find out, and Bao Xiruo has always lived in seclusion, Yang Kang Although I always come out, but these years there is a saying that women's colleges have changed eighteen times, this sentence is also auspicious when applied to men. No one can be sure that Yang Kang is Yang Tiexin's son. The only one who knows is Qiu Chuji, it is impossible to say, no Now I am lying on the sickbed.

Although Su Chu didn't kill Qiu Chuji that day, he vaguely asked that Su Chu had secretly abolished Qiu Chuji. The meridians, dantian, and internal energy of the whole body Qiu Chuji is now equivalent to a vegetable. Hong Qigong knew this, but even if he knew It's good enough that I can save Qiu Chuji's life under Su Chu's men, but it's obviously impossible to resist it.

"Okay!" Su Chu looked at Yang Tiexin who was about to burst into tears, interrupted Yang Tiexin helplessly, and said: "You don't need to be like this, just tell your conditions."

Su Chu's words made Yang Tiexin silent.

Indeed, after seeing Su Chu's terrifying strength, Yang Tiexin made up his mind, that is to exchange his adopted daughter Mu Nianci for his own son and wife.

Such a choice is actually not surprising. Although Yang Tiexin is a person who loves his wife, his patriarchal personality has not changed much. This is just a trial, and the most important thing is Mu Nian. Ci is not his own biological daughter, and Yang Tiexin didn't hesitate to sell it when it should be sold.

Su Chu looked at Yang Tiexin's eyes with a sneering smile, but he didn't care. After all, this is his business, and he only needs to complete the transaction.

?Mr. Su, since you know it too, I won't tell you anything! After a moment of silence, Yang Tiexin said firmly: Mr. Su, I hope you can sneak into the (Zhao Zhao) Palace to help me bring back my wife and my son, and settle us down in a good place. &

Su Chu looked at Yang Tiexin, tapped the chair lightly, and said calmly: "Yang Tiexin, don't you think you want too much?" "

Yang Tiexin's face turned pale, but the next moment his painting style changed, Su Chu continued: "That's fine, but after this matter is over, Mu Nianci will belong to me from now on, and has nothing to do with you." &

"Okay! After this matter, no matter whether Mu Nianci and Mr. Su are slaves or servants, I, Yang Tiexin, don't care anymore." Just after Yang Tiexin finished speaking, he suddenly felt as if he had lost something. Mu Nianci's face was pale outside the door, barely standing up with Huang Rong's support, and Huang Rong stared at the room angrily...

Chapter 45: The Arrival of Yang Kang

Chapter 45: The Arrival of Yang Kang

Yang Tiexin was tricked by Su Chu, but Mu Nianci heard Yang Tiexin's last words, and Huang Rong roared angrily: "How could there be such a father? How could he sell his father for his own son? Lose your own daughter?&

??Ronger give up, I'm just an adopted daughter. Mu Nianci stopped Huang Rong, who had a bad temper, who wanted to go in and punch and kick Yang Tiexin to teach him to be a man, and silently revealed the identities of the two of them, Huang Rong was speechless for a while.

Looking at Mu Nianci, who is disappointed, but neither Huang Rong nor Li Qi can comfort her. In this era, the adopted daughter sounds nice, but in fact she is just a child bride-in-law raised for her son-in-law. It's just a plaything for myself.

Even if such a thing happened to a real female jl, it is not surprising, how many people like Huang Yaoshi care about their female "l"?In this day and age, there are really very few people, and it is almost impossible to meet such people.

"Damn it! Hmph& Huang Rong snorted coldly, not wanting to say anything, but Li Qi said softly: 177& Nian Chi, don't worry, master is a very gentle person, you will never be bullied here."

"I believe." Mu Nianci looked at Li Qi and Huang Rong, she nodded.

Mu Nianci is a person who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, but she is also a submissive person. She never wants to resist what happens. She is such a person, and the two girls, whether they are Li Qi or Huang Rong Forget it, the gentleness in looking at Su Chu can't be hidden, Mu Nianci knows that there won't be any problems by Su Chu's side.

The room was opened. Yang Tiexin looked at Mu Nianci with tears in his eyes and Huang Rong who was staring at him with angry eyes. A smart person like Yang Tiexin understood what happened in an instant. A wry smile is also helpless.

Yang Tiexin understood that he was plotted against by Su Chu, or that Su Chu saw through his plot, so Su Chu plotted against him.

Yang Tiexin thought very well. People in ancient times always kept their (bsp;ebf) promises. No matter what he and Su Chu said, Su Chu would never take the initiative to say it. Troubles can continue to be solved by Su Chu through Mu Nianci. After all, Mu Nianci married Su Chu because he was defeated by Su Chu in the martial arts contest.

But now that something like this happened, it would be impossible to do the original thing again. Even though I have been kind to Mu Nianci in nurturing Mu Nianci, there are some things that will be bad if the window paper is pierced!

Su Chu just glanced at Yang Tiexin lightly, and then said lightly: "Yang Kang is now Wanyan Kang, and it will come in the evening, you just need to be ready, I will let you all tonight A family of three is reunited, tomorrow I will arrange for someone to take you away

"Thank you, Mr. Su." I don't know if he is pretending or really grateful, Yang Tiexin bowed deeply to Su Chu, then looked at Mu Nianci and said nervously: "Nianci, I hope you

Mu Nianci shook his head quietly and said gently: "Father, you don't have to worry about it. It is Nianci's greatest wish to help your father, but after you marry and follow your husband, please forgive me and Nianci will no longer be able to help you."

As he spoke, the tears in the corners of Mu Nianci's eyes had already dripped down on the ground drop by drop. Wiping the tears gently, Mu Nianci showed a smile that was uglier than crying even though he was smiling.

Huang Rong said viciously: "Big villain, Sister Mu is a little tired, so I took Sister Mu to rest first." &

"Go, Rong'er take good care of Sister Mu, Qi'er also go!

Tonight is destined not to be peaceful, you look at the two of them. & Su Chu nodded, then said to Li Qi.

Li Qi nodded and left with the two of them.

'Hey|Yang Tiexin let out a long sigh again, looking at the back of Mu Nianci who was getting further and further away, he knew that he would only get farther and farther away from Mu Nianci in the future and would never have any intertwining up.

Su Chu looked at Yang Tiexin and said lightly: "Do you feel regretful?" &

Yang Tiexin glanced at Su Chu, then at Mu Nianci's retreating back and said firmly: "I won't insult you later." &

Hearing this voice without any hesitation and without any concealment, Mu Nianci's figure swayed slightly, Huang Rong was so frightened that she hurriedly supported Mu Nianci and carefully took Mu Nianci and Li Qi away together.

Seeing the figures of the three women leaving, Su Chucai said indifferently: "It is undeniable that some people are worthy of admiration, but you are indeed worthy of admiration even though people want to hate you." &

"Will people like me be admired?" Yang Tiexin smiled bitterly, and didn't say much.

Su Chu said lightly: If you feel regretful, then I will look down on you. Half-heartedness is the worst thing for a person, especially a man, especially when facing the woman you love. If you give up, then You don't even have the qualifications to be a man. &

As for your own woman, even if it is a canary raised by myself, only Su Chu can move it by herself. Anyone else, even the heavenly king Lao Tzu, the Jade Emperor Su Chu would dare to kill you. There is no competition in the world, but it is because of Wanyan Honglie's thoughts on Li Qi that he provoked the enemy Su Chu.

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