"Hand it over? Do you have the qualifications?" Su Chu slapped the two of them. They are indeed stronger than Sha Tongtian and Hou Tonghai, but only a little. What Su Chu is more interested in is actually Liang Ziweng, who is also known as one of the five masters, is very interested in the poisonous snake Su Chu trained by Liang Ziweng.

In fact, there are two versions of Wanyan Honglie’s inability to be a master—one is Liang Ziweng and the other is Ouyang Ke, but Wanyan Honglie did not correct it, and it became like this later.

"Junior looking for death! You shouted angrily, and Master Lingzhi rose from the sky.

At this moment, all the savage muscles trembled and trembled, and the pair of fleshy palms seemed to expand countless times out of thin air. The bright red handprint mixed with strange dots of black light suddenly fell from the midair. .

"Ants!" Su Chu glanced at Master Lingzhi lightly, hooked his fingers slightly, and flicked an invisible sword energy, which was immediately ejected.

, 捜,

The big handprint was broken in an instant, Master Lingzhi turned around suddenly in mid-air, hooked his palm, and a palmprint filled with blood poisonous air fell down again. At the same time, there were hidden weapons all over the sky, poisonous sand palm and Peng Lianhu, the sinister and vicious People can be said to cooperate with an abnormal tacit understanding.

Su Chu didn't block or fight back, but Ouyang Ke squinted his eyes slightly, because he felt a strange aura from it, it was a very terrifying and terrifying aura, it felt like he was facing himself Uncle Yixiang.


Suddenly there was a burst of explosions, and the condescending figure of Master Lingzhi exploded suddenly, and suddenly exploded into balls of flesh and blood. in the air.

"Is there only such a means?" Su Chu's figure was pierced by those hidden weapons like an illusion, and Su Chu glanced at the only remaining Peng Lianhu and said indifferently.

Peng Lianhu's expression froze in an instant, he knew that he really got into trouble this time, this kind of method is probably no less than that of a master of the Wujue level, and if he accidentally fights with him No, it should be said that he must die. Considering the inevitable death in the fight with Su Chu and the betrayal of Wanyan Honglie, Peng Lianhu chose the latter without hesitation.

"Surrender!" Peng Lianhu roared and jumped up, Su Chu smiled.

Just as Su Chu thought, Peng Lianhu turned sharply in mid-air, and fled to the distance immediately, but the next moment a strange black light flashed, and Peng Lianhu's eyes fell down with a look of unwillingness. on the ground.

The scene was so strange that it seemed that there was no movement, but in fact there was already a hidden murderous intention, but in an instant, Master Lingzhi and Peng Lianhu, the two masters under Wanyan Honglie's subordinates, died one after another.

Ouyang Ke's complexion was unusually heavy. Although it was only a short fight, he was sure that Su Chu was a very terrifying and even strong terrifying person. If he fought against him, Ouyang Ke was sure that his cultivation would not be able to pass fifty moves. The fight between myself and my uncle is to separate the winner in fifty moves, and this is due to the particularity of my own kung fu.

Otherwise, you won't even be able to make twenty moves!

"Mr. Su, right?" Ouyang Ke clasped his fists and said calmly, but the Western Region Guard following behind Ouyang Ke wanted to make a move but was stopped by Ouyang Ke's eyes.

Now the enemy is strong and we are weak, and 1.5 and the enemy still has the means to check and balance themselves. As long as you are not an idiot, you will definitely not be able to fight recklessly at this time. As a smart person, Ouyang Ke certainly knows this, and it is even more impossible for him to fight with Su Chu. Recklessly.

?? West Poison|Ouyang Feng's nephew, Ouyang Ke! "Su Chu also set his sights on Ouyang Ke, but then he felt a secret in his heart.


"How is this feeling possible?" Su Chu's complexion instantly became heavy, and he could feel a very faint but terrifying aura from Ouyang Ke.

Su Chu is sure that only Huang Chang and the old monsters hidden in Shaolin Temple can feel the faintness of this breath. o

Chapter 48: The Ancient Legacy

Chapter 48: The Ancient Legacy

This is not a question of strength but a question of realm. Su Chu's realm completely surpasses the current five masters, but because of the particularity of the world, the strength of the five masters is almost the same as Su Chu. Of course, this is not the main problem. The two old monsters, Su Chu, even used their knees to think that they were master masters at the very last time, and they might even be top masters at the grand master level.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Su Chu, but what Su Chu didn't expect was that he could feel the dangerous aura from Ouyang Ke's body. The cultivation method is not simple, even Wujue himself can't feel this feeling.

"It's interesting, it's really interesting, this kind of exercise Su Chu secretly muttered in his heart. He hooked his palm, and Yang Kang in his palm seemed to be drawn by something, and Yixiang floated out of thin air, and left towards the distance.

"Don't move! Su Chu looked at the Western Region Guard who was about to move, and the majestic and terrifying murderous aura instantly pervaded the entire 24th street. He said calmly with a faint smile: "If you move around, you will die, and you will die." It's miserable, it's miserable!

The terrifying murderous aura made everyone feel as if their hands and feet were numb. They all knew that Su Chu didn't lie, or that Su Chu didn't need to lie with himself and others. Whether it is a master who is more terrifying than the master he faced thirteen years ago, this invisible breath is the most deadly.

"Mr. Su, you should understand one sentence. Is it the king's land in the whole world, and the king's minister on the shore of the land? This is the capital of the Jin Dynasty. Even if Mr. Su has a high level of cultivation, if there is a conflict with us here, then Ouyang Ke Although the tone is gentle, the threatening charm between the words is very strong.

Su Chu smiled slightly. In fact, what Ouyang Ke said was true. Every country in the dynasty had its own dragon veins to suppress it. In the Jin Dynasty, the power that Wanyan Honglie could mobilize was even greater than that of the emperor. If Wan Yan Honglie only has these thirty-six Western Region guards, it is simply insulting Su Chu's IQ, do you really think that everything is as simple as described in the original book?That is simply impossible!

This is the naked reality of reality. If Wanyan Honglie is really such a master, then with Hong Qigong's strength, Wanyan Honglie can be assassinated easily Hong Qigong's failure to succeed up to now has already explained a lot of things.

The capital represents the center of an empire, and the luck here is the strongest and the most terrifying.

Just like Yixiang, the imperial capital of Su Chu, in the imperial capital, even Zhang Sanfeng would not dare to say that he is sure to win against Su Chu. The large formation gathered the luck of the entire empire in the Tongque Terrace.

This is also the main reason why all the girls in Tongque Terrace have made rapid progress in their cultivation. Of course, this is also because Zhang Sanfeng has not yet reached the realm of breaking the limit of heaven and earth. , Occupying everything, Su Chu is likely to lose.

It's a pity that just like Zhang Sanfeng is not afraid of Su Chuyixiang, here f!Su Chu, the capital of the Jin Dynasty without equipment, is also very disdainful. The capital of the Jin Dynasty is different from Su Chu's imperial capital, and this is not a level of existence.

"Are you threatening me?" Su Chu smiled softly, but the words made people feel as if they were bathed in the spring breeze.

At this moment Ouyang Ke was also silent. He was not sure how terrifying Su Chu was. One moment he was murderous, but the next moment he became very calm. Ouyang Ke has no chance of defeating him with such cultivation and strength. Unless I think of Wanyan Honglie's hidden methods, Ouyang Ke started to think a little bit.

"Mr. Su, you leave and return the little prince to me. I promise that the Jin Dynasty will never be an enemy of Mr. Su from now on. How about a three-point courtesy?" Ouyang Ke said quietly.

Su Chu glanced at Ouyang Ke with disdain and sneered, "When will you, the young master of White Camel Villa, be able to represent the entire Jin Dynasty?" "

Ouyang Ke was not annoyed, and said with a smile: "Mr. Q is indeed not representative of the entire Jin Dynasty, but there are still some things that are not worth mentioning!" u

The guards from the Western Regions behind them didn't have the slightest rebuttal. From their point of view, the only thing they could do was to find the little prince. No matter how much Ouyang Ke wanted to brag, he could just blow it up. Besides, Ouyang Ke didn't make any real promises at all. It's just politics, isn't there little deception in politics?If Su Chu really believed it, then he deserved it when he died.

Having been an emperor for so many years, he has already figured out this set of political means clearly. How could Su Chu be deceived? He said lightly: "Unfortunately, I am not 180% interested in what you said. I am entrusted by others to be loyal." There are some things that people promise to do. "

"Mr. Su's words like this will make me very embarrassed!" Q Yang Ke held his forehead with one hand, and with the other he naturally pulled out the simple long fan pinned to his waist.

It doesn't open either, just gently tapping with one hand on the other, ordinary people don't feel it, but how can it be concluded that it is an invisible breath with Su Chu's state, that kind of breath is very interesting, even Su Chu's body is indistinctly penetrated.

"It's really an interesting exercise. I'm getting more and more interested in this exercise." Chu smiled and was not annoyed.

"How's the system analysis going?"

Su Chu muttered silently in her heart.

"Failed!" Su Chu was slightly startled by the sudden sound from the system.

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