"Could it be that even you can't see through what this exercise is?" Q Chu asked in surprise.

"It's not that you can't see through it, but that this exercise comes from ancient inheritance. If you can't see the opponent's attack with your own hands, this system can't see through what kind of exercise and what kind of inheritance it is.&qbr/>

"Inheritance from the ancient times!" Su Chu murmured in a low voice...


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Chapter 49: The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic

Chapter 49: Divine Art Collection? Residual Gong Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic

In recent years, Su Chu has almost grasped the system, but Su Chu understands that the ancient era mentioned by the system is not the so-called Qin and Han, Warring States and Spring and Autumn eras, but an even more ancient Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and even the legendary prehistoric era Era, if it is really the 0-inch generation of skills or inheritance? Huh, Su Chu even felt that his breathing became three points heavier, even with Su Chu's heart, he suddenly obtained ancient things I couldn't help but be moved by the news. Su Chu has enough confidence to reach the pinnacle of the warrior even by herself, but if she can have more opportunities, Su Chu will never give up. Things are reserved for those who are prepared. If you want to get it, you have to get it yourself.

"However, it seems that Ouyang Ke just thinks that his exercises are just an ordinary exercise book." Su Chu looked at Ouyang Ke, thinking to himself, it is very likely that Ouyang Kejing did not get the inheritance, but just practiced it. Cultivation method, even this method is not a complete method but just broken.

Otherwise, no matter whether he has practiced a complete kung fu or has an ancient inheritance, Su Chu would turn around and leave without thinking. It couldn't be Ouyang Feng's son, coupled with this terrifying aura of heaven and earth, Ouyang Ke's cultivation might surpass his own and reach Zhang Sanfeng's, or even surpass Zhang Sanyang's.

"This feeling is magic wood?" An invisible aura has permeated Su Chu's body, and for a while Su Chu found himself uncontrollably appearing in a weak posture, which made Ouyang Ke's eyes flash A trace of joy, but Bubai is careless, and carefully uses the martial arts that he has recently learned from the Yu.Nvxinjing.

This martial art was comprehended by Ouyang Ke himself, and Ouyang Ke named this nameless dual-cultivation skill as Yu. Female Heart Sutra. Just by listening to the name, one can know what the specific function of this skill is.

"So it wasn't.〃丨It's a pity that Ouyang Ke didn't know that Su Chu could show all of this. After carefully feeling it for a moment, Su Chu felt puzzled. This skill is not magic wood at all, but a kind of dragon energy. , or in other words, the emperor's aura oppressed him, making himself under the pressure invisibly.

& interesting, really interesting! The corners of Su Chu's mouth curled up slightly, and he secretly said: "How is the system detection?" &

"It has been tested.


"According to the system test, this exercise was inherited from the creation of Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi, one of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors in ancient times.

"Wait!" Su Chu suddenly widened his eyes and said in surprise; "Created by Xuanyuan Huangdi, could it be said that it is the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine?" &

"Not bad! But this Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon is only one-tenth of the real Huangdi's Internal Canon, about, Ding Dong! Task release: Find the complete version of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon, become the real new emperor, collect fragments of the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine m0/10, reward: ancient times Artifact crafting drawings.&

"Agitation! &

Su Chu once again swallowed a mouthful of saliva very shamelessly, one tenth of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, as a person who likes beautiful women, Su Chu has of course studied this — it is said that it is the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic among the earliest dual cultivation methods , but Su Chu searched the whole world of Yitian and found nothing, but now he accidentally got it by chance and coincidence!

"It seems that my luck is still good." The corner of Su Chu's mouth is full of strong confidence. Since the system has given a reminder, it is very likely that there will be fragments of the Yellow Emperor's Canon in the future. On the one hand, Su Chu The system has been studied very thoroughly.

Of course, apart from the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classics, Su Chu is even more horrified by the blueprints of the ancient artifacts. In Su Chu's memory, the ancient artifacts should be legendary gods. How could they be born in the world and be made artificially?But now it seems clearly not the case!

"It seems that it's almost there!" Ouyang Ke saw Su Chu's gloomy expression, as well as the surprise and bewildered expression in his eyes, and knew that his exercise had been successful.


The cold light flashed by, and Ouyang Ke suddenly opened the fan in his palm. Dozens of beautiful women were engraved on the long and simple fan. Unfortunately, these women only have shape but no spirit. anyone in the lead.

This folding fan was created according to a special martial art in the Yu.Nvxinjing that Ouyang Ke had comprehended. For this reason, Ouyang Ke studied painting hard for more than ten years, just to create this Bingbaimei fan. When Baimei gathers together, the Baimei Fan will burst out with powerful power, just like Su Chu's Tianzi Sword, it is a special weapon.

It's a pity that Ouyang Ke hasn't collected enough [-] beauties until now, let alone a beauties who can lead the whole country, so Ouyang Ke set his sights on Huang Rong, but it's a pity that he met Su Chu first.

? Really good! & Suddenly Su Chu's faint voice came.

Ouyang Ke's figure was getting closer and closer to Su Chu, but he showed a terrified expression. In his opinion, Su Chu, who should have been controlled by him and was easily killed by him, recovered, with a faint expression as if watching A self-righteous clown in general.

"How is this possible?" Ouyang (who got the money) Ke said in surprise.

Su Chu said lightly: "It is indeed a good martial art, but unfortunately the power displayed in your hands is too weak, so weak that I don't even have the intention of resisting, is it a pity that it is only this level?" "

Before speaking, Su Chu's hand had already landed on Ouyang Ke's wrist, and his fingers seemed to tear Ouyang Ke's wrist apart.

Ouyang Ke's complexion changed drastically, and the true energy in his whole body was activated violently. The majestic true energy actually activated all the images of beauties in the Baimei fan. Dozens of charming beauties, unfortunately, were not gentle. It's like water, and it's as poisonous as ice!

"Phantom wood!" Su Chu looked at Ouyang Ke sarcastically, and said with a sneer: "Playing illusion in front of me is just a joke!"

The red skull blood handprint was blocked! .

Chapter 50: The Difficulty of the Western Region Guard

Chapter 50: The Difficulty of the Western Region Guard

Sixteen handles!

With just sixteen jet-black long knives, sixteen Western Region guards actually blocked Su Chu's attack. This made Su Chu show an interesting expression despite the difference, and looked at the sixteen guards in front of him with interest. It seems to be the Western Region Guard who appeared at the same time as the shadow Yixiang.

"You guys are very interesting!" Su Chu said with admiration. People at the level of Su Chu and the level of the Western Region Guard, not to mention sixteen people, even one hundred and six people, Su Chu can easily deal with it if he wants. , but Su Chu failed. Su Chu's attack was blocked by the Western Region Guards. Even though there was a reason why Su Chu didn't attack with all his strength, the strength of the Western Region Guards has already been seen. It can be seen that Wanyan Honglie is indeed inferior to these people. Without cost, the thirty-six Western Region Guards trained are all masters who are good at combined attacks like the Jade Maiden Guards.

The daily work of the Western Region Guards only has one task, besides helping Wanyan Honglie deal with those secret masters, there is only the task of protecting Wanyan Honglie, Yang Kang and Bao Xiruo, but today the Western Region 180 Guards understand that Ouyang Ke cannot die, and now he has lost his job. Yang Kang, if Ouyang Ke dies, it will be really difficult, so Ouyang Ke must live, otherwise the palace that greeted Su Chu's anger will welcome Ouyang Feng's anger again, then the one who welcomes the palace may be destroyed.

It is impossible for anyone or any force in the world to survive the reckless assassination of two masters of the five masters, unless it is the two old monsters in the legend, otherwise even the masters of the five masters will surely die, k No suspense!

It's a pity that they don't know the news of those two old monsters, and it is impossible to get the shelter of those two old monsters!

"Ouyang Ke, I will come back to take your life away later, let me see how strong the so-called Western Region Guard hidden in the palace is." Su Chu hooked Ouyang Ke with the palm of his hand, and the next moment he found that his body had been crushed by someone else. under control.

At the same time, another Su Chu appeared behind Ouyang Ke, and his fingers touched all the big acupoints on Ouyang Ke's body. Ouyang Ke, who is also considered a generation of masters in the world, was powerless to resist. It was controlled by Su Chu.

After Ouyang Ke's problem was solved, the other Su Chu disappeared, and Su Chu took a step out of thin air and came not far away.

Just as Su Chu stood still, thirty-six Western Region guards landed at the same time and surrounded Su Chu in a strange posture.旃猓 Meng Song sprouts ㄏ arsenic badger descending shape  astatine towering cutting base?/p>

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