The fight is so fast, Su Chu is like a breeze, and like a welcome, always easily dodges the attack of the Western Region Guard at the critical moment, and a strange attack emerges from Su Chu's hands, and the pressure is suppressed. The Western Region Guard had no power to fight back.

However, whenever it was time to kill, the Western Region Guards could always burst out with a strange force a to resist Su Chu's attack. Generally speaking, it seemed that the Western Region Guards were lingering, but they were secretly accumulating strength s. Of course, this was without Su Chu. In the case of showing your true strength!

& what an interesting means. "Su Chu once again watched the three Western Region guards retreating from his hands together, and said with a funny smile: "Longxiang Boruogong, you have only cultivated to the fifth level, but the martial arts you belong to should be inherited from you. Speaking of the Living Buddha of the Western Regions?&

The guards of the Western Regions felt heavy in their hearts, for so many years they relied on the Central Plains people's unfamiliarity with Western Region martial arts (cebf) so they were invincible.

In fact, these people's moves are very simple, and killing people is the main purpose. For them, those complicated moves are of no great use, and what the Western Region Guards got after Wanyan Honglie paid the price of the Universiade is the inheritance It is a martial art practiced by the Dragon Elephant Bo Ruo Gong of Tantric Buddhism in the Western Regions and the Living Buddha.

Living Buddhas in Tantric Buddhism in the Western Regions are immortal, possessing endless lifespans, even if they die, they will be reincarnated and have new lives again, so those useless lifespans are not needed for living Buddhas, so this kind of sacrifice is created Life is exchanged for mighty martial arts.

It's a pity that this kind of martial arts is not worth mentioning in Su Chu's eyes, but it is more powerful in the hands of these Western Region Guards, who have been trained to die.

As for how Su Chu knew, would Su Chu tell you that he once killed the sect of the Tantric School of the Western Regions, and then destroyed the entire Tantric School of the Western Regions, sweeping away all the personnel and martial arts in it, so the current Su Chu In fact, it is a mobile martial arts book, much better than Wang Yuyan!

"Cough cough& the blood from the corner of the mouth has overflowed, all the Western Region Guards have started to get hurt.

Su Chu transported many Western Region guards and said indifferently: "Your bodies have long been exhausted from your wanton swipe. If you practice obediently now, you can still live for three to five years, otherwise you will definitely die. m

Regarding Su Chu's words, the Western Region Guards didn't seem to hear Yixiang, and they were still crazily sacrificing their lives in exchange for luck. There was nothing he could do about this kind of person, Su Chu didn't have any ministers under him, and Su Chu's subordinates didn't need any ministers himself It is enough for a woman not to betray herself.

And even if the people Wanyan Honglie cultivated knew that Wanyan Honglie only used themselves as a tool, they didn't care. They were willing to sacrifice everything for Wanyan Honglie. Wanyan Honglie was their master, just like the Jade Maiden Guard.

Even if she sacrificed her life for Su Chu, even if she sacrificed her most important life at a critical moment, she would never hesitate.

"This kind of person is always worthy of respect!" Su Chu sighed slightly. Dead soldiers make people feel fear, but they also make people feel respected, because they can give their lives for the most important person in their hearts, even if Even if they die, they will take away a bite of the enemy's flesh and blood. This is how they behave in the world.

Regarding Su Chu's words, the Western Region Guards didn't seem to hear Yixiang, and they were still crazily sacrificing their lives in exchange for luck. There was nothing he could do about this kind of person, Su Chu didn't have any ministers under him, and Su Chu's subordinates didn't need any ministers himself It is enough for a woman not to betray herself.

And even if the people Wanyan Honglie cultivated knew that Wanyan Honglie only used themselves as a tool, they didn't care. They were willing to sacrifice everything for Wanyan Honglie. Wanyan Honglie was their master, just like the Jade Maiden Guard.

Even if she sacrificed her life for Su Chu, even if she sacrificed her most important life at a critical moment, she would never hesitate.

"This kind of person is always worthy of respect!" Su Chu sighed slightly. Dead soldiers make people feel fear, but they also make people feel respected, because they can give their lives for the most important person in their hearts, even if Even if they die, they will take away a bite of the enemy's flesh and blood. This is how they behave in the world.

Chapter 51: Soul Transfer Dafa!

Chapter 51: Moving Soul**!

Of course, it does not mean that these Western Region Guards are qualified to fight against Su Chu. The only people in the whole world who are really qualified to fight against Su Chu are those at the Wujue level who are no more than the number of hands. Others are just ants in Su Chu’s eyes. But this time Su Chu was just showing respect to the Western Region Guards.

Looking at Su Chu, the guard of the Western Regions, I couldn't help but think of the one hundred and eight maiden guards who would rather give their lives than ask for anything for themselves. These girls can be said to have given everything for themselves, life, youth, everything. Everything was dedicated to himself, and the Western Region guards in front of him also respected these people Su Chufa in his heart.


Pfft, golden, blue, and purple rays of light suddenly bloomed in Su Chu's palm, and the Western Region Guard finally suffered casualties. The three Western Region Guards covered their necks with 0 inches and fell to the ground. At the last moment of their lives, they also stubbornly raised the black knife in their hands to deal the final blow to Su Chu, but unfortunately they fell down?

The three qi-gathering blades came out of Su Chu's hands. Now Su Chu condenses the sword qi with his sword intent. The Xian family's means of gathering Qi to form a blade is just like the three ways of gathering Qi to form a blade at this moment, "Kill!" Without the slightest hesitation, as the leader, the Western Region Guard's eyes have shown the will to die, but there are only thirty remaining. The three raised their black knives at the same time, and their target was only Su Chu in front of them. Even if they died in Su Chu's hands, they would use their last lives to leave their wounds on Su Chu's body to prove its existence.


The cruel breath was permeating, the bloody slaughter was blooming, and everything soon returned to calm. Do they really have the right to resist in front of Su Chu, who has really shown his full strength?This mistake is obviously obvious, no matter how strong their Western Region Guards are, they cannot compare to Su Chu, let alone the Jade Girl Guards trained by Su Chu himself.

Pooh! 1

There was a small wound on Su Chu's palm, looking at the leader of the Western Region Guard who was pierced by the golden sword energy in front of him, Su Chu said lightly: "Your mission has been completed, and the next life will be a good one." Remember to reincarnate into a good family, and don't insert yourself into this troubled world again. &

"Thank you! For the first time, this cold and ruthless man showed something else in his eyes, it was a touch of gratitude, and he left with a satisfied smile o

The tiny wound healed in an instant, but this wound represented the thirty-six lives in front of them. They used their own lives to defend their dignity. It is not any difficult thing for Chu, but Su Chu respects these people who give everything for their masters.

So Su Chu voluntarily was hit by the attack of the leader of the Western Region Guard at the last moment, allowing them to leave the world safely. As for his name, Su Chu doesn't know and there is no need to know. To respect him, you don't need to know so much, as long as you know that he is worthy of respect Will suffice.

Solved the Western Regions Wei Su Chu once again set his sights on Ouyang Ke who was standing there motionless, feeling the eyes staring at him, Ouyang Ke couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

"Damn it, it's only a little bit away! Damn guy! Ouyang Ke let out roars in his heart, but it's a pity that Su Chu couldn't hear these roars, even if he heard them, he wouldn't be interested.

Su Chu's figure had appeared in front of Ouyang Ke again, and he slapped Ouyang Ke and said interestingly: "It's really good. It is indeed the Yellow Emperor's Canon inherited from Xuanyuan Huangdi. All acupuncture techniques can be relieved. &

In fact, Su Chu was not surprised at all. In ancient times, there were immortals flying all over the sky. How could martial arts in that era be simple?So it's normal for Ouyang Ke to be able to undo his acupressure technique, but it's a pity that Ouyang Ke's cultivation base is too weak for such a long time and he still didn't succeed-

...asking for flowers??...

"Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor's Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon, could it be that Ouyang Ke's eyes showed a look of fanaticism.

Su Chu looked at Ouyang Ke and knew what Ouyang Ke was thinking without thinking, and said with a smile: "Indeed, if you grow up step by step, you may grow into a master who is no less than Wujue or even far surpasses Wujue in the future. It's a pity that I I won't give you this time! "

As he spoke, Su Chu slowly raised his palm under Ouyang Ke's fearful and unwilling eyes.

&and many more!Don't you want to get the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, as long as you let me go, I will write it to you silently. & Ouyang Ke broke through the Ya acupoint suddenly at the last moment, and hurriedly said loudly.

Su Chu smiled, and slowly lowered his palm, which made Ouyang Ke heave a sigh of relief. Although Su Chu learned what he was practicing, Ouyang Ke had to admit that he was not Su Chu's at all. Opponents need time to grow up.

"Oh! Let's talk about it." Su Chu looked at Ouyang Ke and said lightly.

Ouyang Ke just wanted to open his mouth, but the next moment he saw that Su Chu's eyes seemed to have changed. Purple light radiated from Su Chu's eyes, and Ouyang Ke fell into a state of confusion in an instant. , In the blink of an eye, he has fallen into a coma.

"Tell me what you know about the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic and your own understanding. W Su Chu ordered lightly.

Ouyang Ke seemed to have lost his sanity, and soon he muttered and said everything he knew. This is not helpless. Su Chu found that his Nine Suns Magical Skill or the Great Teleportation of the Universe could not be replicated at all. With no trace of Ouyang Ke's martial arts, he had no choice but to use this move.

The martial arts recorded in the Nine Yin Manual by Yihun** are really put to good use at this time.

Slowly sorting out the information obtained by Ouyang Ke, Su Chu had to shake his head and was speechless. This Ouyang Ke had completely wronged one tenth of the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine...

Chapter 52: The Arrival of Ouyang Feng

Chapter 52: The Arrival of Ouyang Feng

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