"This trash! u

Su Chu shook his head helplessly, but he didn't expect too much. After all, Ouyang Ke's eyes were only limited to this world or even to Ouyang Feng, one of the five masters. How could he see such excellence? Ouyang Feng always regards this kind of martial arts as a martial art of harvesting yin and nourishing yang, let alone Ouyang Ke.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the master for obtaining one-tenth of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, task progress: 1/10. ??

Su Chu has completely ignored the system's prompts. Anyway, the system does not have much sense of existence at all. It is Ouyang Ke who really makes Su Chu helpless. Not only is this one-tenth of the Yellow Emperor's Canon not incomplete, but it is very complete. , It’s even a bit strange to say that it’s complete. &[-]"

Because at this time, the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine explained not the steps of cultivation at all, but the refining method of the Baimei fan. The Baimei fan is a kind of weapon that comes with the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine, which is the fan in Ouyang Ke's hand. It's a pity to compare After looking at the materials, Su Chu found out that there is one sky and one underground, and all the materials Ouyang Ke is looking for alternatives. There is no way to compare the original products.

In fact, Su Chu didn't even think about how much manpower and material resources Xuanyuan Huangdi consumed for such a huge material, and how capable was Ouyang Ke?In Su Chu's view, the materials that can be obtained are based on the entire empire. This is also the fundamental reason why the Nine Sons of the Dragon produced by the combination of domineering mechanism techniques and non-offensive mechanism techniques only had blueprints and no real objects. There aren't that many materials to craft!

So there is no comparison between the two sides at all. As for the Baimei picture on the Baimei Fan, Ouyang Ke is not pretentious, but in fact there is no need to learn painting at all. As long as a woman loves you and is willing to give everything for you, then when you lightly touch The moment it falls, the true energy will naturally gather to become the picture of this beauty. If you want to make Baimeitu truly spiritual, you need Baimei's love. This is a very strange requirement, and it is easy to succeed, but it is also very difficult. Su Chu needs to practice by himself.

"But this Baimei fan is not used in any way!" Su Chu sighed helplessly.

After researching, Su Chu found that the Baimei fan needs to cooperate with the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classics to exert its real power and be truly refined, otherwise all the refined products will be evil or fake. In a word, it is the root of Ouyang Ke's It's just a fake, and the gap between it and the real one is as far as one hundred and eight thousand miles away, making Su Chu helpless and speechless in time.

"What happened just now?" At this time, Ouyang Ke finally recovered and looked at Su Chu in confusion.

But the moment he saw Su Chu, Ouyang Ke immediately remembered what happened just now. The soul-shifting trick seems to be manipulating people's intelligence, but in fact it is just the other party to hypnotize, just like that time when Su Chu used illusion to confuse Huang Rong. Yixiang, the heart at that moment was in a state of confusion, and when he recovered, he could recall what happened at that time "Your aptitude is good, although you have practiced this ー□Huangdi Neijing into an evil way, but it is undeniable that if you follow this way Go on, your future will definitely be a generation of devils." Su Chu said with a little admiration.

The light in Ouyang Ke's eyes became more and more radiant. Ouyang Ke was not interested in whether his cultivation was correct or wrong, and he didn't care whether he was right or evil. After all, he was called a person in the evil way by the people in the world, and he didn't care so much at all.

What really made Ouyang Ke care about was Su Chu's statement. In Ouyang Ke's opinion, who Su Chu was was no less than his own uncle, and he was absolutely qualified to say such a thing.

"It's a pity that Su Chu suddenly changed the subject, and his tone was murderous, and he said coldly: 'You know too much, sometimes the weak know too much and they must die.'


The shrill scream pierced the entire sky, and a man who was running wildly immediately showed a crazy look, holding a snake stick, and the white robe on his body seemed to be drawn by the man's anger, and he floated automatically without wind, violently The infuriating energy surrounding the man exudes a terrifying aura

It's a pity that it was still too late when the man arrived, and he roared: "No! &

Ouyang Ke's figure fell slowly to the ground, with strong unwillingness in his eyes, it was unwillingness to his own failure, and also unwillingness to his own fate, but no matter what, Ouyang Ke was already dead, and death meant loss. Everything, the dead will never be remembered, especially in this chaotic martial arts world, history is always written by the victors.

Do you feel that the history you know is really correct?


With a roar and a gust of wind, before Ouyang Ke hit the ground, Ouyang Ke had already fallen into the hands of the visitor, and even put the weapon that he regarded as his life on the ground. It can be seen how much Ouyang Ke is in the heart of the visitor. It is important because his name is Ouyang Feng, he is Ouyang Ke's uncle, but he is actually his father!

Ouyang Feng had this deformed relationship with his sister-in-law, but as time passed, Ouyang Ke was born. In order to prevent others from hurting his sister-in-law and his son, Ouyang Feng claimed that Ouyang Ke was his own. Nephew, but he is indeed his own son, who has thrived under his own training since he was a child.

Looking at Ouyang 1.5 Feng who is slowly shedding tears, how can a tiger not eat its children? Ouyang Feng is a crazy devil in the Jianghu, but in front of Ouyang Ke, he is just a father who cares about his son but doesn't know how to express it!

He hopes to give everything he owns to Ouyang Ke. For his son, he can propose marriage to his enemy Huang Yaoshi. Can others really do such a sacrifice?

"Is it finally here?" Looking at Ouyang Feng who rushed over, Su Chu sighed silently!

Regardless of whether they are righteous or evil, but the father-son relationship alone is qualified to be respected by Su Chu. How many people in this world have lost their family affection because of martial arts cheats, beauties, and power struggles? Wasn't Zhao Min the same way back then?

Chapter 53: Fighting the Five Uniques Again

Chapter 53: Fighting the Five Uniques Again

Su Chu has already sensed Ouyang Duo's arrival, after all, there is always a sense between masters that ordinary people don't know, and Ouyang Feng's Wujue's strength has just entered the capital of the Golden Kingdom, and Su Chu has already guessed it. Who is the person here, and what is going on!

Wanyan Honglie was not sure how terrible Su Chu was, so even though Wanyan Honglie had confidence in his Western Region Guards, he still sent people to look for Ouyang Feng, but Wanyan Honglie didn't know that Su Chu was terrible didn't mean Ouyang Feng didn't know .

Being the same as Wujue, there are more or less connections, and among these connections, Ouyang Feng pays the most attention to Hong Qigong. The reason is because Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng are rivals Yixiang. Ouyang Feng knew that Su Chu's strength was no less than his own and others after being defeated and injured in the battle between Red Flag Lord and Su Chu.

Even though Ouyang Feng didn't think he would lose to Su Chu, he still knew that his nephew, who was actually a son-in-law Ouyang Ke, was not Su Chu's opponent at all, so he rushed over as soon as he got the news of Su Chu , hurriedly but still a step late, seeing Ouyang Ke collapsed under his body helplessly, Ouyang Ke, who has never shed tears in his life, still cried.

Warriors generally give birth to children very late, this is also related to the strength of warriors, the more powerful warriors are, the more difficult it is to have children, especially Ouyang Ke is almost the son of Ouyang Feng who was born only half a century ago. It's like treating him like a baby, caring for him carefully!

But it was such a son who died in front of him today. Even if he was as cruel as Ouyang Feng, he couldn't bear it. Tears fell on Ouyang Ke uncontrollably. Dazzling paint.

"Do you want revenge?" Su Chu looked at Ouyang Feng and asked this question like an idiot.

Ouyang Duo didn't answer, but just nodded lightly. The aura exuding from his body was like a terrifying beast. Everyone would feel strange that Su Chu's question was an idiot. Did you kill someone's son and not allow him to take revenge?Isn't this nonsense?

"Having what you are not qualified to have without that strength is the rule of the Jianghu. As an old Jianghu, you should understand this problem!" Su Chu asked quietly.

Ouyang Duo nodded again, and this time he spoke, the hoarse voice of Yixiang, a ghost from hell, revealed a horrible voice: "I understand, I understand what you said, I don't have any other hatred with you, and I'm not interested in what's wrong with you and Kerr. &

"En!" Su Chu nodded lightly with a smile.

Ouyang Feng supported Ouyang Ke with both hands and slowly stood up straight, and said calmly: "But you killed Ke'er, whether you were justified or unreasonable in this matter, it has nothing to do with me, because I am in Jianghu." Among them is a devil, and all the devil has to do is kill people!revenge! "

"It's a very simple and clear reason, I accept it." Su Chu clapped his hands and there is no possibility of denying it. Ouyang Feng is already calm. After all, his only descendant died in front of him. If Su Chu changed If his woman died in front of him, Su Chu might send an army to destroy the world even if he vented his anger.

slap, slap, slap,

Dragging Ouyang Ke and Ouyang Feng towards the distance step by step, the steps seem to shrink the ground into inches, but after a while, Ouyang Ke has come to the outside of the city, with one foot slamming on the ground, everything on the ground The dust dissipated, and the green grass turned upside down as if forming a green step like a couch.

Ouyang Feng gently put Ouyang Ke on it, and said softly: "Ke'er, uncle and father will avenge you, don't worry

, all your women and your father will let them go down to accompany you, and your father will never let you be lonely down there. &

"Come out." Ouyang Feng slowly got up and looked not far away.

Su Chu's figure slowly emerged like a bubble, with a faint smile on his face, looking at Ouyang Ke who died, but seemed to be still alive, just fell into a deep sleep, Su Chu said lightly again: "Your son-in-law's achievements will surpass you if he is still alive.

"My son is a genius." Ouyang Feng said proudly.

Su Chu said calmly: "It's because he is a genius that I killed him!" &

Ouyang Feng was silent. Although Su Chu was not the kind of person who was afraid of others surpassing him, he knew that he was his enemy and might surpass him in the future. If Su Chu didn't make a move, he would be an idiot!After all, Su Chu in this world is no longer a Su Chu who needs to cultivate enemies to break through. Now Su Chu wants to kill the danger in the basket.

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