Of course, Ouyang Feng's manipulation of poisonous snakes is still certain, but Su Chu wouldn't believe it if he didn't have a trick to manipulate so many poisonous snakes at once.


Suddenly a different sound came into Su Chu's ears. Su Chu looked at the two poisonous snakes wrapped around Ouyang Feng's snake stick. These two poisonous snakes were no bigger than chopsticks and extremely thin, but one was black and the other was white. Suddenly, Su Chu thought of what Lan Fenghuang had said to herself.

"Brother, let me tell you that in an ancient book, I found a poisonous snake called the Yin-Yang Snake. It is said that this kind of snake can be born only when the snake hatches when the Yin-Yang meet. Yin and Yang are one male and one female respectively, they are the king of snakes, they can control all snakes!u

"I see. Ouyang Feng never thought that you could get the legendary Yin-Yang Snake." Su Chu smiled lightly.

Ouyang Feng's cold mouth curled into an ugly smile, and he said coldly and strangely: "Did you find it?"It's a pity it's too late!Su Chu, this is the cemetery I prepared for you, and you will never escape. "


With a roar, before Su Chu could react, all the remaining poisonous snakes suddenly collapsed, and the ground cracked again, and a huge sky-swallowing mouth suddenly appeared, and Su Chu was swallowed without even a chance to react.

An invisible eye in the darkness suddenly opened, revealing a strange smile: "I see! ".

Chapter 57: Three Swords

Chapter 57: Three Swords

It was obviously successful, but Ouyang Feng didn't know why he couldn't feel the slightest joy. Instead, he felt a very strange feeling, as if he was falling into a strange state, and everything about him seemed to be illusory. , the sharp brows were already wrinkled, and he glanced around solemnly, and suddenly said: That's how it is! &

"Looks like I found it!" Faint voices came slowly from all directions, and Ouyang Feng suddenly found that the surrounding scenery had changed again. Being stepped on by himself, the tens of thousands of poisonous snakes around him did not suffer any damage at all.

And Su Chu's figure slowly appeared on the edge of the deep pit not far away, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, as if "[-]" was a mockery, and it seemed to be sarcasm, but It was obvious that it would definitely not be an ordinary smile, otherwise how could there be such a smile?

"Since when did it start?" Ouyang Feng was neither angry nor terrified, but quietly stepped on the giant python under him, and the giant python slowly dragged Ouyang Feng to stand up. The giant python that is almost hundreds of meters is so amazing, but what makes people feel horrified is that the giant python is full of fear when facing the Yin-Yang snake on Ouyang Feng's snake stick, as if seeing his own body Like a king!

The title of king of snakes is indeed well-deserved.

"If you give the Yin-Yang Snake as a gift to Phoenix, Phoenix will be very happy." Su Chu thought.

The giant python dragged Ouyang Feng to Su Chu's body. Looking at the unscathed man in front of him, a hint of admiration flashed in Ouyang Feng's eyes. It was indeed a terrifying magic tree. If it wasn't for the last blow that made him realize It's a bit weird, I'm afraid I will always stay in that terrifying illusion.

Su Chu smiled and said: "From the beginning, but what I didn't expect was that there was a mistake in the end, otherwise Ouyang Feng, you would die safely in the illusion." &

Ouyang Feng took the lead in laying out the means, how could Su Chu be unprepared, Ouyang Feng was pulled into his illusion by Su Chu from the very beginning, Su Chu's illusion was no longer pure illusion after so many years of cultivation Wood, illusion and reality are just a matter of thought, if there is something in your heart that thinks it is true, then it is true.

And at the last Su Chu's death aroused Ouyang Feng's doubts, although it was only a pity, a little doubt in the heart of such an expert was enough to make him see through all this. Everyone understands that Su Chu's strength is absolutely no less than that of Hong Qigong. After all, it is absolutely impossible for an ordinary person to hurt Hong Qigong like that.

But even if such a person is succeeded by his own plan, it is absolutely impossible to be swallowed by his own giant python so easily, there will inevitably be resistance, and even a fierce battle with his own giant python, the biggest possibility in the end is Both sides suffer, but everything is too simple, so simple that it feels unreal.

"But it seems that you still failed, terrible magic tree, but I'm also curious, since you can create an illusion, why didn't you kill me in the illusion?" Ouyang Feng expressed his doubts.

Although Ouyang Feng is not a good person, he can definitely be regarded as a master of martial arts, and it is nothing to be ashamed to ask. If he has fallen into an illusion from the beginning, then as long as Su Chu is willing to make a move, he will definitely die. There is no way to fight back at all.

Su Chu shook her fingers and said with a smile: "Ouyang Feng, you must understand that many things have their own rules, and illusion is no exception. Of course, you can also understand that I have not yet cultivated to that level in illusion."

Ouyang Feng didn't say any more, just raised the snake stick in his palm, and the giant python under him also made an attacking posture. Tens of thousands of poisonous snakes hovered over the giant python with a very strange posture. Ouyang Feng is probably the real strongest posture.

In fact, Su Chu did not lie. Illusion is difficult to enter, and it is even more difficult to master it. It is a very rare thing from the beginning to the end. Now Su Chu can arrange an illusion, but this illusion cannot be involved in it. , otherwise it will break the illusion from the outside. Of course, Su Chu has reached a very terrible state of illusion. If Su Chu is promoted again, he can do whatever he wants, let people fall into the illusion, and then kill you!


Suddenly there was a roar, Su Chu didn't even think about it, and the purple sword energy in the palm of Su Chu had condensed again, and a sword fell, and a long snake whip formed by dozens of poisonous snakes exploded suddenly, Su Chu looked at Even if they were dying, they frowned slightly and slammed their palms at the poisonous snakes with big mouths!

The purple sword energy suddenly burst, and collapsed into infinitely small purple sword energy, which crushed all the poisonous snakes in an instant, and even turned into powder without leaving a trace-

Ouyang Feng frowned and said: "What a terrible person, swordsmanship, illusion, palm technique, I really don't know what else you don't know. &

"I know all kinds of martial arts!" Su Chu smiled faintly, and slapped eighteen golden dragons across the sky with one palm, which was the eighteen dragon-subduing palms!

"Unrestrained!" Ouyang Feng soared into the air, holding a snake stick in his hand like a stick, like a stick, like a stick, unexpectedly smashed the eighteen golden dragons one by one in an instant, and at the same time landed on the top of the giant python again He said indifferently: "Your martial arts are indeed behind you, but it's a pity that the 1.5 generation of hundreds of martial arts is not proficient. Your Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are far worse than the old beggar."

Su Chu didn't refute it, and there was no need to refute it. His Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms relied on the majestic internal force, while Hong Qigong had already deduced it to the extreme, and even gave birth to eighteen three-clawed golden dragons. It is indeed incomparable.

"Then what's the next move!" Su Chu hooked the corner of his mouth, and punched the air, the unpredictable is the spirit snake fist.

"Guan Gong is playing a big sword in front of him, and he can't help himself!" With a slight movement of his palm, Su Chu's spirit snake boxing technique has been broken by Hong Qigong.


The three swords came out through the body, instantly shattering Su Chu, surrounded by hundreds of poisonous snakes...

Chapter 58: The Lightning in the Palm

Chapter 58: The Lightning in the Palm

Gold, blue, and purple three energy-gathering blades floated behind Su Chu, and the invisible breeze passed by slightly, and Su Chu actually floated up from the ground. At this moment, his whole body was covered in paint F⒎⒊Jun ShuoRight鄣Tomb leftoversResistance is stickyQuail fan boats talk about reading 郏?/p>

The blade cut across the space, and poisonous snakes flew all over the sky!

Although Ouyang Feng is manipulating tens of thousands of poisonous snakes, in fact these poisonous snakes are not large poisonous snakes, but small poisonous snakes similar to the size of chopsticks. It can be said that these poisonous snakes are all of Ouyang Feng's inventory. The poisonous snakes that can be used are collected from all over the world, and this time, if Su Chu really made Ouyang Feng too angry, otherwise there would be no use for such a large number of poisonous snakes.

But never underestimate these poisonous snakes, these poisonous snakes were cultivated by Ouyang Feng with medicine, the toxicity contained in them can be said bluntly, every poisonous snake can be easily placed on an elephant, if all 24 are Gathering together, even with Su Chu's system, they dare not underestimate them in the slightest, otherwise they may die.

With a hook of Ouyang Feng's palm, the whole person suddenly rushed forward.

??come yet! "Su Chu suddenly felt the pressure increase greatly. Ouyang Feng's arrangement here is indeed very impressive. The weather, location, people and Ouyang Feng are almost all occupied. There are endless poisonous snakes, huge pythons, and Ouyang Feng. With Feng's attack, Su Chu was completely at a disadvantage for a while.

"It's absolutely impossible to go on like this!" Su Chu jumped up, and the golden energy-gathering blade suddenly swung to block Ouyang Feng's snake staff, and the blue and purple energy-gathering blades echoed each other, blocking the giant python and poisonous snake outside In an instant, Su Chu had come to the mid-air and clasped his hands.

Red Green!

Two completely different colors flashed crazily in Su Chu's hands. The dazzling red light and the green light in his hand slowly converged into a red-green sun. Su Chu said lightly: "Ouyang Feng, come and taste it." How powerful is this move! &


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