So far, Su Chu has not fully figured out how powerful the Yin-Yang Aiqi Handprint and Wanye Feihua Flow are, because Su Chu found that with the deepening of his cultivation, it was obviously just a combined attack. There have been different changes.

The Yin-Yang School was born out of Taoism, and the birth moves are mainly based on the sun, moon, and stars, and the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are regarded as the center. Su Chu discovered that they should be mutually restraining The feeling that Huo and Mu began to smile slowly made Su Chu feel very strange, but as his mastery of Yin Yang became more and more advanced, it was true.

The smoke all over the sky slowly dissipated, blood flowed horizontally, and corpses were everywhere, but Su Chu couldn't help shrinking his eyes, because he found that the giant python was unscathed, and it should be said that the scales on his body were just a little white. Su Chu can be sure that even if Zhang Sanfeng resists his own move, it is absolutely impossible to be unscathed, and judging from the attack just now, this giant python is at most at the same level as Ouyang Feng. But this kind of defense is really terrifying.

Ouyang Duo came out from behind the giant python. He didn't even look at the corpses all over the place and just smiled coldly: "Su Chu, it seems that you didn't think of it either, did you?"Although the giant python is called a giant python, it is actually a descendant of a turtle and a snake. If you are proficient in yin and yang, you should understand what this means

what. &

"Blood back to the ancestors! & Su Chu's face is ugly.

Su Chu has long discovered that martial arts practiced to the peak is completely at the level of land gods, moving mountains and filling seas is no problem at all, and the so-called divine beasts also exist, but what Su Chu could not imagine is that the giant python in front of him is actually The descendants of Xuanwu.

Of course, this also proves that his parents are definitely not ordinary animals, but no matter what it is, Xuanwu is definitely the one with the most terrifying defense in his hands, and since this giant python has inherited Xuanwu's blood, it goes without saying that it has terrible defense power .

"Troublesome!" Su Chu knew it was really troublesome this time.

Although he was not afraid of Xuanwu's extremely powerful defense, it would be very difficult to kill Ouyang Feng, and more importantly, Ouyang Feng was different from Hong Qigong. The guy who looks like a poisonous snake will never let him go, and will attack him again and again, even the people he cares about.

"It seems that you have already understood. ** Ouyang Feng sneered and said: "Then you should also understand that you are absolutely useless against Xuanwu blood. "

"Really?" Su Chu sneered, the more he had to calm down at such a moment, Su Chu ignored Ouyang Feng's cynicism, but towered high in the mid-air, and the three-color sword energy whizzed away instantly. The remaining poisonous snakes didn't have any effect at all, but they were slaughtered in an instant.

Ouyang Feng wanted to stop it, but there was no way to stop it. Ouyang Feng was sure that Su Chu was planning a terrible move, and the target was himself. As long as he died, everything would be much easier.

So even though his heart hurts, Ouyang Feng didn't dare to move around for fear of a little accident, even if there was a little accident, it would be over & it would be hard to watch his beloved baby die in front of him, right? **Su Chu mocked.

"Su Chu, you don't have to get complacent too early. After I leave today, I will catch all of your women, and then skin them and re-raise my poisonous snakes." Ouyang Feng said coldly.

Su Chu said coldly: You are courting death! "

Said that Su Chu's palm has been completely hooked up, a trace of black brilliance is brewing in Su Chu's palm, Su Chu has only used this trick once, but Su Chu still remembers the terrifying power of that time, But today Su Chu will let Ouyang Feng know that death is your only way!

"Boom &

A terrifying aura seemed to be brewing between the heaven and the earth, and lightning flashes and thunder emerged...

Chapter 59: Ouyang Feng is dead!

Chapter 59: Ouyang Feng is dead!

tick, tick'

Although the two voices were different, but the same blood was dripping on the ground, Su Chu wiped the corner of his mouth and said coldly: "Ouyang Feng, it seems that the Xuanwu bloodline you chose has not yet grown up, so I killed it so easily?"So what about the divine beast, blocking it in front of me, even the divine beast would have slaughtered him!

Su Chu's words seemed to have caused a great change in the world, and the whole world seemed abnormally silent, but the crackling and roaring black thunder in Su Chu's palm made all the strange images disappear, and the thunder in the palm of his hand disappeared. now!

Palm Lightning can be said to be Su Chu's most powerful move, no matter whether it is an indifferent sword, Tai Chi, or Hunxi Youlong, these moves are powerful, but they are fundamentally a manifestation of martial arts. But Palm Thunder has surpassed martial arts, forming a myth-like move.And this move is also Su Chu's strongest move. After this blow, Su Chu was almost emptied of his true energy in an instant. It can be said that Su Chu has only used it twice since he succeeded in practicing Palm Thunder. Once, it was the colorless Zen master who died and broke through the world. That time, Su Chu was only in the innate realm but one. This time, it was used to kill the giant python with the blood of the sacred beast Xuanwu. Also, without the slightest resistance, it is still a must. Killing, a huge hole has been opened between the eyebrows of the giant python. Looking at the paint dripping out of this huge hole, it's hard to see if you can't see it. chimney?


The whole body shook, and then the sharp and cold snake eyes of the giant python were completely closed. Finally, he looked at Su Chu unwillingly and fell to the ground, while Ouyang Feng who was on top of him jumped up and looked at Su solemnly. Chu, he obviously didn't expect that one of his hole cards would be killed by Su Chu so easily.

In fact, if it is a normal palm thunder, I am afraid that it may not be able to kill the giant python with Xuanwu blood. Unfortunately, Su Chu's palm thunder was born from the evolution of the black thunder that swallowed the sky. Ordinary palm thunder is completely incomparable!

"However... the corner of Ouyang Feng's mouth evoked a cruel smile and said coldly: Although u don't know how you used such a move! But the restrictions of such a move must be very large, it seems that you also have a lot If you consume too much, Su Chu, you will definitely die!"

Speaking of which, Ouyang Feng soared into the air, a stream of venom sprayed out from the snake staff, and the whole person suddenly came to Su Chu's back without knowing when, and he slapped it like a snow mountain bursting out, endless An endless chill has permeated Su Chu's body, as if it was frozen in an instant.

Flying Thousands of Miles is the family lightness kung fu of White Camel Villa, and it is also the only lightness kung fu that Ouyang Feng is proficient in. A terrifying, sudden and silent attack came behind the enemy, and with the help of the extremely powerful Shentuo Snow Mountain Palm, Coupled with Ouyang Feng's venom, it can be said that it is almost a certain death situation for ordinary people.


Both the palm technique and the venom penetrated Su Chu's body at the same time, but what Ouyang Feng was facing was Su Chu, a person who had played games in four worlds!How could it be possible to die after one blow?

, 捜,

Invisible figures appear in the void, one, two, three, four, five, six

In addition to Su Chu who had been killed by Ouyang Feng, seven Su Chu suddenly appeared, and the aura and figure of the seven Su Chu were not formed by illusion at all. Su Chu who was penetrated by Ouyang Feng It slowly dissipated, and the other six Su Chu said indifferently at the same time: "Ouyang Feng, do you understand the virtual and the real?" &

Immortal seal method is also called Immortal Seven Illusions, the reason is because although this martial art is a martial art that pays attention to mobilizing the energy of life and death in the body, it is actually a magic tree. The simplest and most normal.

Combined with the phantom tree of yin and yang, the seven phantoms formed by Su Chu can be said to be Su Chu, or none of them can be said to be Su Chu. If you kill the seven phantoms at the same time, Su Chu will die, but if only A phantom remains, whether real or not, then it survives.

This is the perverted move formed by the Immortal Seven Illusions combined with the Yin-Yang technique. The first stance was false, Ouyang Feng didn't dare to underestimate it and hastily raised the snake stick to attack, the two sides fought seven consecutive stances!

Among the seven moves, this Su Chu used the seven moves of the Undead Imprint consecutively, as if they were equal, but Ouyang Feng felt that this Su Chu's strength was faintly weaker than his own, although He didn't want to admit it, but Ouyang Feng was not someone who couldn't admit it.

The original Su Chu was stronger than himself, but now Su Chu is weaker than himself. Although the other five people did not make a move, it is certain that these five people are in the same situation as this Su Chu. After seventy moves, he would be able to defeat Su Chu easily.

It's a pity that Ouyang Feng understands what he understands, how could the person who used this trick not understand, Su Chu will never give himself time!

Just as Ouyang Feng expected, the two had just separated, and the battle had already begun!

He couldn't kill Yinfa with one hand.

(good money)

The second hand holds three colors of gold, blue and purple to gather Qi and form a blade.

The third is holding a Taijian, surrounded by black and white qi.

Its four dragons chant and rippling, and the chaotic wandering dragons are faintly entangled.

He held an invisible sword energy in his fifth hand, and he seemed to be indifferent, but he was waiting for the opportunity to kill with one blow!No one can block the throat with a sword!

With the palms slightly resting, jet-black thunderbolts slowly spread over them, standing as indifferently as Su Chu holding the invisible sword energy.

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