Although it was only four people who shot, and the cultivation of each of these four people was vaguely weaker than his own, but Ouyang Feng was not Wang Chongyang, and the four Su Chu were not the other four masters, he was better than the other four masters. Much stronger.

Time represented everything, from the moment the giant python died, it represented Ouyang Feng's inevitable end! .

Chapter 60: Return Safely

Chapter 60: Return Safely

Indifferently swept across with a sword, Ouyang Feng's sharp eyes stared round and fell to the ground. His whole body was shaken, and he fell from mid-air. Looking at Su Chu, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Su Chu, It is undeniable that you are really powerful, Wujue can't stop you, but what is revealed in this world will never be the strongest. &

"I know! Whether it's Huang Chang or the old monk, they are all strong, but what can they do to me?" Su Chu's words were full of arrogance, and every word seemed to be like a clank The iron bone stabbed like a pain in Ouyang Feng's mind.

"It's a pity I can't see it!" A person who is about to die doesn't care about so many calculations. Ouyang Feng closed his eyes as if he fell into a deep sleep. Unfortunately, he will never wake up. Ouyang, one of the five unique Feng died in this wilderness, no one knew about it, no one saw it, maybe no one would understand.

Su Chu waved Ouyang Feng's Yin-Yang Snake and the Giant Python. Su Chu received them into the space ring. They are all treasures. If you throw them away, you will be called a prodigal!At the same time, Su Chu hooked his palm, and the ground seemed to have received a 183 violent impact, and a deep pit emerged.

??The death of the strong will be respected! Su Chu threw Ouyang Feng or Ouyang Ke into the deep pit with a flick of Su Chu's hand. The pit was filled with the palm of his hand. At the same time, a stone tablet stood in front of the grave. Su Chu pointed slightly hook move.

The tomb of Western poison Ouyang Feng and his son Ouyang Ke!Su Chuli, let's move to death! '

Su Chu's figure disappeared, and no one dared to move this tombstone. Su Chu didn't know, but Su Chu knew that anyone who dared to move would definitely die. Su Chu set up an illusion in this tombstone. As long as he wants to move the tomb, it will trigger Illusion, when the time comes, people who are not as good as Su Chu will surely die unless they are proficient in illusion.

"Sister Li, are you being too ruthless?" Huang Rong looked at the completely bombed-out inn, and couldn't help but swallow her saliva, but Huang Rong was still good. The grandfather is Huang Chang, and he has seen the battle between Su Chu and Hong Qigong, but Huang Rong has seen it. It does not mean that Mu Nianci has seen it. Mu Nianci has never imagined that a warrior can display such terrifying power. Such a method is already equivalent to that of Immortal Yixiang. Looking at the three people floating in the air and being dragged by the bedding made of emerald green leaves, Mu Nianci couldn't help but look down. Fortunately, it is now in the pitch-black night, otherwise the appearance of the three of them can be seen in ancient times, no matter what dynasty they are in. The fanaticism for fairies is much more than that of immortals. After all, women are more crazy than immortals. Men are pretty, aren't they?

"Master is back." Li Qi didn't say a word, but quietly raised his head and looked at the sky not far away, showing a faint smile.

Huang Rong and Mu Nianci looked up at the same time, but their expressions were completely different. Huang Rong just snorted coquettishly, and then shook her head proudly. As for Mu Nianci, his cheeks were slightly red, with Looking at Su Chu with a complicated expression, her eyes are full of helplessness. After all, no matter what kind of woman she is, being sold by her father to another man is always a bit unbearable, but Mu Nianci is soft on the outside and soft on the inside. Whether she was just or what, she is a woman, but it is a pity that women in this era will never have the right to speak, and Mu Nianci can only accept it passively.

But it is fortunate that this man of his own is a very powerful and perfect man, and Mu Nianci feels that this is a blessing among misfortunes (bsp;ebf).

"Master!" Li She waved his hand, and Su Chu's figure seemed to appear out of thin air. The moment Su Chu landed on it, Li Jing could feel the pressure and relax.

After all, dragging three people with one person's cultivation base, even if Li Qi has broken through the peerless world, it is still very tiring to manipulate the most difficult and delicate Wanye Feihua Liu, so Li Qi's consumption is also very large, but now Su Chu is down. , Li Qi can clearly feel that he no longer needs to consume.

"Ouyang Feng still failed. Su Chu shook his head lightly and said indifferently.

Li Qi smiled lightly and said: "Master, do you think I will be defeated by some poisonous snakes?"If it's true, I'm afraid Sister Phoenix will laugh at me to death. ■

Huang Rong pricked up her ears again, thinking to herself: "How many women does this pervert have?" m

So far, Huang Rong has heard from Li Qi that there are no fewer than four sisters, Fenghuang, Yingying, Yinji, and Dongfang. According to Li Qi, she has a senior sister. Looking at the two, Huang Rong thinks that The senior sister and Su Chu might also have the same relationship, "Big villain!" Huang Rong snorted coldly.

Su Chu smiled and said, "How did the little girl sleep so well?" &

"Of course I slept well!" Huang Rong said lazily, and then said disdainfully: "I just don't know if someone has been defeated by Ouyang Duo, and then fled back in embarrassment."

In fact, Huang Rong also knew that this was impossible. Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng had been fighting against each other for a lifetime. The two of them have always been equal, and Su Chu can defeat Hong Qigong, so beating Hong Qigong is naturally not a problem, but the problem is not here. , but because Huang Rong would never admit Su Chu's power.

"Ouyang Feng, now he has reunited with his son Ouyang Ke down below." Su Chu's calm voice seemed to be narrating a very ordinary matter.

But to Li Qi's ears, this is just a very ordinary thing, but to Huang Rong and Mu Nianci's ears, it's not like that. The two women stared in surprise at the same time.

Looking at Su Chu's unharmed hair and returning safely, he knew that Su Chu might not be injured at all.

But Ouyang Feng is dead, is this one of the five wonders in the world? He just died like this, and it seems that the person in front of him is not injured at all, are you kidding me?

"Hey, big villain, are you kidding me?" Huang Rong asked with difficulty...

Chapter 61: The Chaotic Capital

Chapter 61: The Chaotic Capital

"Do you think I'm a casual joker?" Su Chu asked with a smile.

Huang Rong was silent, and Mu Nianci was also silent. It doesn't matter whether the two are high or low in martial arts or knowledge, but no matter what, they are both people in the world, but they both know very well that Ouyang Feng, one of the five uniques, represents What, that is one of the strongest digital masters in the rivers and lakes, such a person can definitely be counted in ten fingers, but Ouyang Feng, who was ranked among the top five today, died in the hands of Su Chu, and Su Chu looked like Not hurt.

In fact, Su Chu was not uninjured. Su Chu, who was so weak for a moment after using Palm Thunder, was indeed successfully attacked by Ouyang Feng. They all have their own limitations, and the Immortal Seven Illusions is no exception. Although Su Chu escaped Ouyang Feng's sneak attack by virtue of the Immortal Seven Illusions, he also suffered internal injuries because one of the seven clones was crushed. Very serious internal injuries need to recuperate


After all, wouldn't it be the same for anyone who lost one-seventh of his life?But Su Chu doesn't need to say these words, in the minds of the two little girls in front of her, she just needs to be tall and tall, so that she can hold down this ancient-spiritual little girl.

??Is the little girl afraid this time? "Su Chu smiled and said: "If you don't behave well in the future, I will kill you on Peach Blossom Island!"

For Su Chu's threat, Huang Rong just shrugged her shoulders in disdain, curled her lips, and said without any ladylike temperament: "Just you? It's not that I look down on you. Don't think that killing Ouyang Feng will make you compete with my father. On Peach Blossom Island My father has the right time, place, and people, not to mention where my grandpa is also."

Su Chu stopped talking and waved his hands with a smile. The two sets of clothes had already covered Huang Rong and Mu Nianci. Su Chu said with a deep smile, "Hurry up and put on your clothes! Otherwise, it seems that I am bullying you." Same.&

"Damn丨& Hearing Su Chu mention this, Huang Rong immediately gritted her teeth and put on her clothes, while Mu Nianci's small face turned red in an instant, and she hurriedly put on her clothes.

When the two girls were attacked, they had already fallen into a deep sleep. In addition, Su Chu had already left, so the two girls naturally didn't wear much clothes. In addition, after being rescued by Li Qi, the two girls didn't care about it when it was dark. When Su Chu came back, the two girls forgot about it.

Now suddenly reminded by Su Chu, the two women just remembered that they were standing naked in front of Su Chu, which was almost unimaginable in ancient times, especially for Mu Nianci, who took the husband and godson as the first job. The girl in my life doesn't think so much anymore, Su Chu will be her man for the rest of her life!

"I'm stupid, do you still blame me?" "Su Chu's face was gentle, but unfortunately, the two women's low cultivation levels did not show it. Although there was no change from usual, Su Chu's complexion was already very pale, and the lips that exuded the breath of life did not know when they became pale. Incomparable.

"Okay. Stop arguing, both of you. You've been tired all night. Let's find a place to rest." Li Qi interrupted Huang Rong, who wanted to refute, and fell down from mid-air.

Although it is midnight now, there are still many inns in the dark. For example, this black inn, although it is a black spot, unfortunately, after Li Qi easily placed twenty martial arts masters, he immediately gave Su a strange feeling. Chu prepared to go to the room and serve a good meal. As for Boss Qian, how could he have the guts to ask for it!

"Okay, you two girls, hurry up and go to rest." Li Qi waved at Huang Rong and Mu Nianci.

"Okay, okay!" Huang Rong said indifferently, and led Mu Nianci to the next room.

Just entering the room to ask Huang Rong, she immediately saw Mu Nianci who was staring at her as if staring at the prisoner, and said helplessly, "Sister Mu, what are you doing? u

"Sister Li said you were arrested, so I have to keep an eye on you and don't let you run away." Mu Nianci's words almost made Huang Rong fall to the ground, big sister?You were bought in just one night, isn't that too fast?Although I also admit that this man is very attractive, but you also...

Anyway, you are also a beautiful woman, okay?

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