ask for flowers

"Okay, okay, it's up to you, but Sister Mu, let me tell you, that big villain has a high level of cultivation, even if you don't have to watch me, I can't run at all." Huang Rong lay down on the step and spit Half of it is fine, Huang Rong is too lazy to think so much, go to bed quickly." I know! Mu Nianci murmured in a low voice, "But if you don't

I feel so useless to do something for him! &

How could the voice from next door stop Su Chu and Li Qi? They both smiled at the same time, but Su Chu showed a confident smile, while Li Qi showed a strange smile, as if you are satisfied now look?

"Ahem Su Chu suddenly coughed twice, and carefully sat on the step.

Li Qi hurriedly said: First master, are you in good health? &

Su Chu waved her hand indifferently: "Don't worry, I can do anything, but I got a little injury when I fought with Ouyang Feng, and I'll be fine after a period of recuperation." &

It is true that this can be regarded as a very serious internal injury for ordinary people, but it is a minor injury for Su Chu. With the bug-level recovery internal strength of the Celestial Silkworm Kungfu, it is difficult for Su Chu to die even if he wants to die. It was almost destroyed by Su Chu, and in the end, it was repaired with the help of the silkworm, and it was closer to one floor?

"It seems that the master has benefited a lot this time!" "Looking at Su Chu, Li Qi said suddenly.

Su Chu asked strangely: "Where did you find it?" &

Li Qi smiled and said: "Because every time the master gets something good, the corners of his mouth can't help but curl up." &

&yes? & Su Chu touched the corner of her mouth, and asked strangely


"Of course it's fake, I'm just defrauding you, Master!" Li Qi covered his mouth and smiled lightly, his eyes twitching.

"You stinky girl!" Su Chu threw Li Qi onto the bed angrily.

But the stable two people here don't know that the entire Jin Kingdom is in complete chaos...

Chapter 62: Yang Kang and Yang Tiexin

Chapter 62: Yang Kang and Yang Tiexin

The capital of the Golden Kingdom!In this capital, you don't need to know anyone, but you absolutely must not know the prince, Wanyan Honglie!

Who is the most powerful in the Kingdom of Jin?Who has the most fame?Who is not an emperor but is no less than an emperor?This is a problem that almost three-year-old children in the Kingdom of Jin know, Wanyan Honglie!Wanyan Honglie is indeed an outstanding talent. He has almost completely controlled the entire Jin Kingdom with his own means for so many years, so f!To put it bluntly, apart from not becoming the emperor, Wanyan Honglie has already done all the things that an emperor should do. This is Wanyan Honglie, the prince of the Kingdom of Jin.

And what is even more admirable is that Wanyan Honglie does not have the feminine character of those emperors and those people, but is very dedicated. Everyone knows that Wanyan Honglie's princess is an ordinary woman. But as a real emperor, if Wanyan Honglie wanted it, he would not be able to get the beauty of the world at his fingertips, but Wanyan Honglie never did that. He always treated his wife and son very well. .

It can be said bluntly that Wanyan Honglie is definitely a heroic king outside, and he is definitely a qualified husband and father inside. It can be said that Wanyan Honglie is a perfect man to some extent, but it is a pity that he provoked Su Chu. Offended someone who shouldn't be offended!

This is the capital of the Jin Dynasty, and there are many things that cannot be concealed. What's more, in front of Wanyan Honglie, who controls the entire capital, the tombstone outside the city was discovered early in the morning. Wanyan Honglie stood in front of the tombstone, Respectfully went to San Zhu Fan, and said quietly: "Brother Ouyang is a little king, I'm sorry for you, I didn't expect to invite you out of the mountain this time, but it would kill you."

After Wanyan Honglie finished speaking, he left with his personal guards. Whether it was true or not, what Wanyan Honglie did was to make his guards feel at ease. With such a master, who could not give up his life for him? Woolen cloth?

Just after returning to the palace, before Wanyan Honglie could breathe a sigh of relief, a beautiful woman in her thirties had already run over and said nervously: "My lord, my lord, Kang'er, Kang'er is gone!" &

Looking at his lord, who was so weak and watery with tears in his eyes, Wanyan Honglie probed softly, clenched a pair of iron fists tightly, but with a gentle smile on his face, he let go of his palms and held the woman. On the shoulder of the person, he said gently: "Don't worry, ma'am, Kang'er just went out to do some things and came back later. I sent him out. After all, Kang'er can't live under our wings all the time." !&

Hearing Wanyan Honglie's explanation, Bao Xiruo was relieved. That's right, this woman is Yang Tiexin's wife, Bao Xiruo. Knowing that is simply not possible.

It can be said that Bao Xiruo is simply thinking about it now. In fact, his feelings for Yang Tiexin have long since faded, not to mention any woman who has lost her support. Even if he knows that his son is not his own son, and treats him as his own, when a man appears, there are very few women in this era who can not fall, not to mention Wanyan Honglie is still a prince, and I am just a married man, so I can say bluntly that if Bao Xiruo were to choose between Yang Tiexin and Wanyan Honglie, [-]% of the time he would choose the latter.

This is reality, not that wonderful fairy tale!It would be a lie to say that nothing happened to Wanyan Honglie and Bao Xiruo after so many years.

Can Yang Tiexin accept such a thing?Just because Wanyan Honglie can accept it doesn't mean that Yang Tiexin can also accept it. This is a very serious problem.

If it wasn't for Wanyan Honglie who provoked Su Chu, Su Chu was still very optimistic about such a man, and might even help Wanyan Honglie if he was interested. A man who cares about his family and has ambitions is really rare in this era.

"Send Madam back to rest. Madam is weak and leave everything to this king." Wanyan Honglie gently Wen Bao Xiruo and let Bao Xiruo leave.

Watching Bao Xiruo leave Wanyan Honglie's eyes filled with endless murderous intent and said coldly: "Yang Tiexin, I didn't expect you to show up and take Kang'er away, very good, very good!"Next year's today is your day, come and send me a secret guard, I have a task! "

?? Obey the prince! k

Not far away, Su Chu led Li Qi to look at Wanyan Honglie in mid-air, Su Chu smiled and said: "This man is indeed a good person, responsible, courageous, and the most important thing is to act decisively and fiercely, but The gentleness that should be there is not bad at all. &

"So the master is going to let him go?" Li Qiong covered his mouth and smiled lightly, "How is it possible? Su Chu sneered and said: "Some things can be laughed off, but you are my treasures, whoever dares to think about you will surely die!" "

Although these words are very nasty, they are the simplest and most common words for women, but they are also the most deadly words. At least Li Qi enjoys it very much, leaning against Su Chu with a faint smile in his arms.

"Let's go! I'm afraid Wanyan Honglie has put us behind in the next 1.5, let me see if Yang Tiexin can survive." Su Chu led Li Qi away with a faint voice.

"Master, aren't you going to rescue Yang Tiexin?" Li Qi asked Su Chu with a smile: "Save him? It would be a good thing if this man's wolfish ambition really died in the hands of Wanyan Honglie, otherwise his ambition would It is not certain that he will be a high-ranking official in the future.

u interesting! " Li Qiong left with a funny smile.

On the other side, in a thatched hut in the city, Yang Kang slowly woke up, and the first thing he saw was the old Yang Tiexin in front of him! o

Chapter 63: Entering the Palace at Night

Chapter 63: Entering the Palace at Night

Late night has fallen again. Although Wanyan Honglie can be said to cover the sky with one hand in Jin Guoguo, he obviously has not reached such a huge force that can completely search the entire Jin Guoguo in one day. Of course, this is also limited by Prince Wanyan Honglie. Because of his identity, many things cannot be done on the bright side. If Wanyan Honglie really becomes the emperor, then everything will be fine.Readers Fiction Network

? creak,

The door opened slowly, Su Chu looked at Yang Tiexin and Yang Kang who stepped into the room, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Su Chu didn't know what Yang Tiexin said to Yang Kang, but Su Chu could see the light in Yang Kang's eyes A touch of helplessness, and a touch of hatred, that is hatred for the person in front of him, that is hatred for Yang Tiexin, and compromise!

Obviously, Yang Tiexin did not rely on the so-called affectionate Yang Kang, but relied on his own special means to force Yang Kang to compromise. As for this means, what is 24?Su Chu doesn't know, and has no interest in knowing, so what does this have to do with me.

In the transaction between the two of them, what I have to do is to help Yang Tiexin find Yang Kang and Bao Xiruo. In the end, whether Yang Tiexin can keep the two of them is out of Su Chu's consideration. If he won't die, then it's not within Su Chu's consideration. And the most important thing is that the incomplete version of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic that he got from Ouyang Ke this time alone is enough for his revenge, not to mention that he even got it. For a beautiful woman like Mu Nianci, although it's unreasonable to say so, Su Chu is indeed rich and attractive!

"Do it!" Su Chu waved his hand at Yang Tiexin, and Yang Tiexin sat directly opposite to Su Chu, and Yang Kang looked at Yang Tiexin and Su Chu with hatred, suppressing the hatred in his eyes, Standing quietly behind Yang Tiexin.

Yang Tiexin said calmly: "Mr. Su, this is Yang Kang, the son of a dog. Kang'er has not met Mr. Su yet." &

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