The luxury character is the descendant of the nouveau riche, and the real difference between the nouveau riche and the aristocrat is the background bred by time. A nouveau riche can last for three generations is the top of the sky. This is the so-called rich but not three generations. But it can be passed on for thousands of years or even ten thousand years, because they are not the kind of people who wave their guns casually. They understand that if they want their family to survive forever, they need to be in awe. No one knows if there is a stronger person in this world.

? creak,

The door was opened, and Wanyan Honglie walked into the room slowly in a jet-black long suit, looking at Yang Tiexin who had been blocked outside by the secret guards, and who was lying on the ground but seemed not to have any injuries Bao Xiruo and Yang Kang, Wanyan Honglie breathed a sigh of relief, the prince still has some insight in his career for so many years.

"Yang Tiexin, I didn't expect that we would meet again after more than [-] years." Wanyan Honglie looked at Yang Tiexin who was holding iron guns in both hands and staring at him firmly, and said calmly.

Wanyan Honglie at this moment is no longer the desperate prince back then, but a real winner who is in charge of the power of the Kingdom of Jin, and has countless talented people under him, while the hunter with a happy hunter wife has now reduced to the qualification to stand in front of him. None of the men.

I don't know when the gap between the two has widened, and all this is because of a woman, even though Wanyan Honglie has ambitions, but also because of Bao Xiruo, a married man who was completely raped back then. When Yan Honglie brought it back, naturally some people in the imperial court could not accept it. This is destined to be unacceptable in an era that pays attention to face. Wanyan Honglie worked hard to develop for Bao Xiruo to have his own name. It can be said that without Bao Xiruo, it may be complete. Yan Honglie couldn't make it this far.

As for Yang Tiexin, he is also an ambitious person, but it was because of Bao Xiruo's departure that made Yang Tiexin feel depressed, and thus made no progress in the past twenty years.

It can be said that the two different fates of the two men are all because of this woman in front of them.

& it's getting more and more fun!Wanyan Honglie's game has only just begun, and he has to play slowly. Su Chu ticked the corner of his mouth, thinking silently.

Yang Tiexin looked at Wanyan Honglie suppressing his anger, and said coldly: "Yes!I didn't expect you and I to meet again after twenty years, and I didn't kill you, I really hate you! I hate 187!&

Wanyan Honglie glanced at Yang Tiexin mockingly and said with a sneer, "I'm afraid you are still waiting for Su Chu's arrival?"

Yang Tiexin didn't answer, but was silently watching out for the attacks of the secret guards. It wasn't that Yang Tiexin looked down on Yang Kang and Wanyan Honglie, but that the former of these two people was deposed because Yang Tiexin saw it with his own eyes. Special strength $, but it can't last for a long time, and the latter doesn't know any martial arts at all.

So as long as I can block the attack of the secret guard and support Su Chu's arrival, then I can "You don't have to think about it! Su Chu probably already knew what might happen today, and he also watched helplessly." Go to hell, and even say that he is very likely to watch everything that happened here in the dark. In his eyes, you and I are nothing more than a mole, an ant who plays with you wantonly! "End Yan Honglie sneered and said that as a person in power, of course his idea of ​​being named Bai Su Chu is to play with himself and others wantonly, but Wanyan Honglie is a powerful ant who can even defeat Su Chu, while Yang Tiexin can only endure silently, absolutely There is no possibility of resistance...

Chapter 69: The Death of Yang Tiexin

Chapter 69: The Death of Yang Tiexin

Yang Tiexin also understood what Wanyan Honglie said. In fact, Yang Tiexin was also a smart person. The moment he saw Su Chu's eyes, he realized that he was just a toy in Su Chu's eyes. Whether she will survive or be spoiled, Su Chu will never care, she is just a toy, even if it is spoiled, so what.However, Yang Tiexin doesn't want to die, he is an ambitious person, but this ambition has been suppressed because of Bao Xiruo in the past twenty years, but now Yang Tiexin wants revenge, wants to be with Wanwan Yan Honglie, wants to be with Bao Xiruo, wants to be with Yang Kang, even Su Chu, Mu Nianci, he wants to avenge everyone, Yang Tiexin is already crazy Maybe he is crazy, maybe he is not crazy, but he is definitely lost Yang Tiexin, who has completely lost everything, is now the scariest thing. He has lost everything, and he doesn't care about everything. What he cares about is revenge, revenge, revenge. This is his only purpose of living now, but before that he What needs to be done is to break through Wanyan Honglie's blockade, and then avoid Su Chu's possible attack on the mountain.

"The development of the story is really getting more and more interesting. Then Yang Tiexin, who has lost everything by betraying his relatives, let me chase you! Otherwise, this game will be meaningless." Su Chu hooked his finger, and the light red light came again Appeared and rushed into the room.

The secret guards in the room instinctively sensed something was wrong, but before they could react, Yang Tiexin's figure had disappeared in place like lightning, and the secret guard at the front didn't even have a chance to react , he could only watch helplessly as the spear in front of him pierced into his moon. He could see it, but his body couldn't react at all.

, puff,

A mouthful of blood spewed out, but what Yang Tiexin didn't expect was that the secret guard in front of him grabbed his long spear with both hands, and then the other three secret guards shot at the same time, and greeted him from behind. Stick has the tendency to kill Yang Tiexin with one blow.

"Damn! These dead men are the most annoying...&." Yang Tiexin frowned slightly, and jumped up suddenly. Although he didn't know why the force that came out of his body, Yang Tiexin knew that it might consume a lot of energy, but now it is gone. There are so many ways to think about, what I have to do is to break through, break out, break out even if this force is the power of the devil$, it is the power of Su Chu$, it is Su Chu's charity to himself, but no matter what it is, Yang Tiexin I understand that I have to rely on this kind of strength, otherwise I don't have any of this at all. Yang Tiexin understands, Wanyan Honglie understands, and Su Chu understands even more!

"Did you come out?" Su Chu's figure disappeared into the mid-air out of thin air. All the secret guards in the courtyard clearly had a person in front of them, but they didn't react at all. It's a strange feeling that there has never been a Xiang, but it is the truth.


The room was shattered suddenly, two secret guards came out protecting Bao Xiruo and Yang Kang, while Wanyan Honglie stood in the front and stared at Yang Tiexin, Wanyan Honglie understood that Yang Tiexin had the strength to kill him at this time , and even the strength to kill oneself easily.

But no matter what, I must stand in this position, because what?That is, I am called Wanyan Honglie, I am the prince of the Jin Dynasty, and I am the future leader of the Jin Dynasty. This is the reason why I stand in this position. This is a kind of courage!

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Yang Tiexin paused almost every word, and the gas from his mouth seemed to turn into a wisp of white smoke. Everyone understands that Yang Tiexin is in a weird state right now. Defeating Yang Tiexin with the least casualties is not a forceful attack, but a siege. As long as this period of time is delayed, then Yang Tiexin will surely die undoubtedly.

?? Defeat him! "Wanyan Honglie waved his hand and said calmly.

Yang Tiexin couldn't speak, he could feel that every time he opened his mouth was a waste of strength, the battle was still going on, more and more secret guards joined the battle, even if one of them died before Yang Tiexin hands, but the secret guards around did not see any scarcity.

Yang Tiexin wants to leave, but every time there are many secret guards standing in front of him, now Yang Tiexin is not afraid of any single secret guard, but if there are three, or even more, Yang Tiexin will It is simply impossible to parry.

Even though Su Chu lent this power to Yang Tiexin, what does not belong to him does not belong to him after all, it is not so easy to display terrifying strength, let alone Su Chu has not yet reached that level .

Wanyan Honglie stared at Yang Tiexin who seemed to be a ghost at this moment, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:? Yang Tiexin, I

Saying that, Wanyan Hong violently pulled Bao Xiruo into his arms, gently embraced Bao Xiruo in his arms, and gently placed his head on Bao Xiruo's head (getting Qian Zhao) gently He said: "This is my woman, and you can only watch in the dark forever, because you are an ant!" &

"Wanyan Honglie, you are looking for death." Yang Tiexin's red aura became more intense, and a more terrifying aura emanated from Yang Tiexin's body.

It's a pity that this is useless at all, even if Yang Tiexin can change from one against two to one against three, one against four, or even one against five, so what?There were not just five or six secret guards around, but fifty or sixty. Yang Tiexin's ending was actually doomed from the very beginning.

"cough cough

Blood was dripping from the corner of Yang Tiexin's mouth, he seemed to give up resisting, he knew that he had failed, even at the last moment, he was brushed off by Wanyan Honglie, and he gave up his last hope with his own hands...

Saying that, Wanyan Hong violently pulled Bao Xiruo into his arms, gently embraced Bao Xiruo in his arms, and gently placed his head on Bao Xiruo's head (getting Qian Zhao) gently He said: "This is my woman, and you can only watch in the dark forever, because you are an ant!" &

"Wanyan Honglie, you are looking for death." Yang Tiexin's red aura became more intense, and a more terrifying aura emanated from Yang Tiexin's body.

It's a pity that this is useless at all, even if Yang Tiexin can change from one against two to one against three, one against four, or even one against five, so what?There were not just five or six secret guards around, but fifty or sixty. Yang Tiexin's ending was actually doomed from the very beginning.

"cough cough

Blood was dripping from the corner of Yang Tiexin's mouth, he seemed to give up resisting, he knew that he had failed, even at the last moment, he was brushed off by Wanyan Honglie, and he gave up his last hope with his own hands...

Chapter 70: Despair in Hope

Chapter 70: Despair in Hope

&waste! "Su Chu looked at Yang Tiexin and shook his head lightly. The ending is already doomed. Yang Tiexin is doomed. In fact, Su Chu helped Yang Tiexin improve his strength. If Yang Tiexin wants to use it to escape, there is absolutely no problem. , could escape easily, but it's a pity that Yang Tiexin, an idiot, was easily angered by Wanyan Honglie, and lost this last chance.

"Wait when the secret guards were about to deal the final blow to Yang Tiexin, Wanyan Honglie suddenly stopped the secret guards, and the secret guards who were about to kill Yang Tiexin immediately surrounded Yang Tiexin, killing all the possible counterattacks up and down. I blocked the position safely. At this time, Wanyan Honglie looked at Bao Xiruo and Yang Kang and said softly: "Xiwei, Kang'er, this is too cruel for you, you should turn your head away."

"Mother Yang Kang looked at Bao Xiwei, took a final deep breath, looked directly at Wanyan Honglie, and said solemnly: "I don't know whether I am Wanyan Honglie or Yang Tiexin's son, but from now on There is absolutely no Yang Kang, there is only Wanyan Kang, I am the 187 son of King Jin Wanyan Honglie, Wanyan Kang!&

"Okay, okay, okay!" After saying "Hello" three times in a row, Wanyan Honglie patted Yang Kang or me, Wanyan Kang, on the shoulder and said with a smile: "This is my son. Daddy never cares whose son you are, because you He is my Wanyan Honglie's son, this will never change."

Puff Chi, blood spurted out uncontrollably, Yang Tiexin became extremely weak, looked at Wanyan Kang with difficulty, and at the same time set his eyes on Bao Xiruo, at this moment Bao Xiruo was bearing Yang Tiexin's pain. That last look, shook his head silently, and then stood firmly in front of Wanyan Kang. Although he didn't speak, it already represented everything!

Puchi spewed out another mouthful of blood, Yang Tiexin lost all his strength, and his whole body became like an ordinary person, or even worse than an ordinary person, he had completely become a useless person, Wanyan Honglie looked weaker and weaker Even Yang Tiexin, who couldn't even get through the sound of cursing, smiled coldly.

Even with the strength of the secret guard, Yang Tiexin couldn't stop Yang Tiexin from breaking out of the country, but if Yang Tiexin wanted to kill himself, then he could easily kill him with the strength of the secret guard, but Wanyan Honglie didn't do that, and It made Yang Tiexin lose all his strength = in the end he died like a waste.

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