Dying, dying, dying!Yang Tiexin looked at Wanyan Honglie, and said with difficulty: "Do you really think you are weak?"Wanyan Honglie be careful, this game is just the beginning, you will come down to accompany me soon, I will wait for you below, Bao Xiruo, Wanyan Kang you

same, hahaha

Yang Tiexin laughed and died!He was a very man who bled to death from all seven orifices, but Wanyan Honglie was very happy.

Wanyan Honglie has never been a kind person, this is a man who misses his own woman and his son, Wanyan Honglie absolutely would be an insult to himself if he let him die in battle like a soldier, since So then let him die in front of him like an ant, this is what I want to do the most. The fact proves that Wanyan Honglie has done it, Yang Tiexin really fell in front of him like a waste, but no Knowing why Wanyan Honglie couldn't be happy, because Wanyan Honglei felt as if an invisible power enveloped him, at this moment Wanyan Honglie felt the charm of Yang Tiexin's smile just now, and what happened to him.

"Mr. Su, you must be here too, since you are here (cebf), why don't you come out?" Wanyan Honglie turned around and looked at the empty air behind him, but suddenly said lightly.


Invisible fluctuations faintly appeared, and Su Chu's figure emerged, his eyes swept over the dead Yang Tiexin, the surprised Bao Xiruo, and the slightly terrified Wanyan Kang, and finally landed on the firm t in front of him! The handsome Xiaoxiong silently smiled and said: "Wanyan Honglie, although this script is a little different from what I expected, it is undeniable that you let me watch a good show." m

"Then what is Mr. Su's expected script?" Wanyan Honglie asked quietly.

"Yang Tiexin accepted my luck and finally broke away from your Bao country. When I return to the Song Dynasty, I will help him become a high-ranking official, or even a general. When the time comes, I will counterattack the Jin Dynasty, kill you, and regain possession of Bao Xiruo and you. Wanyankang, I have revenge! Su Chu said very calmly, it seemed like the whisper of a lunatic, but it was impossible to refute, because it was a kind of self-confidence, a kind of self-confidence that came from Su Chu. Out of self-confidence.

Wanyan Honglie looked at Su Chu and said suddenly: Does Mr. Su have such confidence? m

"Of course!" Su Chu said naturally.

Bao Xiruo and Wanyan Kang took a step back at the same time, and Bao Xiruo couldn't help but said: "Mr. Su, I want to know how my husband and my son have offended you?"Why should we be treated like this? &

"That's a good question!" Su Chu showed a smile: "To be honest, Wanyan Honglie, if you didn't do everything you said and did, then maybe I would become friends with you, and even help you fight for the hegemony of the Jin Dynasty." Even in the world, nationality and race are nothing to me, but you should never have thoughts about my woman In the end, although Su Chu's voice didn't change at all, everyone could feel the surroundings It's cold, it seems to be the whisper of the devil, and it seems to be the call of the devil.

Wanyan Honglie suddenly laughed and said: "Haha!"Mr. Su, it is undeniable that you are very powerful, but if you want to fight against a country by yourself, I am afraid you do not have such strength. As for me, Wanyan Honglie, I have never done anything that I regret in my life. It will be even worse in the future! "

?yes? & Su Chu asked back.

Seeing Wanyan Honglie's firm expression, Su Chu suddenly had a strange smile on his lips.

"That's a good question!" Su Chuchen smiled: "To be honest, Wanyan Honglie, if you didn't do everything you said and did, then maybe I would become friends with you, and even help you fight for the hegemony of the Jin Dynasty." , or even the world, to me nationality and race are nothing at all, but you should never have thoughts about my woman At the end, although Su Chu's voice didn't change at all, everyone could feel it The surrounding coldness seemed to be the whisper of the devil, and it seemed to be the call of the devil.

Wanyan Honglie suddenly laughed and said: "Haha!"Mr. Su, it is undeniable that you are very powerful, but if you want to fight against a country by yourself, I am afraid you do not have such strength. As for me, Wanyan Honglie, I have never done anything that I regret in my life. It will be even worse in the future! "

?yes? & Su Chu asked back.

Seeing Wanyan Honglie's firm expression, Su Chu suddenly had a strange smile on his lips.

"That's a good question!" Su Chuchen smiled: "To be honest, Wanyan Honglie, if you didn't do everything you said and did, then maybe I would become friends with you, and even help you fight for the hegemony of the Jin Dynasty." , or even the world, to me nationality and race are nothing at all, but you should never have thoughts about my woman At the end, although Su Chu's voice didn't change at all, everyone could feel it The surrounding coldness seemed to be the whisper of the devil, and it seemed to be the call of the devil.

Wanyan Honglie suddenly laughed and said: "Haha!"Mr. Su, it is undeniable that you are very powerful, but if you want to fight against a country by yourself, I am afraid you do not have such strength. As for me, Wanyan Honglie, I have never done anything that I regret in my life. It will be even worse in the future! "

?yes? & Su Chu asked back.

Seeing Wanyan Honglie's firm expression, Su Chu suddenly had a strange smile on his lips.

Chapter 71: The first step of the plan!

Chapter 71: The first step of the plan!

Wanyan Honglie's eyes were rounded, but no matter what it was, Wanyan Honglie at this moment was full of despair, watching the terrifying bloody handprints falling from the sky, and his subordinates, who represented his most powerful secret guard, even the There was no chance to react, and the clear sound of water waves as if a stone fell into the water and Wanyan Kang's exclamation suddenly came from behind him.

"No ご roar, Yan Honglie trembled and turned around, the last thing he saw was Bao Xiruo's weak smile, Su Chu's charming voice came faintly: Wanyan Honglie, Bao Xiruo still has twenty Don't worry about my life at four o'clock, those two people are the only ones who can break my inner strength in this world, unfortunately, even if you are an emperor, you can't invite those two people, let alone you are just a prince o"

Su Chu's figure left as if unreal. At this moment, the secret guard suddenly moved, but was stopped by Wanyan Honglie. Although Wanyan Honglie was full of despair, there was a trace of sarcasm in his eyes, and he said coldly : & come here, prepare the carriage, prepare the fastest BMW for me, I want to kiss Shaolin Temple.ノ?? Follow orders! "Following Wanyan Honglie's furious roar, the entire secret guard and the entire huge machine of the prince of the Jin Dynasty have started to operate. Wanyan Kang hugged his mother nervously, and Wanyan Honglie comforted him gently: "Don't worry about being weak." Well, you will never die, this king will never let you die-, this king swears to God! "

"I'm not going to die. I haven't seen you become emperor, I haven't seen Kang'er start a family, I haven't seen my offspring. Bao Xiruo is tenderly nestling in the arms of Wanyan Honglie and Wanyan Kang. In the middle, gently closed his eyes.

Although the voice is so desperate, in fact Bao Xiruo is not dead, but just too weak and fell into a deep sleep. Wanyan Honglie and Wanyan Kang hurriedly took Bao Xiruo away, although there are still two days to live However, what 0 needs to travel from the capital of the Kingdom of Jin to the Shaolin Temple is not a simple journey at all. Even in Wanyan Honglie, a wealthy country, it is very difficult to do it.

"Then let me see, Wanyan Honglie, what is your status in the hearts of those monks in Shaolin Temple! Can you attract that old fellow?" Wanyan Honglie and the secret guard left, and Su Chu's figure appeared again .

Does Su Chu really want to kill Bao Xiruo?of course not!Su Chu has never been a person who needs to kill someone else's woman to get revenge on others, but it would be the best if he could use this to attract one of the two old monsters in this world. Of course, there is no loss if he can't attract Su Chu , there is no major problem at all, and it can also make Wanyan Honglie feel hopeless, no matter what it is, Su Chu is very cost-effective.

The mission in this world is indeed very strange. Su Chu clearly knew what was going on in this world from Huang Rong, but the system still did not send a reminder, so it means that these two old monsters are in a state of suspended animation. state, and what I have to do is to drag them out of the state of suspended animation. As for the next result, that is not within the scope of Su Chu's consideration.

"What's going on here?" Mu Nianci suddenly covered his heart, and murmured nervously.

Li Qi immediately said: "What happened to Nianci?" &

Huang Rong, who was struggling with the food at the side, also hurried over: "Sister Mu, what's wrong with you?" &

"Nothing!" Mu Nianci shook his head, and said with a pale face: "I don't know what happened, but I feel very uncomfortable in my body, it's strange, as if, as if, as if there was something very important." Things are lost forever, but there is nothing serious, which makes you worry. &

"It's better to be careful, otherwise the big villain will say that we didn't take good care of Sister Mu when he came back, and he will make trouble for me." Huang Rong pouted cutely. She gritted her teeth, but she couldn't beat Su Chu. If she could beat Su Chu, there was no doubt that Huang Rong would definitely step forward and give Su Chu a hundred and eight punches with an electric cannon!

"I seem to hear someone talking bad about me." Su Chu's sudden voice made Huang Rong's face stiffen.

?????? Ask for flowers...

"Damn! This villain is not eavesdropping, is he? Why can he appear accurately every time I speak ill of him?

'Huang Rong really couldn't figure it out even if she wanted to break her little head.

In fact, this is all a coincidence, and it is a very interesting coincidence. Su Chu really didn't deliberately eavesdrop on Huang Rong's words, but just heard it by accident, and it was also a coincidence that she heard Huang Rong talking about herself. The star, every time when Huang Rong spoke, he just happened to hear it.

So this is an interesting story for Su Chu, but it is also a sad story for Huang Rong.

Seeing Su Chu who appeared out of thin air, Mu Nianci rushed to greet her, and made Huang Rong heave a sigh of relief: "Great!Sister Mu has something to ask, so the villain shouldn't be able to take care of me, right? &

Huang Rong's thinking was very naive, it was obviously impossible.

But it was clear that there was no problem for a while, Mu Nianci hurriedly asked: "Brother Su, is there something wrong with the adoptive father?"

In Mu Nianci's heart, the only people who can make him feel this way are Su Chu and Yang Tiexin. Now that Su Chu is standing here intact, only Yang Tiexin is possible, even though Yang Tiexin gave up. But Mu Nianci is a gentle child, he doesn't want anything to happen to Yang Tiexin, looking at Su Chu nervously, Mu Nianci really doesn't want to hear things that he doesn't want to hear.

Su Chu shook her head and said silently: "I brought Bao Xiruo in front of Mr. Yang, and then I left, but I didn't expect that Bao Xiruo actually loved Wanyan Honglie in his heart. After they killed Yang Tiexin just left. &

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