
Mu Nianci sat on the ground with tears streaming from her eyes. She might have guessed that Su Chu was hiding a part, but the general truth should be like this.

"Although Nianci shouldn't lie to you, this is indeed an important first step." Seeing Mu Nianci gently put her into his arms, Su Chu thought silently...

Chapter 72: Leaving the Kingdom of Jin

Chapter 72: Leaving the Kingdom of Jin

To be honest, Su Chu didn’t plot against Yang Tiexin, Su Chu is a person who values ​​his promises, since he promised Yang Tiexin, he will definitely do it, and in the end, although Su Chu had an evil intention, he also spent a lot of money. True Qi helped Yang Tiexin to have the strength to break through, but Yang Tiexin was irritated by Wanyan Honglie and died in the end. There was no need for Su Chu to help Yang Tiexin. A moment actually both sides have lost a lot.

Mu Nianci in his arms cried and fell asleep. Su Chu looked at the sky and said silently: "It's almost the same, and it's time to leave." "

"Are you going to leave?" Huang Rong blinked cutely and put Mu Nianci on the step as carefully as Li Qi. After that, Huang Rong looked at Su Chu strangely. Guoguo stayed for a few days, but Huang Rong, who saw the exotic atmosphere for the first time, still didn't want to leave.

Even though the Kingdom of Jin has not had much difference due to intermarriage with the Song Dynasty in recent years, whether it is the Kingdom of Jin or whether it is another nation or not, it still has its own unique culture. Although Su Chu is always busy these daysーSome other things, Huang Rong can play

"It doesn't matter if you don't leave. After all, I almost killed the princess of the prince. When I have time, we really can't stay any longer. Su Chu smiled and said: "Of course, if you, little girl If you are willing to stay, I can also sell you to some rich people, I believe that with your appearance, I should be able to earn a fortune!&

"Will you be willing?" Huang Rong curled her lips and looked directly at Su Chu, her eyes full of confidence.

Su Chu opened her mouth and found that she was speechless to refute, not to mention selling Huang Rong with her own hands, even Li Qi was only worried about Wanyan Honglie, Su Chu was going to destroy the entire Kingdom of Jin, Su Chu had such possessive thoughts about her own woman But it has reached an extreme. To put it bluntly, the most important thing in the hearts of those who have the world in mind is the world, and the most important thing in Su Chu's heart is his own woman. Others can stay where they are cool!

&Hee hee hee& Huang Rong let out a victorious smirk, excited

The whole person was jumping and jumping, but considering that Mu Nianci was resting, Huang Rong calmed down, but even so, the whole person was still very excited.

It is also helpless for Huang Rong. After all, this is the first time that Huang Rong has defeated Su Chu verbally. It should not be said that it is a defeat but a complete victory. Although she paid for her own reputation, Huang Rong, who has been suppressed and beaten by Su Chu, can no longer estimate this moment. There are so many, she is just happy, and she is excited 1

"It's a child after all." Su Chu shook her head with a smile, and didn't pay much attention to Huang Rong. This girl should let her grow up freely. You must know that Su Chu's thoughts on Huang Rong are not just Huang Rong's thoughts. The three generations of Huang Rong, Huang Yaoshi, and Huang Chang all have ideas. Of course, for Huang Rong, it is because of male and female reasons, but for Huang Yaoshi and Huang Chang, it is a means. Huang Yaoshi is proficient in astronomy and geography. It is undeniable that he is an absolute genius. There is no shortage of such talents and means. As long as they can take up the post, the strength of the empire can definitely be improved.

And with Huang Rong's relationship, Su Chu is absolutely at ease with Huang Yaoshi, just like Tie Zhongtang, the method of Shui Lingguang's body recovery is in Yilin's hands, Tie Zhongtang is impossible to betray, and Huang From Huang Rong's words, Chang could feel that she doted on Huang Rong very much.

Su Chu doesn't need to control such a person, he just needs to confess like Zhang Sanfeng and Yixiang. You must know that Zhang Sanfeng is Wudang to obey his orders, and if Huang Rong can also order Huang Chang himself, then by then two of his subordinates A person like a great master, Su Chu is actually not very interested in the Daxuan Empire, but it is difficult for him to give up when someone with power takes power, let a rich person give up money to go to an ordinary person It is simply impossible for Su Chu to live like this, and the same is true for Su Chu. Although Su Chu now believes in his own strength, the whole Daxuan Empire still brings huge benefits to Su Chu, and since it belongs to him, Then we must find ways to strengthen it.

Zhang Sanfeng, Tie Zhongtang, He Zudao, these people have one layer of background, and if they have Huang Shang, it is another layer of background. Under the development of Su Chu, the current Daxuan Empire has surpassed the history. Any dynasty has reached a real perfect society completely.

As long as the Jinyiwei, Dongchang, and Xichang hanging above the heads of all the officials are too scary, to put it bluntly, there are no other prisons in the entire Daxuan Empire except the Sky Prison, just like in those days The Xiqi is average, and the ground is generally a prison!

"Master, it seems that you are full of thoughts about the whole Huang family!" Li Qi looked at Huang Rong who was also going to rest, and smiled, after all, he was leaving the next day, no matter how happy Huang Rong needed to rest

Su Chu glanced at Li Qi, and said: "Naturally, Huang Rong is a peerless beauty who overwhelms the country, Huang Yaoshi is a genius with both love and martial arts, Huang Chang is a peerless master, and he is the only one who can remove that pervert in Jin Yong's world." One of the strongest 1.5 players other than Ah Qing. &

Among all Jin Yong's novels, Su Chu dare not say that he knows all of them well, but he is still very interested in these top masters. In Su Chu's opinion, the strongest person is probably the Yue girl Ah Qing, the sword given by heaven. He can be called a natural sword god!

The next ones should be Dugu Qiubai, Huang Chang, Zhang Sanfeng, Murong Longcheng, Duan Siping, Wuming old monk, Doujiu monk. As for the others, they are nothing in Su Chu's eyes. No one knew what many things actually happened that night. Su Chu and others left early the next morning. They left naturally. Wanyan Honglie, who was anxious to go to Shaolin Temple to find medicine, had no time to trouble Su Chu. Let's leave it for later...

Chapter 73: Attack

Chapter 73: Attack

Needless to say, the actions of Su Chu and others needless to say, what Su Chu wants to do is very fast. The next day, just after it was revealed, the group of people have left the capital of the Kingdom of Jin again. Trouble, but in front of Su Chu, these small troubles are nothing at all, and they are easily resolved.

Huang Rong and Mu Nianci rode the white and  to seek β   cunning   quail stern   take down the quail quail stern     quail stern        A dragon with a ng chest is generally strong and strong, but unfortunately it is still inferior to the sweat-blooded BMW riding by Su Chu in the middle. At least two BMWs look at the sweat-blooded BMW. The faint fear is not a level. Huang Rong looked at Su Chu strangely, and said curiously: "Hey! Big villain, where did you get this black rose? You know, there were only two horses when we came here?" Actually, Huang Rong was the most curious this time.

Whether it is the white dragon horse under him, the sweaty 24-blood BMW, or the black rose that Mu Nianci is riding now, almost all of them are top-notch BMWs that are worth a thousand dollars or even ten thousand dollars. Being able to own one is already top-notch, but Su Chu took out three BMWs very naturally, and the most important thing is Huang Rong. Of course, everyone can see that Su Chu can take out such three BMWs without any effort. It can already be seen that Su Chu's family is definitely not ordinary, but what makes Huang Rong more curious is where did Su Chu's horse come from?

Leaving Huang Rong aside, Su Chu smiled evilly under Huang Rong's suddenly vigilant eyes: "Of course there is no problem, but this is my most important secret, and I will never tell it to anyone who is not my most important." Yes, if you come to my room tonight it will be all right. &

Huang Rong showed a look that was so true, this has almost become a standard for Huang Rong and Su Chu to talk, the two of them always go to bed like this, naturally Huang Rong said disdainfully: "Big villain, you can just dream? Miss Ben will not betray herself because of such a small matter."

"Husband, I, I'll come to sleep with you! You tell Sister Rong about the matter." Mu Nianci looked at Huang Rong and Su Chu's appearance, and suddenly said weakly.

a puff

The water just swallowed was directly sprayed out by Huang Rong. Mu Nianci, who blushed while coughing and blushing in surprise, wanted to see any coercion from Mu Nianci's face, but Huang Rong failed in the end. Facts proved that Mu Nianci Nian Ci was not forced at all, but really wanted to go to bed!

"Let me tell you, Huang Rong hurriedly drove to Mu Nian

Beside Ci, riding a horse as a Jianghu jl girl is almost a kind of instinct, Huang Rong hurriedly said: "Let me tell you, Sister Mu, you must not be fooled by this big villain, he is a big bad person at all, if you don't Be careful that it is about to be sold, it will be broken. &

Seeing Li Qi's helpless smile, Huang Rong's look of not being fooled, and Su Chu's look of letting you choose, and the beautiful brilliance in his eyes, Mu Nianci lowered his head again, Nervous but shy, he said firmly: "Rong'er, you think too much, your husband won't be, he won't be that kind of person, you must be thinking too much, nothing, that's it!" ?

At the end, Mu Nianci seemed to be emphasizing Yixiang, but Huang Rong shook her head helplessly with that firm look. After all, this girl has been completely brainwashed, and it is impossible for him to save her.

Patting Wu's face, Huang Rong shook her head helplessly. She already knew that this woman Mu Nianci had completely fallen. Looking at Su Chu, Huang Rong really couldn't figure out where this person came from. A little bit, it means being more capable, being better at martial arts, or being richer.

After thinking about it, Huang Rong discovered that Su Chu is almost the dream lover in every woman's heart, f!Without hesitation, there is no woman who can resist Su Chu's charm in this era. Even today's princess will definitely look like Mu Nianci.

Although Huang Rong always emphasized herself, outsiders might not be able to know what she was thinking in her heart, and no one knew what the situation was like.

"Okay, you two, stop making trouble and go away! Su Chu waved his hands, and the two girls recovered in a hurry, and quickly followed Su Chu's pace.

"Hurry up and tell Master Uncle, this villain has already left, it's time to start." Just as Su Chu left, two figures appeared out of nowhere behind Su Chu, and glanced at the four people who had left, with The obscene color glanced at the three women, and then hurriedly reported to the not far away!

"Don't worry, master, uncle and others didn't make a move this time. As long as we kill this villain, these three women will not be in our hands." Another man next to the man patted him afraid Said with a smile on the shoulder.

This man also showed an evil smile. Although he and others are all decent, but what this decent is doing secretly, I am afraid that only they know, especially their core disciples know more.

"Cut! Is this kind of martial arts still secretly stalking?" Huang Rong curled her lips in disdain, apparently she had already spotted the shadows of the two people who were stalking "Speaking of? "Huang Rong looked at Su Chu suddenly, Su Chu looked at Huang Rong with a smile, Huang Rong said strangely: "Big villain, those guys uttered such dirty words, how could you not respond with your personality?"

Su Chu smiled lightly, but people who are familiar with Su Chu can feel the invisible coldness in Su Chu's smile, it should be said to be piercingly cold, Su Chu smiled and said: "Little girl, don't you know that there is a saying called Putting a long line to catch big fish?It doesn't hurt to wait. &

"So that's the case!" Huang Rong nodded with a sly smile, and smiled at Su Chu.

The big fox and the little fox thought of something bad at the same time...

Chapter 74: Quanzhen Sect! ! !

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