Chapter 109: The Opening Ceremony

Chapter 109: The Opening Ceremony

"Is this at the foot of Mount Shi?" Huang Rong wandered around curiously. Although she came out to wander the rivers and lakes, to be honest, Huang Rong fully remembered her grandfather's orders and had never been around Shaolin. Accidentally being forcibly taken away, there is no place to cry if you want to cry. Besides, Huang Rong is someone who knows some secret situations. Be careful to fall into the clutches of Shaolin, you will definitely

Thinking about it, Huang Rong couldn't help but tremble a bit, and after carefully looking around to make sure no one noticed her strangeness, she was relieved, but at this moment, Mu Nianci's voice made Huang Rong's mind lift up again, Mu Nianci asked strangely: "Rong'er, what's wrong with you?" &

"It's okay, it's okay!" Huang Rong hastily denied: "Sister Mu, I'm fine."''

"Don't pay attention to this crazy girl. With your crazy girl's appearance, I don't think anyone will fall in love with you even if you get lost. You have to be the first and the last." At this time, Su Chu's teasing voice suddenly When it came, the words were full of disdain.


With a cold snort, Huang Rong almost glared at Su Chu, but at this moment when Mu Nianci moved, the slightly trembling twin peaks in front of him and Lin Chaoying who was still standing proudly despite being as cold as ice, Huang Rong was careful. Looking at herself, Huang Rong finally realized her situation. Huang Rong froze for a moment. She closed the curtain and sat in the carriage. She didn't know if she was sulking or something, which made Su Chu shake in boredom. Squeeze your head.

I didn't say too much, after all, teasing Huang Rong is just a part of life, and it can't be played all the time, right?Proper play is the most appropriate!And the most curious thing is that Huang Rong didn't refute this time, so don't be so provocative, or the rabbit will bite if you get anxious.

In fact, Huang Rong would indeed be considered to have a very good figure based on her fifteen-year-old age. Unfortunately, against the backdrop of these proud guys around, Huang Rong still became the most inconspicuous part.

Of course, some people just like it, let's say someone named Su Chu!He has full control, and he is studying how to eat Huang Rong. "After this incident is over, it seems that I should go to Peach Blossom Island to propose a marriage. 々." After thinking for a while, Su Chu seemed to be slightly. Said.


A puff of white smoke rose from Huang Rong's head, which was very happy, her whole face turned red instantly, she shyly looked at Su Chu, looking at Su Chu's flicker!There was no joking look in the eyes, but the little girl did not retort strangely, but shrank obediently in the corner, not knowing what she was thinking.

Mu Nianci nodded his thin lips, and said very much in agreement: "It is indeed the way it should be. Husband, you also have a family and a business now, so you should give Rong'er a title, otherwise it would be too disrespectful to Rong'er." Fair enough.**

"En!" Su Chu nodded, and didn't tease Huang Rong, but looked into the distance as if she had passed through the carriage.

"Does this villain have such a gentle side?" Huang Rong looked at Su Chu strangely.

"However, I think with the little girl's situation, she can only be a concubine at most, not even a wife!" But at the next moment, as Huang Rong expected, Su Chu's faint voice made Huang Rong tremble again. Roared up.

"Big villain, today I will fight to the death with you.

Seeing Huang Rong rushing forward, Su Chu rolled with her.


Now above the rivers and lakes, it can be said bluntly that it is definitely the most lively place. All the inns and hotels under the mountain have been booked, and they are still booked by Shaolin. Of course, it costs money in name, but in reality No one is sure whether to spend money or not.

After all, these hotels at the foot of Songshan Mountain generally have to pay offerings for Shaolin to protect.

But no matter what it is, as long as you hold the invitation card, you can check in directly, and the inn you live in is different according to the level of the invitation card.

As for Shaolin, in fact, Shaolin did not appear at all, or it was said that the temple was closed for a hundred years, so there are still five days before it will reach a hundred years. This is what Shaolin said. Those who come to watch the fun care about so many things about you.

The front of the carriage was opened, and Su Chu held Huang Rong slightly in his arms and sat on the carriage. Although Huang Rong's cheeks were blushing, she didn't struggle in any special way, instead she snuggled up to Su Chu's body like a kitten. in the arms.

Yo!What an iconic chick "Brat, give us the carriage and the chick.

"Otherwise we would

, puff,

The blood was scattered all over the ground, and to outsiders, it was just a flash of purple light, while the seven people in yellow clothes who stopped Su Chu and his party had already fallen to the ground, until the end they were dead.

"Such a person is simply an insult to people's eyes." Su Chu hooked his palm, and the red bloody handprint of the skeleton came out through his body, and it exploded, seven people, seven figures were completely shattered, and not even the dross was left.

"Ants! Mu Su Chu glanced at those watching the scene, turned and left.

"This is the strength of the Yin Yang family's master? It's really scary, the Yangtze River Seven Ghosts can't even move a single move under his hands."

"It's really scary! & (Li Lihao)

The Seven Ghosts of the Yangtze River is an organization that has recently become famous on the rivers and lakes. The seven of them are septuplet brothers, their strength is very good, and their cultivation is advanced. Killed by Su Chu?

The people present, both good and evil, are restraining the battle between the two sides. After all, the right lord has not yet appeared. It would be shameless if the war started. Let's see what will happen to the provocative Yangtze River Seven Ghosts.

& Rong'er didn't seem to be forced. &In the inn, two figures, one middle-aged and one young, looked at the two people who were going away.

"Hahaha... The young Taoist drank lightly, but his eyes scanned the Shaolin ancient temple on Mount Song.

Five days passed in a flash, and the opening ceremony officially began! 0

Chapter 110: Gathering of Heroes

Chapter 110: Gathering of Heroes

Posthumous Shaolin Temple!

In front of the mountain gate of Shaolin Temple is a very large platform, which is completely paved with fine stones and carved with the image of Buddha. However, today Shaolin Temple is full of people.

In front of the entire mountain, there are all kinds of people, decent and evil, all of them exist here, and everyone discusses the same thing, that is today’s opening ceremony of Shaolin Temple. The two sides, which is rare to see today, turned out to be very peaceful.

"How could such an interesting day be without me?? Suddenly a lively voice came, and everyone only saw nine shadows in the air as if they were flashing by. At this time, although the shawl was scattered, but it was The person exuding a very large aura came out and everyone was in awe instantly. This has nothing to do with good or evil, good or evil, it is a respect for strength, because the person in front of him is the original master and uncle of Quanzhen Sect in Zhongnan Mountain Now, Zhou Botong, the elder of the Yin-Yang family, in the eyes of many righteous people, Zhou Botong is despised and even called a traitor. Anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

After the incident at Zhongnan Mountain, Zhou Botong definitely became stronger. Didn't you see that he has black hair now?Everyone knew that Zhou Botong rushed up to Zhong Nanshan like a madman, but everyone was very dignified today.

"Zhou Botong" suddenly shouted angrily, but this time it was a woman

child's voice.

Everyone turned their gazes over again, it was a woman, a slightly old woman, but from the still charming cheeks, one can see the beautiful face of the woman when she was young, and the long black hair , in clean clothes, looked very calm, but the solemn murderous aura on his body was undeniable.

All of a sudden everyone was interested, they all wanted to see who this woman was and how Zhou Botong would respond.

"Jianggu, I have really suffered for you these years." Zhou Botong looked at this woman, as if he felt everything in those years, and silently said a word of apology.

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