"Who is this woman?&

"what's going on?

Shun Wen everyone was dumbfounded, everyone in Jianghu knew that Zhou Botong always laughed at Jianghu, and there had never been such a situation where he would show such an embarrassing expression.

"Amitabha!" Suddenly a soft Buddha's name came.

Zhou Botong's and Ying Gu's expressions became ugly in an instant, especially Zhou Botong clenched his fists tightly, looked at Ying Gu and said silently: "Ying Gu, what happened back then is absolutely unacceptable today." It won't happen again, I want everyone in the world to understand that you, Ying Gu, are my woman! &

Zhou Botong's voice was not loud, but it resounded throughout the platform.


Everyone gasped, but what followed was a look of watching the excitement. They all wanted to see what was going on with this matter. After all, it is human instinct to watch the excitement.

Tears dripped from the corners of Ying Gu's eyes. Isn't this what she has been waiting for for so many years?With such a sentence, I am already satisfied, everything is worth it, but when thinking of her own child back then, Yinggu's eyes once again showed a cold look. Zhou Botong stood silently in front of Yinggu, watching the momentary The eyes of the five figures (cfbd) who have already arrived on the mountain are incomparably cold

The head monk is of course Master Yideng, and the four disciples standing behind him, Master Yideng smiled lightly and said: "Botong can see through, it is really a great blessing in the world, I don't know Botong

"It's never been my turn to talk about things about my Yinyang family. Yinggu is from my Yinyang family, so it's not your turn to talk nonsense about anything." With this faint voice, but full of arrogance, it attracted her attention again. The eyes of the whole rivers and lakes.

A peaceful Taoist hug, as if appearing out of nowhere, appeared beside Zhou Botong just like that, without any sense of disobedience, as if this person came from this place in the first place.

It goes without saying that it was Su Chu who came, and behind Su Chu were Lin Chaoying, Huang Rong, and Mu Nianci. As for Zhao Zhijing, he had already come this morning. Su Chu and others went together.

k Yideng'I'm not interested in what happened back then, but today Zhou Botong is the elder of my Yin Yang family, you are not qualified! & Su Chu's voice is very flat.

But the more flat the voice, the more angry people feel, it is an invisible mockery, and the words are looking down on you "You & Wu Santong couldn't help but take a step forward.

"Don't!" It's too late for Yideng to stop it.


An invisible ray of light flashed across the air, and a deep scar appeared on Yideng's arm, and blood dripped down on the ground, but his face remained unchanged and he said calmly: "Mr. Su, don't be too decisive in doing things."

"So what can I do if I do too much?" Su Chu sneered, and his body turned into seven in an instant.


One light can stop one, can stop two, so can it stop three?It turns out that's impossible!

However, Wu Santong and the others fell to the ground in an instant, with a slight scar on their throats, blood slowly overflowed as the four of them fell to the ground, Su Chu said lightly: "Young man who interrupted indiscriminately, you should penalty! no

"You... a m

"Haha! Boy, yes, yes, it really suits my appetite. At this time, a burst of arrogant laughter came.

I saw that the two figures seemed to have shrunk to an inch, and they had come to the front of the crowd in an instant. They were dressed in yellow gowns and ghost-like masks. Who else could there be except Huang Yaoshi? I know, but Su Chu has already guessed that it might be Huang Chang.

"Daddy!" Huang Rong hurried to Huang Yaoshi.

"Girl found a good man!" Huang Yaoshi laughed loudly.

Chapter 111: Crossing the Character Generation

Chapter 111: Crossing the Character Generation

"Daddy & Huang Rong's cheeks turned red immediately, but they didn't refute. After all, Su Chu had already torn through the window paper, so of course Huang Rong wouldn't deny it.

All women know that if a man denies it after a man breaks it, no matter if it is sincere or playful, the only result is to break up, and Huang Rong is a smart person. Of course she understands such an arrogant person like Su Chu. , what will happen if you are rejected by yourself.

"Inheritance of the Yin-Yang Family" Following the guidance of Huang Rong, the two came to Su Chu, took a glance at a young Taoist priest, and then suddenly said interestingly.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from Senior Huang." Su Chu clasped his fists slightly and greeted Huang Chang.

Su Chu has always been a person who is neither humble nor overbearing, what's more, the feeling Huang Chang gave to Su Chu is still a line away from Zhang Sanfeng. Of course, the gap is not big, but Zhang Sanfeng is not qualified to make Su Chu bow down, Huang Chang naturally does too. Not one.

"Meet Mr. Huang!" Su Chu's arrogance does not allow him to say the word father-in-law, even if everyone knows his identity, Su Chu might not be able to say it.

"It's not bad, not bad, not bad& Huang Yaoshi paid more attention to Su Chu. His superb cultivation and rebellious character, although he was a little rebellious, but under the preconceived situation, Huang Yaoshi has completely Don't care about that anymore.

Huang Chang glanced at Su Chu, frowned slightly, and then said in a funny way: "Such a strong aura of emperor?"It seems that your identity is really not simple!Inheritance of the Onmyo family, Manipulation of Emperor Qi, Life and Death Qi & interesting, interesting!It's really interesting! "

Huang Chang smiled amusedly.

But Su Chu said silently: "Rong'er will not leave, the two of you will know these things soon." &

Su Chu clearly felt that after Shaolin came out of the mountain, Huang Chang came in front of her, and the system didn't even remind her that the task was completed, that is to say, there might be more than just these two people hidden in this world, and of course it's normal. The most important thing is to look around the breath, but the other two are hidden very deeply, if I don't have a keen sense, I can't even feel it.

"Huang Laoxie, you have imprisoned me for more than ten years, I will settle the debt with you sooner or later." Zhou Botong looked at Huang Yaoshi's teeth and claws, but Dugu smiled helplessly.

Apparently, the two of them have untied their knots just now. Both of them are emotionally dedicated people, otherwise they wouldn't have waited for each other for so many years, so naturally there would be no conflicts. Silently walked aside, carrying the body of his disciple!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Master Yideng is cowardly. The world is not big but it is not small, but the circle of top masters is only so big, and everyone wants to see what will happen today.

Because no matter how prominent their identities are today, whether they are righteous or evil, they are all destined to be supporting roles. The real protagonists are only these few people and the Shaolin Temple!

Huang Yaoshi said lightly: "Only by you?"snort!Since you want to seek another defeat, of course there is no problem. "

"Damn Huang Laoxie, just wait for me." Zhou Botong gritted his teeth, but considering that this is not the time to sell, otherwise Zhou Botong would definitely directly fight Huang Yaoshi for [-] rounds without hesitation.

In fact, Zhou Botong is not a particularly grudge-bearing person. Although Huang Yaoshi imprisoned him, he did not abuse him. Zhou Botong was just angry. He was defeated by Huang Yaoshi back then, so naturally he has to find his place today, otherwise Zhou Botong will feel uncomfortable. .

Su Chu just smiled and shook her head, but at this time another figure came.

It was Hong Qigong who came, but now Hong Qigong seemed more energetic. Obviously, the events of that day not only did not hit Hong Qigong, but brought him a step closer. Following his disciple Guo Jing who was following behind him, he walked towards the position of Yideng, obviously the two had already stood together.

Of course, Su Chu doesn't care, even if the ants are multiplied by 2, they are still ants!

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