But now the entire Yin Yang family is extremely quiet, especially the entire backyard, everyone knows that the backyard is Su Chu's residence, no one dares to enter, trespassing to death!

"Don't come here!" Lin Chaoying was disheveled and stared at the man in front of him viciously, with tears in his eyes.

"I don't want to come?" Su Chu also laughed amusedly: "You made this bet by yourself and asked me not to come, I'm sorry, I'm the most "don't! & Lin Chaoying jumped to escape from the room, the speed has obviously reached the level of a master.

It's a pity that Lin Chaoying was quicker, Su Chu was quicker and completely subdued Lin Chaoying in an instant, threw Lin Chaoying with her big hole sealed up on the bed, and said with a smile: "I have long wanted to taste such delicious food as you." I tasted it, but I didn't expect that you would come to your door by yourself. Su Chu has not moved Lin Chaoying, not because she is in charge of Lin Chaoying, but because she thinks it's not time yet.

In the end, I didn't expect that after returning from Shaolin Temple two months ago, because of watching the result of that battle, coupled with Huang Chang's teachings, Lin Chaoying had broken through and reached the realm of a master, and after a month of solid state, she would also I don't know if I have lost my mind and must challenge Su Chu.

Lin Chaoying, who had risked her freedom and her innocence, didn't have the slightest fudge!Su Chu tied up and ate it comfortably like a little sheep.

383 & Ah! & Lin Chaoying's voice echoed throughout the palace

After eating and drinking, Su Chu walked out of the room with a smile on her face. The first thing she saw was Li Qi who was looking at her with a series of smiling eyes outside the room. Li Qi said interestingly: "Master, how does Lin Chaoying feel?" Sample? &

"Of course it's very delicious to teach a woman to eat." Su Chu and Li Qi looked at each other and smiled, looking like two demons.

"It's true, sir." Standing by the window, Mu Nianci helplessly shook his head, but his face was flushed. After all, Lin Chaoying's room was next to his own, and he could be considered to have heard a sexual intercourse. How could there be no reaction at all.

??Rong'er, get up quickly, or your husband will come over later. w Mu Nianci called Huang Rong softly.

"Ah!" Huang Rong jumped up from Mu Nianci's footsteps in a panic, and was about to leave.

?? Don't leave when you come, Xiao Ronger! Su Chuxie's laughing voice suddenly echoed in the room, and soon after Huang Rong's exclamation, a moving score sounded on it.

Three months later, the Yin-Yang Family Grand Ceremony was officially held, formally establishing the Yin-Yang Family's status as a Taoist school above the rivers and lakes, as well as its leadership! .

Chapter 264: More than a dozen planted in a flash

Chapter 264: More than a dozen planted in a flash

Time flies!The world is chaotic and quiet!

The rivers and lakes have fallen into an unprecedented silence in the past thirteen years. Thirteen years ago, Shaolin came out of the mountain with an extremely high-profile attitude, but in the end, it was killed by Su, the head of the world's largest yin and yang sect, on that day. Chu fought back with his own hands. That day was the most intense battle in hundreds of years. Shaolin came out of the mountain and closed the mountain every day, which is also a laughing stock in the world.

And since the Yin-Yang Family Grand Ceremony thirteen years ago, Su Chu, the head of the Yin-Yang Family, has never set foot in the Jianghu, but has been cultivating inside the Yin-Yang Family. The people who have set foot in the Jianghu have always been Huang Yaoshi, Zhou Botong, and Lin Chaoying. These three elders.

But even just relying on the three elders of the five-jue level is already enough to establish the Yinyang family's position above the Jianghu. Although there are many talents in these years because of the battle in the Jianghu, it is a pity that it is still far behind the Yinyang family. many.

There are too many masters of the Yin Yang family, and the martial arts secrets of the Yin Yang family emerge in endlessly, just like Zhao Zhijing, the current head of the Yin Yang family, has been hailed as a master of the Wujue level in the past, and he is also famous in the Jianghu Zhenzhen, together with Guo Jing 383, the leader of the current beggar gang, and Wanyan Kang, the posthumous son of King Jin Wanyan Honglie, is listed as the three young masters in the Jianghu.

Of course, more people's eyes are on the Yinyang family, or Su Chu. They want to know when Su Chu will step out of the gate of the Yinyang family again?Once again, a bloody storm was set off in the rivers and lakes.

And more importantly, it has been thirteen years so far, and everyone wants to know what level those people who watched the battle between the two great masters have reached?All in all, all in all, the current Jianghu has fallen into a kind of calmness of difference.

??Rong'er can't make trouble! &The woman with a perfect figure was dressed in a snow-white glazed palace dress that dragged the floor, looking helplessly at the troublesome woman in front of her, she was obviously a woman in her twenties, but she was still so mischievous and troublesome, it was really helpless.

"Sister Mu, Brother Su has been in retreat for more than half a year. It's really boring, why don't we go in and have a look?" Bin κ thumb   ψ  ∽  Meng instant recovery  Lang Lai descended from the familiar ┦ tailor?/p>

The two daughters are already married, and the identity of the husband is of course Su Chu. In the past thirteen years, the two daughters have only occasionally gone out to play, and the rest of the time they have been on Zhongnan Mountain.

Mu Nianci has a gentle personality, and she can endure embroidery and playing the piano. How could a quirky little girl like Huang Rong be able to bear it, especially if it is not like the original book? The current Huang Rong's personality is cultivated by Su Chuke. Lively no less than the little girl back then, how could she be able to bear such restraints and want to escape every now and then.

As for Huang Rong's martial arts aptitude inherited from Huang Chang and Huang Yaoshi, needless to say, although she hasn't practiced martial arts seriously for so many years, her lightness kung fu is definitely one of the best in the world. Even Su Chu can't catch it with a single round of light kung fu She is also helpless.

Over time, no one in Zhongnan Mountain could catch Huang Rong without Su Chu and Huang Chang's actions. Later, Su Chu got helpless and directly set up a large formation on Zhongnan Mountain to prevent you from leaving the mountain, but it was still every now and then. Taking Huang Rong out to play, this is what made Huang Rong's restless heart calm down.

"Rong'er, don't mess around, (cfbh) this time my husband's retreat is extremely important, don't disturb me casually!" Mu Nianci scolded softly.

Mu Nianci is an extremely gentle person, she doesn't care about anything, not to mention that after losing her adoptive father, Mu Nianci put all her family affection on Su Chu and Huang Rong's. Mu Nianci loves her, especially Huang Rong, a quirky little girl. She is afraid of losing it in her palm and melting in her mouth, but Mu Nianci also has her own ideas.

It doesn't matter how you often fight, but now Su Chu is retreating, and it is the most important retreat. Even Huang Chang once said in person that Su Chu will be reborn after leaving the customs. How could Nian Ci let Huang Rong make trouble.

"Okay, okay, sister Mu, don't be angry, okay?" Huang Rong, who had no mother's love since she was a child, is not afraid of anything. She really has nothing to do with this sister who treats her like a sister like a mother, or she really doesn't want to. Make it angry!

Seeing that Mu Nianci was really angry, Huang Rong immediately shrank back obediently, and nodded obediently, acting like I am very obedient.

??Ronger! *?Mu Nianci looked at Huang Rong helplessly, stepped forward gently to hug Huang Rong's delicate body, and said softly: "Ronger,

Well, didn't my husband say that?This time I will take you out to play! The rivers and lakes that have been silent for so many years have already begun to surge. , making Mu Nianci chuckle helplessly, but there is nothing he can do about it.

Huang Rong secretly thought: "Brother Su, you big liar, you have been telling me like this since five years ago, but you have been in seclusion for the past five years, and you never leave the seclusion to play with me. People really want it." To play that shameful game. &

Thinking about Huang Rong, I feel that I have a feeling of being shy in the past. After all, I am a woman of this era. No matter how open my personality is, it is impossible to be truly unaffected, otherwise Huang Rong would not stay here. caught.

"Is the little girl thinking about those embarrassing things again?" Mu Nianci looked at Huang Rong and joked with a smile.

"Ah! I didn't think about it!" Suddenly being interrupted by someone, Huang Rong immediately covered her face in embarrassment, but wasn't that the standard look of three hundred taels of silver here.

That cute look made Mu Nianci smile softly...

Chapter 267: Departure

Chapter 267: Departure

Three days later!

Suddenly, a gust of wind rang out from the ordinary Yin Yang family, and the wind became stronger and stronger, and even the sky and the earth became dark. At this moment, the endless stars between the sky and the earth enveloped the space between the sky and the earth, and the sky was surrounded by stars, and at the next moment, a sudden cold light shot into the sky. Then, it turned into countless swords, and each sword melted into a star, and the stars shone brightly in an instant.

"Is the work done?" Huang Chang raised his head and scanned the world, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said with a secret smile: "The map of the stars and stars is indeed worthy of this domineering name. I am old, old! There are generations of Jiangshan." The talent came out, and the current juniors have created a path that completely surpasses the old man's Nine Yin Scriptures, no wonder they don't like the old man's way."

Although the words are extremely bleak, everyone can see the faint smile in Huang Chang's eyes. Although Huang Chang and Su Chu are not one and the same, they are actually very close. Su Chu The stronger it is, the more Huang Chang wants to see it. Isn't this a good thing?

The entire palace exploded with a bang, 25 pieces of debris floated in the air, and time seemed to stop in an instant, everything seemed to stop, and the infinite sword energy descended from the sky, instantly crushing the debris into powder, and slowly floating in the air, that The faint residue just dissipates without a trace

, hum

Gentle fluctuations swept across the entire world, and the thousands of stars between the sky and the earth slowly disappeared or dissipated, turning into rays of light and blending into the figure directly below. All the visions came and went quickly, but But absolutely no one dared to underestimate it. The terrifying coercion just now swept the entire world almost instantly.

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