"Is this the true strength of the sect master?" Zhao Zhijing knelt on the ground uncontrollably, trembling all over, with nothing but awe in his eyes. He didn't know if he was the only one who received such treatment, but He didn't dare to be careless, because this might be a warning given to him by the head, this Yin-Yang family is still Su Chu's Yin-Yang family, and he is just Su Chu's dog!

Slowly opening her eyes, Su Chu had a signature confident smile on the corners of her mouth, and slowly got up, and as Su Chu got up, the bed beneath her was like a breeze in an instant, followed by a cold wind. It collapsed into ashes like this, and nothing was left, only Su Chu's confident and arrogant smile was left.

"Husband, the closest to Su Chu is Mu Nianci, who immediately ran over when something happened.

In fact, the place where Mu Nianci lives is only a wall away from Su Chu's retreat room. The reason is because Mu Nianci wants to take care of Su Chu all the time, and doesn't want Su Chu to be like this just after he leaves the seclusion. As a result, Mu Nianci The reason for moving to the next door is to take better care of Su Chu.

As a result, Su Chu ran over as soon as he left the customs.

"Nianci, I said earlier that these things should be done by the servants." Su Chu looked at Mu Nianci, who was wearing a long plain jade dress and dragging the prepared tea in his hand, and stepped forward. Mu Nianci's side, stroking Mu Nianci's cheek tenderly and affectionately, said softly.

Mu Nianci shook his head softly, and said softly: "Husband, it's just something that I can do, Nianci still hopes to take care of my husband!" "

Looking at Mu Nianci's sweet smile, what else can Su Chu say?With a wife like this, what can a husband ask for?Although the scene was wrong and the situation was wrong, Su Chu still picked up the good tea prepared by Mu Nianci, and just quietly savored the taste of the tea, or tasted the beauty's love contained in the tea. !

"Really, Sister Mu and Brother Su, you two are showing your affection openly and aboveboard again?" The lively and weird voice suddenly came. You don't need to look back to know who it is, except for the little girl Huang Rong, who else can say such a thing? if.

Mu Nianci smiled lightly and said: "If Rong'er wants it too, I can give this task to Rong'er next time too!" &

&forget it!This little girl's tea is too bad to drink, and letting her cook is the best place for her. & Su Chu pursed her lips and said indifferently, but there was a smile in the corner of Huang Rong's eyes as she watched the dusty rush.

Huang Rong immediately warmed up in disbelief: "What do you mean when people make tea so bad?"It's not difficult to drink tea when people make it!Wait for me, you stinky brother, I will make you dumbfounded sooner or later. &

"I'm waiting, I'm waiting!" Su Chu said comfortingly.

Angrily, Huang Rong gritted her teeth but was helpless. She walked over quickly and looked at Su Chu curiously. She felt that Su Chu hadn't changed and asked strangely: "Brother Su, have you succeeded in martial arts?" °"Huh! *? Su Chu nodded slightly: "With the four great treasures of Heavenly Art, Beiming Divine Art, Taiji Xuangong, Douzhuanxingyi, and Qiankun Dayi, as the core, many martial arts have been integrated into Jiuyin Divine Art and Jiuyang Divine Art. It has finally been created Come out, the next thing to do is to work harder to learn more martial arts to perfect this map of the stars. "

387 & wow! &Huang Rong was stunned when she heard that!

After so many years, Huang Rong is no longer the little girl she was back then. She already knew what the martial arts that Su Chu said represented, but it turned out that Su Chu created the martial arts based on these martial arts. Knowing that the power must be unparalleled.

But the same super high starting point is also doomed to make it more difficult for Su Chu to improve the map of the stars and stars. If it is said that Su Chu needs to understand the way of swordsmanship when returning to the sect of Wanjian, then Su Chu needs to improve the map of stars and stars. All the martial arts are integrated into one body!

Map of the stars!

As the name suggests, every bit of star represents every internal energy that Su Chu has practiced, and all the internal energy has been integrated into it by Su Chu, just like the return of ten thousand swords to the clan, which is also the last thing Su Chu found. Otherwise, according to the possibility at that time, I am afraid that he would really explode and die.

Although this martial art with infinite potential was created by accident, the same martial art with infinite potential is now unable to improve its power because the potential is too high. If you want to improve, what Su Chu wants It takes more thought, more! .

Chapter 274: Two Major Bugs in Shaolin

Chapter 274: Shaolin's two **ug

Ouyang Feng's snake skills, Jiuyin white bone claws from the Nine Yin Scriptures, Shaolin Temple martial arts, Quanzhen martial arts, and Western Tantric martial arts. These martial arts include many martial arts from Buddhism, Taoism, evil sects, and Tantric schools. It is not so simple for Yan Kang even if it is Su Chu and Huang Chang who want to easily integrate these martial arts, let alone Wan Yankang?

Su Chu is not looking down on Wanyan Kang, Wanyan Kang's martial arts qualifications are not low, even very high, in fact, the reason why Wanyan Kang in the original book is weak is because he has a good father, and he doesn't want so much, but now Jin Guo To perish, Wanyan Kang bears a lot. Sometimes the burden can crush a person, and sometimes the burden can make a person stronger, and Wanyan Kang belongs to the latter.

But even if Wanyan Kang has the strength to be promoted to a grand master, or even if the opportunity is sufficient, it does not mean that he is qualified to master these martial arts at such a level. To put it bluntly, Wanyan Kang's martial arts cultivation is still not enough. It is not enough to completely integrate these yin and yang, good and evil polarized martial arts, let alone Buddhism and Taoism, do you really think it is so used to integrate 390?

"Nine Suns Divine Art! The Great Shift of the Universe! & Li Qi almost slammed every single word!

Although Li Qi has never practiced these two martial arts, he definitely has clearly studied many of their mysteries. At Li Qi's level, studying other people's martial arts and learning from them to improve one's own path is also a very important path, which is extremely important.

And the former of these two martial arts has cultivated to great success with the combination of yin and yang, and the wine monk is not attributable to a generation of wizards. If it is indeed inferior to Huang Chang, I am afraid that the outcome of that battle may not be certain!

Not to mention the Great Teleportation of the Universe, Huo Shan founded the Ming Cult, and was even promoted to a Grand Master. More importantly, the Great Teleportation of the Universe is also a martial art that combines yin and yang to develop the limits of the human body!

The most important thing is that if the Nine Suns Divine Art is really combined with the Great Shift of the Universe, it will almost be used by all martial arts in the world. It can be explained clearly why Wanyan Kang can perfectly combine these martial arts.

The main reason is here, and the most important thing is that these martial arts are likely to be a trick to mislead others, and according to Shaolin's capital, Wanyan Kang's real hole card can only be "Eleven Pass Golden Bell Cover" Bad magic!" Su Chu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said quietly, although his tone was calm but full of firmness.

Su Chu is also helpless, Shaolin's seventy-two unique skills are indeed many, and there are even many martial arts other than the seventy-two unique skills, but the power of these martial arts is indeed not as powerful as the eleven-level golden bell cover And King Kong is not bad.

In the eleventh level, the golden bell cover King Kong came to the world, Su Chu can be sure that if he met the wine monk on that day, even if he tried his best in the end, only one of them would die, the wine monk was seriously injured, and it goes without saying that King Kong is not bad , that thing is simply a bug, as long as your cultivation base is enhanced, it seems that you can enhance it without limit.

"What an annoying two martial arts! When mentioning these two martial arts, everyone present frowned slightly.

Needless to say, Li Qi and Li Mochou, Mu Nianci and Huang Rong have also been practicing martial arts these years. Although they are not as good as the first two, they have learned about the two world-famous Shaolin martial arts, and the final conclusion is this The two martial arts are basically Shaolin (chuah) bugs!

People are simply helpless in helplessness, not to mention the power, the most important thing is that the higher the level of cultivation of these two martial arts and Buddhism, the stronger the power of martial arts seems to be.

Don't look at the golden body of Arhat used by the drinking monk, but the golden body of the Arhat used by the drinking monk is no less than the ordinary bodhisattva jade body.

You must know that the Buddhist golden body is divided into the golden body of the Buddha, the jade body of the Bodhisattva, and the golden body of the Arhat. Cultivation, such a cultivation will make people feel helpless no matter who puts it in the hands!

"Brother Su, don't these two martial arts have the slightest flaws?" Huang Rong rubbed her eyebrows, and asked helplessly, obviously she was extremely helpless about these two martial arts.

After Su Chu was silent for a while, she said with a slight smile: "It is true that the Golden Bell Cover of the Eleven Passes and the Vajra Immortality Magic Art are extremely terrifying or even terrifying martial arts. It is not true that s is flawless. &

Listening to Su Chu's words, Huang Rong immediately asked excitedly: "Then what is the flaw?" &

"What is it?" Su Chu asked back, looking at Huang Rong who had jumped in front of her, she hooked Huang Rong into her arms, and said with a light smile: "Guess this flaw is What? &

At the same time, Su Chu put her hands where they shouldn't be, making Huang Rong look at the girls around her with blushing cheeks.

But it is obvious that Li Qi, Mu Nianci, and Li Mochou have long been used to it, the slightest!He glanced at Huang Rong without hesitation and continued to wait for Su Chu's explanation.

"I don't know, tell me quickly, tell me quickly" Huang Rong said coquettishly, shaking Su Chu's shoulder like a little girl.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Su Chu nodded with a smile: "The biggest flaw of these two exercises is that it takes too long!" &

Su Chu's words were full of exclamation. Indeed, the Eleventh Pass of the Golden Bell Cover Fighting Wine Monk combined the four magical skills of Nine Suns Divine Art, Yi Jin Jing, Shaolin Boy Art, and Vajra Indestructible Body by coincidence. This is in a short period of time. It will be cultivated to the realm of eleven levels within a short period of time.

However, others in such a realm would not be able to do it without hundreds of years of hard work. As for the indestructible magic skill of King Kong, let alone it is a purely time-consuming martial art. ...

Chapter 275: Defying the Heavenly Qualifications

Chapter 275: Defying the Heavenly Qualifications

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