"Shirou..." Saber stared at him blankly, she was so trusted and understood.

"How could this be the best result? The Holy Grail should be completed and all human beings in the world be baptized. That is the best result!"


Shirou finally understood that the person standing in front of him was a lunatic.

Gilgamesh, indeed, is an arrogant, merciless, annoying existence.

Appreciated by such an existence, Shirou felt that he was simply overwhelmed by Wang Jiang.

"Sure enough, I still don't agree with your point of view." Shirou took a deep breath, "Are you treating people as items that should be inspected on the production line? Do you need something else to convict them?"

"In this case, what do you think of Illya? Is it also a tool?"

"Isn't it a tool? Just a holy grail."

"We can't talk." Shirou looked at Gilgamesh with disgust, his philosophy was completely different from Gilgamesh's.

"Your words, every sentence is full of dirty and disgusting breath. What valuable and worthless people. Treating a living person as a holy grail or something. What a joke! People are people, nothing else. Yi Liya has her own thoughts, so she is human! She should have her own emotions, her own happiness, friends, and wishes."

"And the others, hmph, they should be extremely happy that they can exist like this, instead of being exploited by you in your kingdom?"

"You, a king of the slave era, assert that most of the human beings in modern society live meaningless and worthless lives."

"However, isn't it the so-called kings like you who alienate them into tools, the actual exploiters? It is because there are too many of you that they appear worthless and meaningless."

"If we can wipe out all of you and eliminate all exploitation, then they will naturally not be superfluous. In other words, they are not superfluous to themselves, but superfluous to others. They are independent and independent, not by you Dominated by the powerful ruler of the world. I tell you, the king is no longer suitable for this version!"

Gilgamesh looked at Saber with interest.

"Then what do you think of her? Isn't she a king too?"

"She is different from you, Gilgamesh. She did her best for the people. At most, she became an unconscious exploiter because of the limitations of history. It is completely different from you, who actively wants to exploit. Oh."

Hearing this, Gilgamesh couldn't help becoming irritable.

She's a bit inferior to Shirou in things like talking, but——

The weapons of criticism cannot replace the criticism of weapons.

She is ready to solve the problem directly with the criticism of weapons.

That being the case, Shirou is not going to talk nonsense with Gilgamesh.

"In the name of the Command Seal, Saber, use the Sword of Vowed Victory with the utmost power!"

Author's message:

Try hard to code. . . .Weekends are also busy. . .

Chapter 30 This body is destined to be made by the sword of infinity!


The sword of vowed victory in Saber's hand, which was imbued with powerful magic power by the command spell, could not wait at this time.

"Well, although you have angered me, in the final analysis, you are still a person worthy of my king's serious action." A key that seemed to be made entirely of gold appeared in Gilgamesh's hand.

"This is the king's treasure, I call it EA, the star of heaven and earth."

Shirou clenched his fists. He couldn't analyze and copy this treasure at all. No, he might be able to copy it, but it was much more difficult to copy than other treasures. An A-level treasure can project a projection for ten seconds if he is proficient. Come out, but for this one, an empty shell can be projected in ten seconds.

The sword of vowed victory in Saber's hand cannot defeat EA, so he has to defeat the opponent before Gilgamesh releases EA!

"Hurry up! Saber!"


Light then gushed out from the sword, aiming at Gilgamesh.

But Gilgamesh didn't panic at all, the EA in his hand had changed from a key shape to a sword shape, and the three blades had begun to rotate continuously.

"Enuma - Elishi!"

Red light continuously swept across the entire castle.

The collision between Excalibur and EA lasted for more than ten seconds and still did not stop.

EA blocked Excalibur's attack, even better, and there is a tendency to overwhelm Excalibur in turn.

At this moment, Shirou even thought in his mind——

Is there any other way to win?

Shirou was a little disappointed.

Using Command Spells to enhance Saber's strength, the result so far is only barely a [-]/[-] match with Gilgamesh, and he only has three Command Spells.

However, Gilgamesh still looks effortless after using EA.

"No way, Saber, you are too weak." Gilgamesh said a little boringly, "You guys have such little strength, you should just obediently be my king's collection."

After speaking, Gilgamesh touched from his treasure house and took out a sword that looked like a spiral.

"This is—" Saber looked at the sword in disbelief, and couldn't help holding her breath.

Spiral sword.

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