
It is also the prototype of the sword of vowed victory.

"Sure enough, you recognized it." Gilgamesh took it out, "Mystery meets an older mystery, but it will be easily torn apart. The sword of your vowed victory is also vulnerable to it , what, want to try it?"

But Gilgamesh didn't give Saber time to answer, but directly injected magic power into it.

At this time, it is absolutely impossible for Saber to win the opponent.

If she can use Excalibur, she might still be able to fight, but as the master, Shirou doesn't have so much magic power for her to use.


Although he can't provide enough magic power, he can be saber's shield!

"The Blazing Sky Covers Seven Rings (LawAias)!"

The pink petals completely protected Shirou and Saber, and the seven petals were under the powerful attack of the light cannon!

The seven-fold ring was instantly shattered, and at the same time, the spiral sword's attack also stopped.

"Huh? Not bad, I thought you couldn't stop it." Gilgamesh's eyes showed a few gleams.

"It's not in vain that I set this stage for you."

Shirou sighed deeply, his forehead was densely covered with sweat, and his hands were also injured a little.

Although the blazing seven-fold ring blocked the attack, it didn't mean that Shirou's hand was fine.

The hand used as a support point is almost out of strength.

"Shirou!" Saber took his hand.

"Saber, don't worry about me, first think about how to defeat Gilgamesh, if you lose, Illya will..." Shirou fell silent at this point.

"I understand. But Shirou can't take such risky actions anymore. I am your sword and your shield, and I am your servant!"

"I know, but I just don't want to see girls get hurt." Shirou smiled wryly, "And if we don't block that trick, we'll have to finish the game."

Saber looked at Shirou in surprise, this was the first time he was protected because he was a girl.

"Hmph, the sour smell of love." Gilgamesh frowned, looking at the two in front of him, "It's disgusting. If you don't use some powerful tricks, you will lose now."

Shirou also understood this result very well.

Excalibur can't do it, so I have to change my mind.

Sword in the stone?

Shirou sighed, let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.


A sword somewhat similar to the Sword of Oath of Victory emerged from Shirou's hand.

"Huh? Knowing that I have the original code, do you still want to do this? Gram!"

That is the same magic sword as the sword in the stone from the bone-Gram, the sword chosen by the original king (anti-harmony), the sword in the tree.

"If you don't try, how will you know whose sword is stronger?" Shirou insisted, "Saber, let's come together!"

Saber nodded, holding the Sword in the Stone in Shirou's hand.

Up to now, I can only fight hard!


The light increased with the continuous injection of magic power, and once again collided with the weapon in Gilgamesh's hand.

At this moment, the lights of the sword in the tree and the sword in the stone collided with each other, and neither of them admitted defeat.

This is something that Gilgamesh never expected, even a tie, or even a loss?

Shirou and Saber were knocked away a few meters away.

Blood also appeared on Gilgamesh's face.

But at this moment a smile appeared on her face.

What she hoped for was at least a barely evenly matched battle, and she could barely feel it at this time.


Shirou and Saber, who fell to the ground, were powerless to resist and were completely bound by chains.

The two who barely won the previous battle were unable to resist at this time.In fact, the battle has been completely decided.

"I'm very happy, Shirou, the Holy Grail, it's not that I can't share it with you. You should also have a strong desire? For example, to find the sister in your dream?"

Shirou's pupils narrowed.

This is really what he really wants to achieve in essence, what he absolutely wants to achieve.That was the wish he knew in the dream after he met Illya.

But at the expense of Illya——

"I do not accept!"

"If you want to talk about my sister, she is also my sister."

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