Saber drank tea calmly.

"Why do you object? There is no relationship, isn't it? And in my time, even brothers and sisters got married, and that was not uncommon."

"Hmph, sure enough, Saber understands better."

Archer's eyes were not right, and he had raised a more powerful weapon with both hands - the Chiyuan Hound.

Shirou understood that if he didn't change the subject at this time, he would be tracked by this thing until dawn.

They will definitely be chased and chopped down a hundred streets.

"Ahem, shouldn't we discuss what we said before? The polluted holy grail. What should we do with it? And is it really useless?"

"The Holy Grail is really useless, the contents inside are all contaminated magic power." Archer shook his head, "If you want to use it, it is impossible. It was in the last Holy Grail War, which is the first It was already polluted three times."

"But if this is the case, then why did the Einzbern family insist on participating in the war?" Shirou asked, "Also, Illya, is there really no solution?"

"The purpose of the Einzbern family is not the function of the Holy Grail itself, so of course it doesn't matter if it is polluted. What Einzbern hopes to achieve is the third method. Through the system of the Holy Grail War, the The souls of all servants are used as tools to punch through the holes connected to the outside."

Rin looked surprised: "Father never told me about this, is what you want to achieve is the Cup of Heaven?"

"Shirou may not know that the third method refers to a kind of magic that materializes the soul, which is completely different from magic. That's probably the case." Illya explained.

"So, why is the Holy Grail polluted?" Shirou hurriedly asked the most critical question. If he knew why the Holy Grail was polluted, he might be able to find a way.

"That's because of all the evil in this world, Angora Mainu. The heroic spirit who was illegally summoned in the third Holy Grail War, but this heroic spirit is not the demon god, but an extremely weak human body. He was summoned in the first round. It's settled." Illya said helplessly.

"This human youth was selected as a living sacrifice in a small village far away from the world. He was captured and prayed by the villagers to let him be all the evils of this world and bear all the sins. So they created such a The demons continue to torture him until he goes mad, until the end of his life."

"It's so pitiful." Shirou roughly imagined it, and felt unbearable.

"You still have time to lament his pity." Archer laughed.

"Why not? He obviously did nothing wrong before being treated as a living sacrifice." Shirou asked back, "Then do you think he deserves to be like this?"

"But on the other hand, he is the culprit who prevented your wish from being realized."

Rin clapped his hands: "Okay, okay, stop arguing, you two. If the wish is determined to be unfulfilled, then, Wei Gong-san, reducing casualties should be what we should do now, right?"

Shirou nodded.

"Then, Archer, tell me what you found."

This made both Saber and Shirou puzzled.

"So, I'll start talking. Rin and I didn't come back after school because I discovered a new kind of weird thing. It's a kind of black shadow, and that kind of black shadow will devour others inexplicably." I didn’t even spit out the bones. This is something I haven’t discovered before. But I already have a preliminary object of suspicion, that is, the contents of the Holy Grail.”

"Will the contents of the Holy Grail turn into a black shadow?" Shirou asked suspiciously, "What the hell is that?"

"I don't understand either, why don't I take you to see it. Anyway, we are in an alliance. It should be more appropriate for Saber to stay at home, right? I'll take you to see what it is, so It will protect the safety of your home and let you know what those black shadows are."


At night, strange black shadows appeared, and some corrupt bodies slowly sank into the shadows.

The black shadows are chasing after something, but they are constantly being destroyed, but they are constantly being reborn.

The blond girl looked at the chasing shadow in disgust.

"Really, dirty things are really disgusting. If you want to eat me, you have to at least wait until I have finished talking to Emiya Shirou, right? Otherwise, my goal will not be achieved."

"Come on, Emiya Shirou. If you don't come, you won't be able to save some people."

Author's message:

4/34, as it should be

Chapter 37 Dark Night

It was quiet in the dark night, but it was terribly quiet, without a breath, as if the place was already dead.

Two figures, one red and one black, kept walking on the street, not affected by the weird atmosphere here at all.

"Shirou Emiya, I didn't expect you to be so naive." Archer shook his head, "It's disgustingly naive."

"What's the matter?" Shirou said unconvinced, "Didn't you be like this before? If you have the ability to find out your dark history, it must be darker than mine, and the bottom line is as dark as mine. Anyway, I saved me Sister's okay, judging by your appearance, it can't be that the family didn't take care of it? It seems that I guessed it right. "

"Ahem." Archer coughed in embarrassment, "You are indeed right, you are better than me at that time, you actually have sympathy for all the evils in this world, what should I say about you ?”

"Being treated like this, a person with a basic conscience will sympathize, but I also know that the culprit who caused the current disaster is him, and I still have to do it." After Shirou finished speaking, Archer nodded, as if relieved Some.

"However, I really can't understand that I will become like you in the future. To be precise, I will deviate from my ideal. Why, you will deviate from your ideal? You have already become your ideal self, right?"

Archer was a little silent.

The partners of justice are born to pursue justice, so evil must be defeated.

But in many cases, evil is not necessarily so evil, and even in some cases, it becomes evil unconsciously.And as a guardian, he exists to fight against the factors that will disturb the world.

In dealing with these disturbing factors of the world and forcing their correction, Guardians must resort to any means.

He was stained with blood, no doubt, at least in his own opinion, there is no reason to be called a partner of justice.At least not very justice.

"Speaking of it, you may not believe it. It was me who betrayed my ideals first." Archer's expression became strange, and it wasn't hatred or anything else. Maybe it was regret, but maybe he didn't regret it either.

"If your ideal also deviates from you, will you continue to pursue it?" Archer asked.

"The kind of deviation like you? It's not that I don't understand this kind of person, but don't you have Uncle B in your heart? Don't you have an answer?" Shirou smiled.

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