Archer fell silent again, facing his past self, he found himself speechless.

He will never give up on being a partner of justice, whether it is at the beginning or now, if he gives up, he will not be the Heroic Spirit forged.

After thousands of trials and hardships, he became what he is now.

The so-called body is like steel and heart is like glass is a very accurate description of himself.

"The deviation from the ideal may not be deviation, but you have gone astray. The partner of justice has a time limit. If you feel tired, then leave it to me."

Archer suddenly smiled.

"You bastard, if it wasn't because the situation is so critical now, I would have killed you, and no matter how bad it was, I would have given you a good education to let you understand how difficult the journey is. Don't talk too much, there will be more in the future. You will regret it."

"I didn't say how to be a partner of justice. I only want to be a partner of justice for certain people." Shirou retorted, "For the oppressed, for the family, for their justice. I'm not like you. "

"That would be the best." After Archer finished speaking, he suddenly became vigilant.

Strange black shadows began to surge out continuously, this was the first time Shirou saw such a weird thing.

Under the illumination of the street lamps, these black shadows did not fade at all, but moved slowly, moving, but it was just that the target was not found, that's all.

But if these shadows found their prey, it would be completely different!

"Be careful, Emiya Shirou, back up!" Archer immediately projected a pair of swords, but he was powerless facing the enemy in front of him.

This is not an enemy with a fixed shape, but an enemy whose shape changes rapidly like flowing water.

Even a highly skilled archer was almost succeeded several times.

However, these black shadows seemed not interested in Emiya Shirou, and when they were about to attack Shirou, they stopped inexplicably.

"Archer, you'd better take care of yourself, I think you're about to go to heaven, these black shadows make it difficult for you." Shirou took two steps back and said.

Although these shadows didn't really want to attack him, it didn't mean that they wouldn't attack him later.

Throwing away the twin swords, Archer projected another sword.

Holy Sword Durandal.

Invincible, always sharp holy sword.

This holy sword is extremely suitable for dealing with filthy things at this moment.

The holy sword cut on the black shadow, and the black shadow suddenly burned, and was forced to retreat. Durandal obviously helped Archer a lot at this moment.

"You guys, what are you talking about. I am also a heroic spirit. Although I am a guardian rather than a hero, I am much stronger than you. Besides, I have been on so many missions. I am not aware of any dangers." Have you ever seen it? I chatted and laughed happily with these weird things. I don’t know where I’m taller than you. Do you understand? Shirou Emiya!”

Following Archer's projection of the holy sword, Shirou treated the black shadow carefully, and did not let the wind fall from his mouth.

"Archer, since you have experienced so many battles, then what are these black shadows! And you said that they were changed from the old me, so you don't have Uncle B in your heart?"

"It's... not really. I'm swollen."

Archer swung the holy sword again, repelling the shadow.

However, the black shadow seemed to be irritated at this time, and it began to thicken.

At least that's what Shirou thought.

The black shadows continued to overlap, and the moving speed was slower, but it was even more terrifying.

Groups of black shadows were not completely repelled under the attack of the holy sword, and they were still attacking while burning, and even almost hit the archer by taking advantage of the gap.

"It's disgusting, these black shadows, I would rather fight Gilgamesh hundreds of times than fight these things."

A few golden lights appeared quietly, and the black shadow was instantly burned.

"Well said, archer, I'd rather fight you Faker hundreds of times than play with these disgusting shadows."

Shirou turned around to see that Gilgamesh appeared behind them.

"Long time no see, Emiya Shirou, this is not the place to talk."

Author's message:

I found that I have to update 40 chapters. .

Chapter 38 Jill Jiao Yulu

"Gilgamesh, why are you here?" Shirou asked vigilantly, "Aren't you going to mess with me again? Illya, I won't leave it to you."

"Hmph..." Gilgamesh looked at Shirou with dissatisfaction, "You bastard, this attitude makes me very dissatisfied. You always say things like this when we meet."

"Not satisfied, wouldn't that be better? One day I have a knife in my hand, ahem, anyway, if I can beat you, I will kill you now so that even Enkidu doesn't recognize you. If I can't do it, I'm a dog!" Shirou took two steps back, not even paying attention to the terrifying shadow beside him.

"You can kill me now. I'll stand here and kill you. You can do it when the time comes. But can you do it?" Gilgamesh looked at Shirou playfully, "Are you serious?"

"Why not?" Shirou said so, but he still guarded against her, otherwise it would be bad if he was slapped later.

"I know the way to fulfill your wish. You are going to find it, isn't it your sister?" Gilgamesh smiled mysteriously, as if he knew everything.

"Hmm...!!!??? Do you know the method? What method?" Shirou asked quickly, "Tell me quickly, Gilgamesh!"

"Hmm, what did you just say, ah, Holy Grail or something, I don't know at all. Isn't it polluted?"

Gilgamesh casually slashed at the shadow with his sword.

Seeing Gilgamesh's exaggerated acting skills, Shirou was very angry.

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