Couldn't this acting be better!

The so-called man has gold under his knees, and a man has dignity, but for his sister——

"Wang Wang!"

"Not loud enough."

"Wow wow wow!"

Archer saw that the morality had been fed to Cu Chulainn's Shirou, and he had no idea that he had no morality to this point before.

It turns out that after becoming a guardian, can the integrity value be improved?But in other words, is it possible to stop being a guardian without integrity?

"So you're satisfied, Gilgamesh?"

Gilgamesh put his fingers to his lips, as if thinking.

"Well, the attitude is not good enough, Shirou, do you want my attitude?" Gilgamesh laughed playfully.

"Here, how many times do you want me to bark?" Shirou asked sincerely, "How loud and how do you bark? Can you demonstrate it?"

"Huh? I don't understand, Emiya Shirou, I don't understand what you're talking about? Be nice. You see, I've helped you so much, so why not treat me to a meal, or something? "

At this moment, Shirou felt that it was a mistake for him to trust her so much in the first place, and that she knew the way.

But there is a glimmer of hope, still have to try.

"Archer, is it really possible for her to know the way?" Shirou asked quietly.

Although Archer was very reluctant to admit it, he could only nod at this moment.

"In this Holy Grail War, the only one who may know how to make your wish come true may be Gilgamesh."

Shirou thought about it for a while.

"Tell me, Winky, I'll give you what you want!" Shirou Taiyoshi said awe-inspiringly, "Even if it's me, if you want it, it's not impossible."

Gilgamesh stared blankly at Shirou.

"I treat you as a friend, but you actually want to fuck me."

Shirou felt that he had heard something wrong.

Is this the opposite?

"Don't you want to have sex with me? You said you want me to marry you!" As soon as Shirou finished speaking, only the sound of archers fighting occasionally remained in the whole street.

"Why are these black shadows attacking more and more?" Archer slashed twice again, "Stop talking, let's retreat!"

"These shadows are here to look for me." Gilgamesh took out his sword casually and threw out the light cannon, "It should be quieter now. Didn't you reject my marriage proposal today? This king has special privileges for those who admire, if you don’t want to, forget it.”

"Also, Winky (pickup), is that what you call me? I always feel that this kind of saying is unreasonable."

Shirou curled his lips, isn't it because you are so shiny and golden, you look like, no, you are a big dog?

"This is my nickname for you. Look at your golden body, like a dog. Cough..."


"Comrade Jiao Yulu, who lived and died in the Gouli country, can make you rich quickly wherever you go. If you don't like this nickname, why don't you call you Jill Jiao Yulu?"

Gilgamesh thought for a moment, then narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Pikapika, um, it's not bad, okay. My king has given you permission to call me that. Forget about the latter." Gilgamesh nodded in satisfaction.

Archer felt that the Gilgamesh in front of him had taken the wrong medicine. Back then, he treated himself with a set of gram and caladblog that almost took him and Saber away. Now he is so gentle, like a herbivore.

But that wasn't what surprised him the most.

He still knows Jiao Yulu, a model who has dedicated himself to death, why is this title given to this guy.Obviously a tyrant!

"Shiro Emiya, Jiao Yulu, is it appropriate for you to say that about her?"

Shirou took a deep look at Archer, sure enough he was still too young.

"Gilgamesh died of overwork in his later years."

Gilgamesh suddenly opened his eyes and pupils, and his breath suddenly became dangerous.

"Shirou Emiya, what were you talking about just now?"

"I'm saying that you are really a wise man." Shirou opened his eyes and told the truth, at least in his later years he was a wise man.

"Huh?" Gilgamesh was clearly dissatisfied with the answer.

"By the way, you just said that these shadows are chasing you, right?"

"That's right. Speaking of which, these shadows have something to do with you, but you probably don't realize it?"

After finishing speaking, Gilgamesh saw Shirou's unconsciousness and sighed: "Sure enough, you don't realize this at all. So you want to get the Holy Grail to fulfill your wish, right? The way to realize your wish is me. It’s not impossible to tell you, but you have to show some sincerity, right?”

"Then mapo tofu?" Shirou suggested.

"I agree." Archer nodded, this kind of spicy and stimulating food is his favorite after he became a guardian, especially after a tired meal, it is really great.

"Ugh..." Gilgamesh covered his mouth, "Don't, I'm almost vomiting."

"Huh?" Shirou scratched his head, "Then let me try something new for you."

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