Shirou prepared a small pot of mapo, which had already been wiped out in sevens and eighties, and even started to grab the mapo tofu in Archer's bowl.

Archer looked at Gilgamesh dissatisfied, and threatened: "Hey, Gilgamesh, are you going to try my nuclear bomb again?"

Gilgamesh sneered: "Faker, do you still have enough magic reserves?"

"Okay, is it time? Gilgamesh, what is the way to realize my wish?"

Chapter 41 The Golden Cup

Looking at Gilgamesh with his knees resting on Saber, Shirou really can't bear it.

This is a treatment he has never enjoyed.

And if it wasn't for the Holy Grail, Saber would have already pulled out the stupid hair at this time, blackened and chopped Gilgamesh.

"Will you fucking say it! If you don't say it, I'll fill your intestines with dumplings!"

Gilgamesh pursed his lips in a rare way.

"Stop talking! Shirou's attitude is too bad!"

"You don't give me any information, you're afraid you're playing tricks on me?" Shirou was no longer ready to endure.

Reading other people's novels out of chapters has suspense anyway, this guy doesn't even say half of what he said, and it's over when he says he knows the way to realize his wish.

If it wasn't for Shirou's desire for the Holy Grail too much.

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't bear her sister who was left in an unknown place now, she might still be wandering around.

Shirou has already cooperated with Archer in a wave of A.

At any rate, there is Illya behind him as a big power bank, and now he can still project God's Creation!

If you can't kill it, smash it to death with a mountain sword.

If you can't smash it to death, you will collapse the Kaishan Sword to the fantasy.There is always a way to cut elbows.

Gilgamesh glanced at Shirou who was really angry, and thought for a while.

Do you want Shirou to buy a jump for himself at the end, or do you want to talk about it now?

I also ate the last supper, so I should at least show you the last manga, right?

"Shirou, I want to watch jump."

Shirou: "..."

The Kaishan Sword is really too big, it will smash the house.

"Saber, stand up and make room."

"Huh?" Although Saber didn't understand what Shirou was going to do, she still threw Gilgamesh aside.

She was getting impatient too.


Wang Hassan's shield was projected again.

"Are you trying to run away? But I don't want to mess with you." Gilgamesh looked at Shirou's shield suspiciously.

"Who said this thing is used to escape?" Shirou raised his eyebrows.

As a disciple of Hassan among Hassans, he has run away with this thing for a long time against his conscience.

He is going to teach Gilgamesh now, the real use of this shield!

Assassination (Wu Shuang) - the first style.

As an assassin, everything that can assassinate an enemy can be used as a weapon, including shields, of course!

The big shield smashed over and hit the red heart.

This shield is invisible to the person being assassinated, and only he can see it. Therefore, the first perfect assassination method is completed.

Gilgamesh was caught off guard and was really hurt a little bit by the smash.

Touching his head, Gilgamesh said bitterly: "Is this the attitude of a friend? I regard you as a friend..."

"I don't want to fuck you. Come on, hand over the method, maybe we'll still be friends." Shirou took out another shield.

Speaking of which, the feeling of hitting people is quite good.

How many times do you want to come?

"Is your shield not used for breath shielding, but for hitting people? Not bad, it really has your style." Gilgamesh touched the shield curiously, "By the way, there is really no jump ?"

Ilya looked at the situation, took out a magazine from her body and threw it over.

"The latest jump you want."

"That's right, the Holy Grail, it really is the omnipotent wishing machine."

Looking at the two who were originally very cold, but now they have become NEET Hime, Shirou felt that he was a little sorry for Kiritsugu.

Did I bring Illya down?

After flipping through it quickly, Gilgamesh put the magazine aside in satisfaction.

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