"Then, I'm going to talk." After Gilgamesh finished speaking, the room fell silent.

The ones most looking forward to the Holy Grail are Shirou and Saber.

Now staring at Gilgamesh with bated breath.

"The first method is of course to use Eliasviel as the Holy Grail. But you will definitely not agree to this method, will you?" Gilgamesh finished speaking and took out a golden cup.

At this moment, the shining golden light almost blinded Shirou's eyes.

This, this is—

Polis' Golden Cup?

Cough cough, crossed the stage.

Taking the cup from Gilgamesh, Shirou touched it, touched it, and confirmed it.

24K pure gold, especially the soft material, made him sure that the purity of this thing was terribly high, and the density was so high that basically only gold could achieve this level.

"You can accept this thing. Although it is not the Holy Grail, this thing is quite good as a container for the Holy Grail. At least Excalibur needs to destroy it twice to destroy it."

Saber's face was a little stiff, she put her right hand on her hair, and almost pulled it out.

"Calm down, Saber!"

Gilgamesh ignored Shirou and Saber, and continued: "I cannot provide the Holy Grail to you, if I am summoned as a caster, then I can help you solve the problem, but I am an archer , of course this cannot be done now.”

"Then..." Shirou looked at Gilgamesh suspiciously.

"If you go to the caster, she can help you analyze the Holy Grail, and put the Holy Grail's formula into this golden cup." Gilgamesh paused after speaking.

"But, I want to ask you, do you know what happened to those shadows?"

What's going on with Sombra?

Shirou rubbed his chin, of course he didn't know this, but he always felt that Gilgamesh meant something.

"The contents of the Holy Grail?" Shirou asked Archer's guess.

"Well, it seems that you still don't understand, even Archer doesn't understand. No wonder Archer wants to fulfill his wish. The previous Archer is really ridiculous. But he probably won't be able to fulfill his due wish. Tsk tsk , but Archer is still too stupid, knowing so many things, but still can't figure it out." Gilgamesh ruthlessly laughed at Archer.

Archer held back his anger and didn't make a move. To be precise, Shirou stopped him.

Just kidding, it's not okay to go on like this, he will deal with those harmful shadows no matter what, and it will be easier to solve if he knows some information.

If it can be solved one day earlier, then many people will die less.

"It seems that you know exactly what that is?" Shirou asked.

Pointing to his own head, Gilgamesh said: "I am an omniscient king, I still know this kind of thing, but I advise you to be mentally prepared, and it is meaningless for me to tell you .”

"How do you say half of your words?" Shirou silently took out a shield.

"It's really violent, not as gentle as Enkidu, but it's normal for friends to have various personalities. Ah... No, you are still very similar in some ways."

"Facing ideals and people you want to protect, which one do you choose?"

Author's message:

Finished re0 over the weekend. . . .It's so tiring to watch, but op2 is quite nice

Chapter 42

"Are you leaving?" Shirou looked at Gilgamesh who had already left the door.

"Obviously so, thank you for the hospitality. Out of kindness, I still remind you that you must go to Liudong Temple today to solve the caster's problem and seek her help. Otherwise, you will have no chance." Jill Gamesh left after speaking.

Sitting in the room, Shirou quietly began to think.

After hearing this, Rin said that she would go home and take out the gems to deal with the caster, while Saber was by her side to protect her in case something went wrong.

Archer said that he wanted to stay here, but he also said that he went out suddenly for something, and asked Shirou and Illya to stay at home.

No matter what he said, he can protect Illya at home, but Archer has something to do.

"Really..." Shirou stroked his hair, "Why do people with ideals and guardians choose such a bad problem?"

"Shirou, I don't think this is a problem." Illya asked seriously, "Shirou, if it were you, which one would you choose?"

Blinking, looking at Illya.

"Be more specific?" Shirou asked suspiciously, "Why are you so obsessed with this question?"

"I want to know the answer. If it's Shirou, he should give me a satisfactory answer, right?" Illya curled her lips.

"Can I choose both?" Shirou asked, holding his chin.

"No! You can only choose one." Illya threw herself in front of Shirou.

"Well, which one to choose?"

The answer is already obvious.

Shirou, of course, had only one choice.

If it was a righteous man before, he would probably choose his own ideal, because he wanted to save the vast majority of people.

However, why should the people who are to be protected be protected? They themselves are oppressed. Instead of saving the pain in front of them, to save the so-called vast majority, Shirou can't do it.

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