Often the vast majority do not need him to save, and he does not need to save them.

However, there is no one to guard the person he wants to protect except him!

"I've already told you the answer with practical actions, Illya." Shirou patted her head, "For her, I fought through the entire Holy Grail War, you should know?"

Elijah nodded.

"I've heard of this, but I don't know the specifics."

"It's a dying world, can you imagine? It's snowing in the summer, not because of anything else but because the Earth's axis is off."

"If this is the case, wouldn't Japan be submerged by the sea? Such a powerful force should at least destroy the coastal cities?" Illya couldn't help asking.

With such scientific words from Illya's mouth, Shirou almost didn't know what to say.

"Just accept the setting first, okay? This is the setting!" Shirou said, recalling that world.

A dying world.

A world where the compound is running dry.

However, there is still a chance, the only chance, and that is his sister.

Lovely and poor sister.

The younger sister who was discovered by him and Kiritsugu from that world after an explosion in Fuyuki City.

Because as a universal wishing machine, she can only stay at home, day after day, day after day.

Only him and Kiritsugu came into contact with it.

Quiet and gentle, likes to read books, but has almost no common sense.

From the very beginning, I have been conscious and understand myself, and one day, I will be used as the Holy Grail to save the world.

This point, Shirou actually had no doubts at the beginning, but using her means that she must end with her death, no, even fix her soul in the whole world, life is worse than death, like a mechanical existence .

Shirou couldn't accept it, and even started to object.

After Kiritsugu's death, Shirou finally slowly discovered his feelings for his sister.

Don't use her as a tool.

but as a person.

Take it as my own sister.

So he decided to take her out to see the outside world.

The world is big, but it is small to her.

So if you want her to take a look, the first stop is the sea.

But before she could see it, the enemy appeared and took away her sister from the very beginning.

"Afterwards, did you wear six?" Ilya asked excitedly, she was very curious about such interesting deeds.

"Barely counted." Sakura's face flashed in front of Shirou's eyes. Speaking of which, she also worked together to defeat many enemies.

Berserker, saber, caster, etc. all completed the kill in cooperation.

"To be honest, there is another person who helped me and defeated the enemy. I am the same, and I will never give up on her. You know the ending. I defeated two powerful enemies and died in the end. But probably Because my sister made me a wish not to die, I survived."

Elijah gave a satisfied smile.

"Well, it really is my brother! Brother is the strongest!"


Gilgamesh, who was walking on the street, squinted his eyes, blowing the wind.

"So, Archer, what are you doing here?"

"What exactly do you mean?"

"Don't you understand? Ah... Anyway, people like you probably don't understand? Only Emiya Shirou can do it, not you, but that Emiya Shirou can do it."

Archer frowned, listening to Gilgamesh's strange words.

"Don't understand?" Gilgamesh didn't intend to answer him, but took out his hat and handed it to Archer.

"Take it, and give it to Emiya Shiro, so that he won't miss me."

Archer had an ominous premonition in his heart, but he was still unwilling to be defeated.

"Why would he miss you? You are so narcissistic."

What is this person going to do?

"Shirou Emiya, he is one of the few friends I recognize. The last one was Enkidu. How long ago was that? It was probably thousands of years ago. It is really nostalgic."

"A person like you actually has friends?" Archer sarcastically asked.

"Whether Emiya Shirou regards me as a friend or not, I know that he has the right to let me do something. Although death is an annoying thing, but for the sake of friends, death is also death. And watching him struggling in pain is also very pleasant, so I will forgive these disgusting things."

Speaking of this, Gilgamesh thought of the green-haired girl, who fell in his arms and suffered the death that he should have suffered.

For a moment, she was even a little suffocated.

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