But this time, the pain will not belong to her.

"Suddenly understand Kirei's joy, if there is any trouble, you can go to him."

The black shadow suddenly struck and surrounded her.

Archer quickly jumped away, watching Gilgamesh being swallowed up.

Gilgamesh, who showed no resistance, is not without abilities——but has a special purpose.

Author's message:

6/42.. . .Completed 1/7 of the addition task. . . .I can only update you by saving manuscripts ==

a lot of homework

Chapter 43 Saber's drag racing skills

"So, how do we get to Liudong Temple?" Rin Tosaka asked, "It's a bit late now, should we go there?"

"Tohsaka, isn't your family a landlord? Why don't you even have a car?" Shirou asked curiously.

However, the landlord's family has no food left.

She basically used all her fortune to buy gems.

If you are so poor, there is only a big house left, where you can afford a car.

"So what if you have a car? Is there anyone here who can drive?" After Rin spoke righteously, Saber raised her hand.

"Speaking of which, I can actually drive. I have riding skills. Although it is a modern tool, I can use it."

Archer nodded.

Of course he will too, after all, after staying in the Middle East for so long, if he doesn't know how to drive, he will be hit and killed by someone else with a self-destructing truck.

"Archer, you nodded, right?" Rin was sharp-eyed, "You, kneel down to the keyboard for me tonight."

"Huh?" Archer wanted to cry, but stared at Shirou fiercely, and handed Shirou a hat.

"A token of love from your wife."

A hat with URK written on it.

How could this thing be in Archer's hands?

"The token of love?" Shirou's face was a little strange, "Can you throw it away?"

After thinking about it, it seems that it is not very good to do so, it is better to find a time to return it to Jin Xingxian, but before that, let it be given to Saber.

"Sure enough, the size is just right, even the dull hair just protrudes from this position."

"Shirou, I seem to have heard a strange word."

"Saber, you misheard, I mean, the symbol of the king just happened to have a place to put it."

After finishing talking, the question arises, how can I go to Liudong Temple quickly?

It's easy to come back, you can ask Angelica to use the replacement magic.

Then, the way to go is to choose Arash Air!

"I have an idea, I can go to Liudong Temple quickly." Shirou suggested.

At this time, Anjelica walked out with Ilya.As a puppet, she doesn't need to sleep, and she won't fall into the magic way every day when she cultivates immortals. This is an advantage that Shirou can't match at all.

"Shirou, are you going out? I'm going too!"

"Why don't you come and get involved, no, Illya is going to sleep, otherwise she won't grow taller."

Illya pursed her lips, and the slyness in her eyes flashed past.

"Anyway, I've done magic with Shirou! In order to ensure the supply of Shirou's magic power, I have to go too!"


Rin's face changed slightly.


Archer's face turned ugly.

Saber played with the hat indifferently, very calmly.

"You beast, you actually attacked Illya! Archer, chop off this beast now!"

The hatchet in Archer's hand has been projected.

"Understood, Miss. I will break the leg of such a beast and send it back to Illya's hometown for orthopedic treatment. Tell me, Emiya Shiro, do you want to break the third leg, or break it?" Three legs?"

Hearing this, Shirou was shocked, he was not ready for three years of blood to earn the death penalty!

"Hey, when did I have sex with Illya! Illya, please explain to me clearly."

After speaking, Illya fell silent.

To be precise, he sobbed.

"Shirou, you turn your back on him and deny him. Illya, I'm so sad!"

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