Even the magic that comes with high-speed divine words and can even be cast instantly has no effect on Saber at this moment.

Saber captured the caster.

But at this time, she was not going to kill her. After all, according to Gilgamesh, the only one who could prepare another set of Holy Grail was the caster.

Kneeling down and looking at the dead body on the ground, Shirou's face was very ugly.

Anyway, the teacher-student relationship in the past two years is still there.

Even if it is not a teacher-student relationship, facing an innocent dead person, no normal person will remain indifferent.

"Teacher Ge Mu, I will bury you well." Shirou sighed.

Illya looked at the man in front of her curiously, and asked, "The way he died is a bit strange."

Upon hearing this, Shirou looked at the corpse carefully.

The man in front of him is lifeless, he must be dead, because his heart is gone.

wait wait wait!

Shirou finally found Huadian, and Mr. Ge Mu's heart exploded?

At least from the point of view of Shirou's wound, a small piece of his chest was gone, and the place where his heart was located was completely gone.

At that time, what Caster held in his hand was the talisman that could break all spells, there is no doubt about it.

This weapon, Shirou is not insulting it, it can't even kill a chicken, the kind that can't bleed out with a knife.

As the so-called specialization in art, this weapon is mainly used to cut off the contract and powerful people can use it to change the contractor. For example, if a caster stabs Saber with this weapon, he can transfer Shirou's contract to her. body.

Naturally, with this weapon, Shirou was breaking the contract at best.Otherwise, he doesn't know how to lose with this weapon.

But, did this weapon kill?

Long live!Sun Yifeng protected his teammates!

This is probably the case.

But this is impossible, the conclusion is, caster, not the murderer!

Detective Shirou has discovered the truth!

As his assistant, Illya really helped a lot!

"Caster, you didn't kill him, did you?" Shirou walked forward and asked.

Saber frowned: "Shirou, why do you say that?"

"No, I killed Soichiro, I am a betrayed witch, and I will betray my master naturally, this is an unavoidable fate, hahaha..." Medea laughed, but Shirou felt that she laughed It's a bit bleak.

"Medea, don't join the Haha team. It's not suitable for you. You think you can be a target, don't you?" After Shirou finished speaking, he started his own reasoning.

"First, let's check Teacher Ge Mu's wound."

Projected a flashlight and turned on the light, so that it would be easier to see things.

"Look, his heart is all broken, and Caster's weapon is this weapon." Shirou took Caster's magic-breaking amulet in his hand.

"Look, it's crooked, isn't it? Actually, I'm not mocking it. Whether this thing can kill a chicken is another matter."

Saber nodded after listening, and took over the physical evidence.

Then Shirou took it back and broke it in half.

Caster looked at Shirou's suffocating operation and blinked.

"Why did you break my weapon?"

"Anyway, I can project this thing. If you want to use it, I'll give it to you, lest you do some small tricks." Shirou said with a curled lip.

Then comes the more important reasoning.

"Caster, cast me the least powerful magic."

Caster didn't quite understand what Shirou was going to do at this time, but hope suddenly lit up his heart, so he played a little magic trick.

About the size of a person's fireball.

"It seems that it is unrealistic for you to kill Ge Mu like this. It seems that you really didn't kill Ge Mu?" Shirou asked, "Then how did Teacher Ge Mu die?"

"What's your relationship with him?" Caster asked tentatively.

"The relationship between the student and the teacher. It's not close, but at least it's not too bad."

Suddenly, Caster knelt down.

"Can I ask you to do me a favor? Kill, kill the person who killed Soichiro-sama. I can promise you anything."

Saber looked at Caster's performance with some surprise, and asked: "Are you..."

"Then, let's conclude the contract first, caster. Illya, come here."

"Caster, sign a contract with her, I can't supply your magic power here, and I can't afford to supply Saber's magic power. This is not a place to stay for a long time, let's go!"

Chapter 47 Let Me, Emiya Shirou, Teach You How to Make Assassins

The seamless cooperation between Sombra and Assassin put Archer and Lancer in a difficult situation.

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