"Lancer, can you hold on?" Archer also let go of his personal grievances at this time. After all, the enemy is now, and if they fight like this, they may have to die in the disgusting shadow.

It's not impossible for Archer to throw nuclear bombs again, but in this situation, the distance is too close, and there is time to drop nuclear bombs, these shadows have completely eaten him and Rin.

And the most annoying thing is that Assassin can always launch extremely deadly attacks, almost killing him and Lancer.

While dealing with the black shadow, he also has to deal with the assassin, and the most important thing is to protect his master, Rin.

Archer felt dizzy.

"Of course I can hold on. Don't think that if you won the battle in the morning, you are really stronger than me. I put so much water!"

Archer shook his head helplessly, this is a typical dead duck with a hard mouth.

If he hadn't thought of killing him so quickly in the morning, Lancer would have been a corpse long ago.

After being crippled by Zhanshanjian, if Archer still can't kill Lancer, he should stop being a guardian.

This kind of guardian, Alaya has already thrown it to feed Wang Jiang.

How can it be possible to take it out for repair, continue to use it after repairing it, continue to repair it after using it up, and continue to use it after repairing it?

Archer had forgotten how many times he had been broken and how many times he had been repaired during all these years of fighting.

"Archer, it seems that it will be difficult for us to escape from these shadows and that assassin." Lancer said frustrated words, but the red gun in his hand did not stop.

"You, take that eldest lady and run away, I'll be the queen!"

Archer looked at lancer in surprise, is this still the lancer he knew?

"Sure enough, it's a loyal dog."

"Fuck, you really are his real body, you still have to mock me at a time like this!"

Hassan, the curse arm, kept attacking, even at this time, he didn't intend to win with one move.

The two releases of treasures just now failed to achieve the intended goal, which can be said to be quite a mistake.

The one in front of him is the well-known Son of Light, Cu Chulainn. If he is summoned in the native land, he will not be able to kill him even if he has a dark shadow.

Although the other is an unknown heroic spirit, his strength is not weak at all.

Without protecting that girl, he had no chance at all.

Archer was perfectly capable of sniping him from such a long distance that even the shadows couldn't get close to him.

Simply because it is restricted.

The curse wrist couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

They are all unknown heroic spirits, why is he so weak and the enemy so powerful?

He was considered an ordinary person before his death, and without the assistance of the Demon God's Hand, he was not worthy to become an old man in the mountains.

Soon, he collected his mind.

No matter what, the most important thing is to solve the enemy in front of you.

As long as through continuous attack, he can find opportunities.

He has always relied on various conditions to assassinate enemies stronger than himself.

But at this moment, continuous attacks came from the opposite direction.

"You don't need to discuss the Queen's question. Because I'm here." Shirou said slowly, looking at Hassan, the cursed arm in front of him.

"It's obviously a human, but it's so confident. Huh? There are two heroic spirits. However, you humans will be a drag on your followers." The cursed wrist laughed.

In general, this is indeed the case.

However, Shirou is no ordinary Master.

Rather—the Master with infinite power!

He is also a direct disciple of Wang Hassan.

"It's really stupid." Shirou showed a mysterious smile, and projected a giant sword.

"Cursed wrist, what did you grab after getting the devil's wrist? Is it my own stupidity?"

Curse Wrist was stunned for a moment.

In front of his eyes, the figure of the red-haired man completely overlapped with a taller figure holding a giant sword and shield.

It was as if the masked man with the horns on his helmet was condemning himself.

Hassan in Hassan.

The old man of the mountain is the old man of the mountain.

First generation adults.

"No, you are not that lord. You are not him at all! My fate is not in your hands, and the evening bell has not rung. You who pretended to be that lord, go to hell with me!"

Although, Shirou does not have that level.

However, Shirou disagreed that the destiny was not in his hands.

As for the evening bell.

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