Didn't he ring the evening bell when he wanted to?

The curse wrist didn't understand this at all, and it was only then that Shirou realized why he was Wang Hassan's disciple.

"I, Emiya Shirou, will ring your bell if I want to. If I don't have a destiny, I will take your destiny into my hands."

After speaking, Shirou projected a bell and handed it to Saber.

"Saber, take it and shake it, it will be regarded as the evening bell. Anyway, I am also Wang Ha's disciple, so I should give these Hassans some face."

"Shake?" Saber shook twice.

"Did you hear that, the evening bell is ringing, I accept your dog's head!"

Lifting the great sword, Shirou looked at the assassin who stretched out his cursed wrist with disdain.

It would be too stupid to use this method to assassinate.

Today he is going to teach the curse wrist how he graduated.

"Listen clearly. Evening Bell has announced your name, sue the feather of death, cut off your head - sue the angel!"

The curse wrist quickly retracted, and the right arm was broken.

"You, didn't you want to take my head? Why did you cut off my hand?" Curse Wrist asked in pain.

"Well, your hand is the only one that can be attacked within my attack range. If I don't chop off your hand, I have nothing else to chop off." Shirou scratched his head.

This is also impossible.

Wang Hassan didn't possess him either, so it was a bit difficult to sue the angel with his death and cut off the head.

Curse Wrist had no idea why the man spoke so confidently.

But the curse wrist is very clear that this trick is indeed the trick of the first generation of adults.

Although it was just a simple slash, it was sublimated into a move that became a Noble Phantasm.

Sue the angels.

"who are you?"

The curse wrist looked at the man who almost ignored the shadow, but completely avoided it.

Almost a perfect shot.

Except that his head was not under the man in front of him, he felt like he really met the first generation of adults.

"The twentieth Hassan, Wang Ha's personal disciple, Emiya Shirou. By the way, since your hand is gone, I won't accept your head."

Curse Wrist is also very clear, apart from Curse Wrist, he is just an ordinary assassin.

"This Holy Grail War is over for you, and you can participate in it next time."

After the battle was over, everyone froze and looked at Shirou.

They thought it would be a bloody battle, but the winner was decided in an instant?

"Why are you still standing there, run away!"

Author's message:

The hand of the curse wrist was cut off again, it was so inhumane!

Chapter 48 Arash Aviation

The black shadow surged up, relying on the holy sword, Shirou barely repelled the black shadow, at this time, there was no way to escape from here, even if Angelica used the replacement magic, this magic would never stop Instantly broken, right?

It would be even worse if it wasn't broken, and Wei Gongzhai would be overwhelmed by shadows.

"Hit your sister, why are these black shadows so fierce!"

"It's so fierce, otherwise you think why we fought so hard."

Lancer was as tired as a dog, but he still had to clean up what was in front of him.

"It was you who fought hard, and I was able to handle it with ease, understand?" Archer insisted.

But it's useless to be stubborn, the black shadow in front of him is a terrifying existence that Lancer's rune magic can't survive a single move.

"So what should we do if we want to escape?" Shirou waved the holy sword, "You guys should think of a way for me, caster, tell me too."

"Actually, I don't know either. I can't use teleportation magic, right? Even so, it's just delaying death." Caster was protecting Illya, and almost had no time to answer.

"Actually, I have an idea." Illya showed Ling Shirou's familiar smile.

With a thump in his heart, Shirou always felt that he might be tricked again.

"Let's use teleportation magic! We'll leave it to Shirou. Shirou, you should know what to do, right?" Illya asked excitedly.

Suddenly, Shirou remembered that night.

"You won't see it, will you?"

"Huh? What did you see? Shooting stars? Stella! Brother Shirou is so handsome!"

"It seems that you have a good idea?" Rin said quickly, "Take us out!"

Now, what else can Shirou say?

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