A burst of sadness welled up in my heart.

He had already foreseen what kind of miserable situation he would suffer after sending these people home, Erquan Yingyue suddenly played in his heart.

"Then it's settled, right? Caster, let's get started!" Saber made the final decision.

Although, she didn't know what kind of miraculous operation Shirou had prepared.

But Shirou is so confident, she has confidence.

"Transfer! (Teleport)"

Shirou and everyone immediately flew to a place where the shadows could not reach.


First, project something that everyone can sit on, like a basket or something, which is relatively spacious and will not fall down.

Next is a strong and stiff nylon cord.

And the basic bones are clarified, changed, and strengthened.

In this way, the basic operation has been completed.

Archer took a breath and saw Shirou's operation.He already guessed what Shirou was going to do.

"Shiro Emiya, you, you want it!"

"I don't have time to explain, get in the car!"

Everyone jumped on the basket, and Archer was the only one left.

Archer gritted his teeth and sat up too.

At this time, what else can I say?

Death is also death today, and defense in place is also death.Waiting for death, is it possible to die in the country?


Shirou shot an arrow like a shooting star, and flew out suddenly, carrying the basket into the atmosphere.

Illya screamed, excitement all over her face.As expected of a future magical girl, she has no fear of flying at all.

"Fly, fly, fly!"

On the contrary, another magical girl showed an immature side.

No wonder a certain Ruby would abandon such a master!

Shirou sighed.

"Wow wow..." Rin shivered and hugged Archer's arm, "It's so scary!"

They passed through the atmosphere, over the mountains, over the plains, and even saw the round earth.

"The earth is blue, really, so beautiful! It's the same color as Lancer!"

Elijah exclaimed.

"After all, it's blue Wang Jiang."

"Guna! Archer!"

"Be careful not to fall, lancer, you are lucky." Archer said, holding on to the edge of the basket tightly, protecting Rin.

Caster echoed: "Master is really calm. I also think that this earth is really beautiful."

Shirou felt that at this time, he didn't say a word, which was the reason for the fall.

The so-called muffled death means that he will not be beaten to death at that time, otherwise, he will be beaten into a disability by a certain young lady.

"Shirou is really great! I like Shirou the most! I have to sit a few more times!" Illya threw herself on Shirou's body, rubbing her small face against Shirou's chest, her eyes narrowed, feeling very comfortable.

But in this way, Shirou's plan to die silently will be completely broken.

Rin finally found the culprit.

"Shirou Emiya, even if I am dead and nailed into the coffin, I will kick the coffin boards and hit you on the head! Wow wow wow...you try again, I will shoot you again, understand? Wow wow wow Wow..."

However, why would Shirou take Rin's threats seriously?

Messenger of justice is unyielding.

"Gouli Ilya lives and dies, how can I avoid it because of misfortune and good fortune. Tohsaka, even if you threaten me like this, I will never compromise! Wow..."

"Archer, give it to me, go home and kneel on the keyboard, do you hear me clearly?"

"Why, it's me again?"

Anjelica sat quietly in the house. At this time, the problem should be solved soon, relying on her to perform the replacement magic and bring them back.

But why haven't you come back yet?

Think about life for a while.

Looking out of the window, Angelica looked at the stars in the sky. In this quiet moonlight, there was a unique beauty.

People are like shooting stars in the sky, you can't get them if you lose them...

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