"Saber, caster, dinner is ready!"

Illya looked at the time and shouted.

Not long after, caster and saber walked in.

"Things are changing."

Caster said something confusing, but Archer didn't take it as dispensable, but asked: "You are, what do you mean?"

"Caster, please explain clearly." Saber frowned and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"It seems that you still don't understand? Saber, archer, Emiya Shirou, when he brought that girl named Sakura into the room, no, what I discovered when I met that girl this morning, you guys Haven't figured it out yet?"

"You said, Sakura?" Archer pressed forward, "What are you talking about?"

"The source of those shadows is her, and there is another holy grail in her body. Those shadows are her incarnation."

Archer looked at the caster in shock, and murmured: "What are you talking about? I, I..."

"Archer, calm down. Caster, what's going on?" Rin stepped forward and squeezed Archer's hand.

She had never seen Archer not so calm.

That Archer, who always pretended to be handsome and had an unforgiving mouth, was so excited at this time.

"I don't know the specifics, but she is the Holy Grail. However, the Holy Grail has been polluted long ago, and you all know it well. She is full of this polluted breath, as if it has been used and poured out. Like the holy grail of contents."

Saber stopped her words.

"Caster, don't say any more. And Archer, Rin, Illya, don't mention this matter in front of Shirou."

"Why, Saber?" Archer asked calmly, "You should know that the person who is closest to her here is Emiya Shirou."

"It's because of this that he can't know. The doctor can't treat his relatives. He can't know about this kind of thing." After finishing speaking, Saber asked, "Caster, then, Sombra has something to do with her ?”

Caster nodded.

Lightly pounding on the wall, Archer was in a state of confusion.

He thought he forgot.

But after I came back, I remembered everything.

That Sakura, who comes to the house to cook every day, is one of the few people who brings him warmth.

Sakura unexpectedly... How many things did she ignore at that time?

No wonder Gilgamesh said he should have thought of that.

"Everyone is here? Eat first, let's eat." Shirou walked into the living room, looked at everyone's dumb looks, and couldn't help asking strangely, "You guys, what are you doing?"

"It's okay, let's eat." Saber said calmly.

Author's message:

Today's first update. . .As I said yesterday, there are four changes today

Chapter 53 Sakura's Choice

"Should we discuss how to solve the problem of Sombra today?" Shirou asked.

After the meal, everyone sat in the living room, and Sakura was sleeping now, so now was the most appropriate time to discuss issues.

"You..." Archer opened his mouth, but didn't say anything, "It's nothing, solve the black shadow?"

"Hmm." Shirou asked, "Do you have any new clues?"

Archer shook his head quickly. After all, he was also the man who had been the best actor of Fuyuki for many years. It was not up to him to be exposed at a time like this.

Shirou took out a piece of paper, on which was a diagram of the relationship between the characters with Shirou as the center.

"As far as I know now, Gilgamesh said that this black shadow has a certain relationship with me." Shirou pointed to the relationship diagram of the characters, "Since there is a relationship, then I will draw a picture first to carry out the next investigation."

"Since Gilgamesh said that it has something to do with me, then it must be related to me. Then, there are several possibilities, one is the relationship between characters, and the other is that there is something special about me. So, Archer, tell me, you probably didn't have this kind of situation at that time, right?"

Archer wiped the inexplicable sweat from his brow, and replied, "Yes, that's not the case."

"Then, let's check one by one. Although it may not be accurate, it is at least enough. Archer, can you tell me about your situation at that time?"

Archer thought for a while—there should be no clues revealed in telling his own experience, so he replied:

"It's a very normal Holy Grail War, except for the pollution of the Holy Grail, there is no other difference."

Shirou nodded: "So, other than that, your emotional life."

"Ah?" Archer looked at him blankly, "Why are you asking such a question?"

"You can just gossip about me. Come on, it might be useful anyway." Shirou urged, "Tell me, who did you end up with."

Archer scratched his head in embarrassment: "No one."

After Shirou listened, he made a mark. In this case, the first difference is that he and Sakura are basically determined to be together.

Although this seems useless, maybe this one small variable changes everything?

Scratching his head, Shirou still felt that the possibility was too small.

A small emotional life can actually change the course of history.

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