If true, it's horrific.

Seeing this, Rin quickly interrupted: "It's useless for us to sit here and wait, why don't we go out and check the situation?"

Shaking his head, Shirou objected: "There must be a basis for doing things, and it is reckless if we can't do things all at once. We must first find out the direction and goal, otherwise, we will be like headless chickens. This kind of investigation, I think we should It is necessary, and it is scientific. Saber, are you right?"

Saber nodded, the current investigation should not bring much useful information to Shirou.

But such a Master really reassures her a lot.

Can resist and fight, high IQ.

The same is true of her last master, but she still can't tolerate some behaviors of bombing buildings.

"Saber, it's not right for you to say this!" Rin retorted, but the reason for the rebuttal got stuck at once.

Such investigation, in fact, still has some effect.

Although Rin disagreed verbally, he accepted it in his heart.

Especially if you don't know the truth, you will definitely actively assist Shirou in the investigation, right?

But, the problem is, she can't let Shirou know the truth.

As long as she knows about this kind of thing, then bring Archer or let Saber do it, get rid of, get rid of——

Rin gritted her teeth, she still couldn't bear to do that name, that person.

Even if she knew that Sakura was the culprit of Somiko, she couldn't do it, at least it was her own sister.

She was extremely shocked when she heard the news suddenly in her heart. Although she had some psychological preparations under Archer's previous performance, but if she wanted to do something to her sister, it was still...

"Why not? Tohsaka?" Shirou looked at their strange attitude suspiciously.

Seeing that they were about to quarrel, Shirou touched Illya's hair, who was lying on the table doing nothing, and his heart began to fluctuate again.

How can I find my sister while saving Illya?

"Okay, stop talking. Let's go outside and see the situation. Come back and continue to study."

Seeing that Shirou finished filming, Illya asked excitedly, "Can I go?"

"Of course it can't. Caster's ability to encounter battles isn't good, and you need to protect you. You're just adding to the chaos. You just stay at home. Caster, hurry up about analyzing the Holy Grail."

Caster nodded.

"Just be good and play games at home for a while, remember to wear more clothes, understand?"

Illya pouted and said dissatisfiedly: "Shirou, has anyone said that you look like an old lady?"


Archer turned his face away in embarrassment.


"Rider, are they all gone?" Sakura opened her eyes, and said to the empty air, it seemed that Sakura had a fever and fainted her brain.

There was indeed no one here, but the rider quickly appeared beside Sakura.

A contact can make the rider sense it.

"Yes, Sakura."

Sakura looked at the rider imploringly.

But the rider was silent.

She couldn't make a move.

This is her master, so loyalty must be paid to it, but the way to pay loyalty is to kill the master, which she cannot do.

Sakura can't kill herself, can't kill herself.

Matou Zouken was watching her all the time, stopping her all the time.

You can't live, you can't die.

Before the Holy Grail War came, she could still endure it.

Being able to live a normal life with my seniors is a wonderful time that is almost impossible for me.

Like a bubble, like an illusory beauty, it will eventually disappear.

For her, this is indeed a luxury.

However, it is too cruel for her to even die and leave her predecessors as extravagant hopes now.

It's not Sakura's intention to embarrass the rider, since the rider doesn't agree, she has no choice but to give up.

"Take me away, leave senior's house, go back, go back..."

"Sakura!" Rider quickly supported her who was about to get off the bed, "Is he worth it for you?"

"Did you hear what the senior said?"

Rider nodded.

"However, men always talk a lot."

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