"Let me be weak for a while. There are many things I want, but few things I can achieve. There is a poet in China named Lin Zexu. He once said: The sea is open to all rivers, and there is tolerance; if you stand on a wall, you can be strong without desires. It’s just because you want too much, but you can’t achieve it, that’s the pain.”

Saber nodded, she had a deep understanding of this.

To do things, you always have to use your strength to one place, so that you can smash all obstacles.

"So, what exactly are you going to do?"

Shirou's eyes hardened again.

How to do it is a good question.

"Of course, save Sakura."

"For her, justice is already late, so, should justice be left early? Even if I am going to be stabbed by justice in the back, I still have to push justice to the ground to attend!"

Author's message:

Fourth update! !Am I very conscientious! ! ! !

Gagen's twelfth update

Chapter 56 The Righteous Man Emiya Shiro

There is no night without stars.

Chasing the invisible moon, traveling like a dark night, is Matou Sakura's life.

But even if the moon is not visible, the stars are twinkling.

The occasional glimmer of light gave Matou Sakura the only hope.

Absent justice is not justice.

But it's better than nothing.

The lack of justice is made up by Shirou.

"Have you made up your mind, Shirou Emiya?" Archer confirmed again, "Even if there will be hell ahead."

"I've already made up my mind. In hell, Sakura has already walked through it once. There is no reason why I, a senior, can't go there. Archer, even if you and Rin want to be righteous partners to stop me, I will stand in the way of Sakura." In front of me, I just want to ask you, have you decided? Your way, your enemy, your purpose."

The red knight chuckled.

"I have already changed my purpose. Only Rin can change me with the command spell. But, even if you are an enemy of the whole world, do you want to go like this?"

"It's best to save more people. If I can't save more people, then I can only put Sakura first." Shirou clenched his fists, "For my sister, I gave up once. Then for Sakura, I You can also give up once more. No one can protect her except me, so at least, even if it fails, I will stand in front of her."

Taking a deep breath, Shirou stated his decision.

Even if Sakura let those black shadows eat them, Shirou firmly believes that it was forced by Sakura, and she can still be saved.

"And those black shadows were done unconsciously by Sakura, right? Even legally speaking, unconscious murder cannot be convicted, right?"

"Shirou Emiya, you are really crazy." Archer sighed softly, "Even if you don't become a partner of justice, you can't reach this point, right?"

"Archer, there is a limit to being a partner of justice."

"I've learned one thing in my short life."

"The harder you try to uphold justice, the more you will find that the partners of justice will eventually trap themselves to death and have nowhere to go."

"What are you trying to say?" Archer frowned, a trace of pain flashed through his eyes.

This seemed to speak his mind.

"Archer, I am no longer a partner of justice!"

Rin took a deep breath and asked: "Are you serious? If, you really think so, I can only order Archer to get rid of the two crazy masters. Saber, you are not going to stop him?"

Saber shook his head.

"Why should I stop? The way Shirou guarded Sakura reminded me of the time when I was guarding Britain. This time, I support Shirou. Even if it is hell, I will follow Shirou once."

Seeing Saber supporting him, Shirou smiled.

"Then, our combat power ratio is balanced. Tohsaka, are you still going to order Archer? At worst, I will hold him back, and let Saber deal with you..."

"Don't forget that there is me." Lancer stood beside Shirou, "I also want to support him. This is a man, he has more determination than a certain red suit."

Archer rarely refuted.

"Lancer..." Shirou couldn't help smiling when he saw Lancer's cheerful look.

"Hmph, you kid, don't fall in love with me just because of this, I don't like men."

"No, I mean Wang Jiang, you are too close to me, stay away. Only girls who want to eat my tofu, you should go away."

"Damn!" Lancer gritted his teeth angrily, and almost picked up the gun, but he held back forcefully.

From the depths of the church, Kotomine Kirei slowly walked out.

The surgery is over.

"You guys have to make noise and go outside. Although the operation is over, it's still a little dangerous."

"Kotomine Kirei (Kirei), Sakura..."

Shirou and Rin asked at the same time, and then found that both of them were asking, and turned their heads away in embarrassment.

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