"It seems that you still can't sit idly by. Tohsaka, you are such a bad person."

Rin didn't know what to say when the well-known bad guy said so.But Sakura's matter is still very important, she is not going to argue with Shirou, and she must uphold elegance.

Just as he was about to speak, Rin suddenly discovered that the magic seal on Kotomine Kirei's hand had disappeared.

"Kirei, your magic seal has disappeared?"

"It was all used for Matou Sakura's treatment. I removed the engraved worm, but I couldn't remove the one on the heart." Kotomine Kirei said calmly.

"You actually... No matter what, I have to thank you, Kotomine Kirei."

Shirou fully understood the meaning of the magic seal, that's why he was so surprised.

Moreover, the engraved worms, even the caster, dare not fully guarantee their removal. Of course, they are more worried about Sakura's immediate death.

"Don't thank me for now, maybe you will regret it later." Kotomine Kirei said something that was incomprehensible, which made Shirou frown.


He doesn't regret it, at least the current Kirei has helped him, no matter what the purpose is.

"Aren't you going to see Sakura Matou?"


Opening the door, Shirou took a deep breath, at least not letting Sakura see his ugly face.

"Senior, are you here?" Sakura's voice was weak.

With a forced smile, Shirou walked over to Sakura's side.

"I'm coming, Sakura."

Kirei said before that Sakura has already received a lot of pain.

Being "soaked" in the pond of the imprinted worm, being devoured, suffering in pain.

This was a horror Shirou could hardly imagine.

day to day.

Year after year.

No one came to rescue her.

No one found out about it.

"Senior already understands the situation?" Sakura exhaled, a little uncomfortable, "Then, let me be executed. It would be best if I could die under the hands of Senior."

A trembling Shirou held Sakura's cold hand.

"I won't do that, I will definitely save Sakura."

Shaking her head, Sakura objected: "I killed many people, I know very well. A righteous senior should uphold justice."

"I can't even kill myself. I'm Grandpa's puppet. I'm already impure. Only by killing me can I pay off my sins, can't I?"

"No, it's not like that."

Shirou replied firmly.

If he is not firm, it will be even more impossible for Sakura to walk the most difficult path firmly.

"Since you feel guilty, then I will save everyone."

"Has the senior made a decision? Now..."

Seeing Sakura who completely misunderstood what he meant, Shirou didn't get angry, but said: "If you and everyone are rescued, isn't that all right?"

"It's that simple."

Since he is expected to become the incarnation of justice, then of course Shirou has to choose the most difficult path.

If Sakura cannot be rescued, even if everyone is rescued, Shirou Emiya will become a machine of justice.

"No, it's impossible." Sakura shook her head with difficulty, "Stop talking silly, senior. If you want to save one person, you have to give up a group of people..."

"It is necessary to do this because the person who executes it is too weak."

"Today, I'm going to tell you, I, Emiya Shiro."

Rubbing Sakura's hair with his hand, Shirou said word by word: "If it can be done, anyone can be saved."

Author's message:

First update. . . .Let me say in advance that there may only be two updates tomorrow.I want to follow my dad back to my hometown. . . .

Chapter 57 I Have a Bold Idea

"If it can be done, anyone can save it!"

That's probably what Shirou said.

"So, how do you fill in the gaps with your big talk?" Rin asked, holding his head, "If you can't do it, I can only order Archer to give Sakura to... Don't you know very well? Didn't you pay back the one just now?" A super fierce look? Why are you looking for us now?"

Shirou gritted his teeth, that's what he said.

Rin was almost mocking him like this, and his words were especially harsh.

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