"But seeing Shirou not sleeping, I can't sleep either." Illya hugged Shirou, "Shirou looks very uncomfortable. If I don't come to accompany Shirou, no one will come to accompany you, right? In Sakura's case, it's family members, right? That's why Shirou suffers so much."

Sakura's image flashed before Shirou's eyes.

Not really.

Sakura is not family.

To be precise, it's not just family members.

For Shirou, Sakura is unique and irreplaceable.

She is the only one besides his sister who can make him not think of herself as a partner of justice, but a living person on his way to become a partner of justice along with the prisoner of justice—Emiya Kiritsugu.

A man named Emiya Shirou.

"She's special." Shirou sighed.

"Seeing Shirou like this, I don't know why I feel so good. At least, it won't look like Kiritsugu." Illya happily kissed Shirou, "Don't worry, I will definitely support you .”

"Thank you, Illya." Shirou looked at the bright moon in the sky, "I don't know what Kiritsugu would do at a time like this."

"Probably abandoned Sakura without hesitation?" Illya replied without hesitation.

"I object to Illya's answer." Saber walked over slowly.

As a Servant, she doesn't need to sleep at all, she just slept for Shirou's peace of mind.

Shirou is a rather caring person.

Seeing other people not sleeping at night makes Shirou always feel a little worried.

"Saber? It's rare that you can actually say good things about Kiritsugu. I thought you wouldn't think highly of him." Shirou couldn't help asking curiously, "Why would you say that?"

"From the time I knew that the contents of the Holy Grail turned out to be such a disgusting thing, I began to think about this problem. Kiritsugu may actually have a good compatibility with me, or even the same kind of person. See The same kind, so I don't want to talk to me. Trying to avoid me." Saber smiled wryly, "The holy grail that has been pursued for so long will become like this."

Shirou thought about it, maybe it was the same relationship he had with Kirei before?

"Huh? If you say that, I will hate you, Saber." Illya said with disgust, "Kiritsugu, hmph!"

"Then let's not talk about this issue?" Shirou suggested.

But Ilya shook her head: "Keep talking, I want to hear it."

Maybe the girl wanted to know her father, at least she also wanted to know why her father abandoned her and her mother, so she tried hard to calm down.

"You guys want to listen? If I remember well, Kiritsugu only said three words to me. When he summoned me, the first thing he said to me was, I will definitely help you get the Holy Grail, even if It was unscrupulous. Later, it was probably to blow up a building in order to get rid of Lancer's master." Saber recalled, "This makes me very annoying."

"That's why I told Shirou on the bridge that Kiritsugu was unscrupulous. But thinking about it carefully, the commotion near the building at that time may have evacuated the people. Therefore, Lancer's owner was let go." .”

"What was the second and third sentence I told you after that?" Illya asked curiously after interrupting Saber.

"The second sentence was to use the command spell to order me to chase the crazy caster at that time. He always said Joan of Arc and the like. At that time, I didn't understand why his orders were so strange. Obviously, judging from the situation at the time , as long as the two meet, they can kill Lancer and his master."

"But then, the tactic against that lancer was extremely beautiful. It tricked lancer's master into signing a contract, made lancer commit suicide, and let Miss Maiya kill the master with a sniper rifle from a distance. Even if it is placed in a round table, it can still Those who are at the table." Saber praised.

"Ah? Don't you object to this kind of thing?" Shirou looked at Saber in bewilderment.

Saber shook his head.

"Why should I object? That knight, Lancer, is often too pedantic in his actions. There is nothing wrong with teaching him some lessons. He also said that he followed the chivalry, but he repeatedly seduced his wife who obeyed his master. , This is one. Second, he pretended to follow the chivalry but repeatedly disobeyed his master's orders." Saber sighed, "I don't know what to say about him."

"Perhaps because of some similarities, he reminds me of Sir Lancelot inexplicably."

"No Lancelot..." Shirou regretted it as soon as he said it.

"That's what I agreed to. Guinevere is a woman, but she has to accompany me. I can't bear it. If I were a man, and Sir Lancelot did this, I would have executed them long ago Yes." Saber replied decisively.

"And to participate in the Holy Grail War, one must have the awareness of death and the awareness of encountering certain special situations. All the people who participated in the Holy Grail War were magicians, so no one was innocent. This tactic is reasonable. The owner of the berserker is not Illya, I will definitely kill her."

This actually overturned Shirou's previous point of view. He thought that Saber was unscrupulous because of the Holy Grail, but he came to his senses after being exposed.

Just because this master is Illya, he was merciful.

"Hey, did you show mercy?" Ilya retorted dissatisfied.

"Of course, otherwise Shirou would have given you to..." Saber stopped here, the meaning was already obvious.

"This can be regarded as a typical tactic of my cooperation with Kiritsugu at that time. When I held the enemy servant head-on, and the fight was inextricable, Kiritsugu basically completed the harvesting task. I actually thought Shirou was going to do this at first Woolen cloth."

"Actually, it's not that I don't want to do this tactic, but I haven't fought much yet, and there are not many enemies left. Look, lancer, archer, and rider are all on our side. Next is caster, Assassin was directly hacked to death by me. Berserker will not talk about it."

Speaking of this, Shirou suddenly discovered that his operational strength was simply astonishing.

"Sure enough, Shirou has the ability to be a king. Shirou, why don't you come to be the king of Britain, so I can feel relieved. In this way, Britain will be surrounded by friends." Saber joked rarely.

"You still can't let it go?" Shirou asked suddenly, "My master is really a failure."

Of course Saber still couldn't let it go, otherwise, she wouldn't have revealed uncontrollable excitement when the magic power of the Sky Cup could fill the Holy Grail infinitely.

If it weren't for such a strong desire, Saber would not have signed a contract with the Holy Grail.

Author's message:

This is the fsn version of Da Mao and the fsn version of the father of sidewalking. . .So don't be surprised to see that Daimao's attitude towards Diarmuid is so strange.

Otherwise, how can I release the satellite of Kiritsugu, the father of the rampant version?

In addition, everyone's recommendation votes! !Tucao it! ! ! ! ! !Give me some!

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