Chapter 59 Moon Night

For Saber's obsession, Shirou is not incomprehensible. He has worked so hard for so long, but in the end he found that what he did was useless to Britain.

Whoever it is will doubt whether he is still fit to be the king of Britain.

"Are you in a better mood?" Saber asked, "If Shirou is more troubled because of my problem, it will be considered that I, the servant, have really failed my duty."

"Well, it's better, thank you both."

Shirou touched Illya's head, and Illya hugged Shirou happily.

"Then can Shirou sleep with me today?"

"Then I'll sleep with you." Shirou laughed, "In return."

"Then, I also ask for something in return, Shirou." Saber smiled, "I'm hungry."


After cooking three dumplings, it is indeed a good choice to eat late at night and enjoy the deliciousness.

"I'm starting!" Ilya did as the Romans did, and shouted before the meal was served, but she basically picked up the chopsticks and picked up the dumplings before she put her palms together.

Needless to say, Saber has already eaten three or four and went in at this time.

Delicious dumplings are an intolerable temptation for her.

Although the posture is very elegant, the speed of eating dumplings is really amazing.

With a change of mind, Shirou began to think about the countermeasures for tomorrow and future battles.

The enemy is that Sakura's grandfather, if I remember correctly, Shirou remembers meeting him.

The name is - Matou Zouken.

He has the same seaweed head as Shen Er, but in fact he may be more handsome than Shen Er.

But now this Zouyan is said to be an old man with the shape of a withered bone, but his behavior is even dirtier, just as the name suggests.

Why did he seek the Holy Grail?

"Shirou, why don't you eat?" Saber's mouth was full of dumplings, her voice seemed a little strange.

"%...&" Illya echoed.

But Ilya's experience of talking while eating is obviously not as rich as Saber's, and all she speaks are meaningless syllables.

"By the way, Matou Zouken, why is he pursuing the Holy Grail? What is his wish? What is his purpose?"

Illya listened and thought about it.

"For eternal life?" Illya made a guess.

"But the current Holy Grail obviously can't do this. In my impression, Matou Zouken seemed to be somewhat ideal when he was young."

"Why did Shirou ask this question?" Saber became curious about the reason why Shirou raised this question. "Is this question meaningful? Why don't we just defeat the enemy?"

That's true, but the premise is when the enemy can't defeat one's own side.

If negligence had even the slightest chance of being caught, the whole situation would collapse.

In this way, the question makes sense.

What's more, it's not Zouyan who are at a disadvantage, but them. It is necessary to find weaknesses.

"If you don't want to be strong. As long as you don't violate the core interests, then the dirty inkstone will be as hard to hit as if you touched a tortoise shell. Caster and I have already been shattered twice. It's only three things, and we don't want to improve. IQ, I'm afraid I'm going to be played to death by Zou Yan?"

"On the contrary, I was caught with a painful foot, so I was so passive like now. If we can find his weakness in turn, the initiative can be in our hands."

Turning passive into active, looking for a little possibility in the disadvantages, this is what a good leader must do.

It would be too ugly to be defeated by Matou Zouken with five servants.

Let's quit the group.

"Eh? I thought Shirou was the protagonist of those hot-blooded anime, just go forward."

Shirou looked at Illya dumbfounded, did he look like such a reckless person?

No, no, no, Mang is indeed a bit reckless, it is his belief to work hard to make miracles, and BBBEX is also his standard move.

But you have to have a direction for your efforts. Shirou feels that he still has an IQ.

He is not so reckless as Qian Zanqi.

"Since you want to understand Zouken, you have to start with the origin. Let me revisit the situation of the Holy Grail War. First of all, the Holy Grail War was completed by the Yusanjia. Matou Zouken witnessed the origin of the entire Holy Grail War, experienced From the first to the fifth time of the Holy Grail War. At the beginning, he was also a partner of justice, which is not bad, it is indeed what Shirou said. There are still some ideals and pursuits."

"Then when did he become what he is now?" Shirou asked.

"I don't know, but what is certain is that in order to pursue the Holy Grail, he constantly changed his body and damaged his soul. Perhaps because of this, the will to pursue justice was slowly worn away. It was replaced by the pursuit of eternal life." eager."

"Poor, pathetic, hateful." Saber commented concisely.

"That's right," Illya taunted maliciously, "That's what a partner of justice will end up like. Hey, Shirou, did you catch the key point?"

"Not at all. Continue? For example, does he have any other attachments? Or something he likes."

"Is that so." Illya propped her chin with her hands, "Does it count as liking Justissa?"

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