"Ah?" Why did Shirou feel that he had heard such a shocking news?

Matou Zouken actually likes artificial humans?

"Really. Makiri Zorgan, indeed, loves the ancestor of the Einzberns family, Justissa who has become the Great Holy Grail itself. Speaking of which, it seems that all the partners of justice are fond of the Einzberns family. Robots are very interesting, why don't you become a partner of justice, Shirou?"

Illya excitedly suggested: "In this way, Shirou and Illya can give birth to little Illya!"

Ignoring Illya's nonsense remarks, Shirou felt that this might really come in handy.

"Well, Illya, do you and Justissa look alike?"

Shirou asked seriously, maybe this will be the key to victory or defeat.

"Except for height and..." Illya looked at her breasts, she didn't look bulging at all, and said unconscionably, "It's very similar, almost exactly the same, because the artificial humans in Einzbern are all the same model. engraved."

Shirou finally had some clues.

It's just that this card can only be played once, and it has to be used at critical times.

When dealing with a person, certain characteristics, likes and dislikes of a person are likely to be the winner, maybe this is the case.

"Hehehe..." Shirou murmured, "Zorgen, remember that you used to be a partner of justice, and then die with honor. After this, you can smile at Jiuquan, right?"

(Zou Yan: Come on, I don't want to smile at Jiuquan!)

Author's message:

After going back to my hometown, I felt like I was about to smile.If there is no update tomorrow, please don’t worry about giving me a grave (this is impossible)

by the way py

The Bizarre Adventure of Fate Magical Girl (Illya)

The reason. . .see my pen name

Chapter 60 Courage and Strength

His body was burning hot as if on fire.

The brain has begun to become unconscious, and there is a sea of ​​red in front of him.

To devour all, to eat all.

So hungry, so hungry...

No no no no no no!

Be patient and not eat it.

Vaguely, I heard my own panting.

I really can't hold on any longer.

After eating Gilgamesh, which was equivalent to tens of thousands of souls and mana, Sakura knew that she had irreversibly headed towards this path.

The desire becomes more and more irresistible, the more souls and mana to eat, the more so.

Sakura endured this desire and suffered.

Black shadows are constantly devouring innocent souls.

This made her conscience ache.

I kept thinking about those terrible scenes in my mind.

death, destruction.

Those are her masterpieces.

It's all own fault.

Then you have to figure it out yourself.

She still remembers the figure in the sunset, and it was that figure that kept encouraging herself.Only then did I slowly become a little angry, instead of being like a walking dead.

Her heart should have died long ago.

No one will come to save yourself.

If there was, it must have been Uncle Kariya who suddenly turned white-haired when he was six or seven years old.

It's a pity that he is just an ordinary person, even if his body is distorted like that, it won't help.

After that her heart died.

At least Sakura thought so at first.

But this is just suspended animation.

In getting along with the seniors, hope was revived from the ashes of despair, and she still remembered those warmth.

Thinking of this, Sakura summoned endless courage.

If grandpa does this, he will definitely hurt his seniors in the future, and he will also lose control, become distorted, and become hideous.

So before such a moment comes, let your beautiful appearance remain in the hearts of your seniors.

Although senior is sad because of his death, at least Illya and the others will accompany senior.

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