Finally, Sakura made up her mind.

No matter how much pain she endures, even if she can no longer feel that kind of warmth, she will end this ridiculous holy grail war of grandpa at this very moment.

Stretching out her hand, Sakura used all her strength to do what she had to do.

"My lovely granddaughter, if you want to keep your predecessors, then it's not impossible. I never said from the beginning that I want to kill everyone, right?"

Matou Zouken's words, like the whispers of a devil, tempted Sakura.

Matou Zouyan is very clear about the reason why too much is too late.

He didn't know how determined Sakura was, but he knew that the pressure on Sakura was too great.

And Sakura's answer shocked Matou Zouken a little.

"If that's the case, Senior won't be happy either. Seeing a murderer, I, who has killed countless people, can survive, while others cannot."

Sakura's hand had already stretched out to her chest, moving with difficulty.

Matou Zouken tried his best to control her, but the girl resisted him, and continued to resist with her own will.

"Then, my lovely granddaughter, can you bear the sight of the little girl of the Einzbern family living happily with Emiya Shirou after you die?"

Sakura still didn't respond, and at this moment, her hand was ready to directly plunge into her heart.

"So, where is your sister, Tohsaka Rin?"

Sakura stopped.

Anger suddenly burned her heart.

It took an entire hour to establish a psychological defense line that was broken through in an instant at this very moment.

Although it is clear that he must not be angry, he must control himself, otherwise his success will fall short.

But that sister.

Tohsaka Rin.

No pain, no setbacks.

In school, she is a well-deserved goddess, and everyone likes her.

After the Holy Grail War started, he soon moved into the senior's house.

Although he said that he also enjoyed this treatment, and was more concerned by the seniors.

But Sakura doesn't believe that the senior is not interested in Rin.

That perfect goddess is probably the dream of all the boys in school, right?

Uneasiness and anxiety were constantly surrounding her when she was in Emiya Zhai, surrounding her.

Panting violently, panting, Sakura tried her best to control her body, but if she wanted to attack herself like just now, she had completely lost her chance.

At most, it is to control the shadows and prevent them from eating people.

But Sakura doesn't know how long she can maintain this state.

As long as the anger of jealousy is still burning, as long as he is still controlled, one day he will completely and completely fall into the abyss, to the point where even his predecessors give up.

Be calm, be calm!

Even if the elder sister occupies the senior's life, there is nothing wrong with that, at least after he loses himself, there are still people to take care of him...

Tears wet her face.

She knew that she absolutely couldn't bear this kind of thing.

Whether it's Saber or Illya.

Sakura would have no objection to any one of them occupying the senior's life.

But sisters are different.

My sister has always been superior to me since I was a child, and took away everything from me, whether it was at Yuansaka's house or at school.

My own excellence, my hard work, talent, everything was completely taken away.

Therefore, she was sent to the Matou family.

That's why she endured so much pain.

And only the senior is her own.

Belongs to her alone.

It won't be snatched away by my sister, it's completely, that little piece of warmth that belongs to me.

Sakura suddenly woke up.Just because of that sunset... Was it snowing or when?

Ignore it.

"Grandpa..." Sakura said with difficulty, reason once again occupying her mind.

The hand moved again.

Because, this person is a senior.

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