The continuous words finally made Sakura recover from the evil of completely indulging herself.

The black shadow started to retreat from Sakura's body a little bit, but soon began to fight with Sakura.

"Senior, hurry up, hurry up!"

Sakura begged, such a humble appearance made Shirou feel distressed.


"Senior, if you don't do it, I will probably threaten you with the lives of the citizens of Fuyuki City again? Then, this is my threat to you, not the threat I gave you from the evil one—"

"Senior, if you don't do anything, I will attack the citizens of Fuyuki City now!"

Shirou's heart tightened at Sakura's determination.

But the problem is that Sakura is such that Shirou can't do it.

You have to figure out a way!

You have to figure out a way!

You have to figure out a way!

There must be a way!It's man-made!

what is it?

Suddenly, Shirou remembered Sakura's behavior before, the way he ignored him at all, it should be the distraction of the man who manipulated the black shadow to attack Emiya.

If there is a chance, then this is it!

"Sakura, Sombra's ability has a limit."

"I have already discovered this matter from a short observation."

"In this painful struggle, I finally found this opportunity. This limit is yourself!"

Yes, that's right, Shirou found the only chance now, and found a ray of light in the darkness and chaos.

This also made his previous deployment finally come into play.

There is no way for Sombra to use both ends. If it is used well, this is the breakthrough.

"Archer, can you hear me? Tell caster, use the transposition magic with Angelica, transpose to Enzang Mountain, and move the entire Emiya house!"

Shirou finally used his well-prepared tactics - urbanization!

This is a special treasure for insects, and this trick finally came to this world almost ten years ahead of schedule.

In Fuyuki City, the surroundings of Emiya began to distort, the space began to change, and the position began to shift. The black shadows lost their target and gathered together in a hesitant manner.

In this city, even with satellites, Emiya House disappeared.

Miraculous replacement magic.

This most basic magic, at this moment, has become a miracle.

The cooperation between Angelica and Caster made this Emiya residence a mobile fortress.

"Regret, Zouken, I will let you understand how stupid it is to be a bug!"

Chapter 68 Lancer, commit suicide!

Lifting the giant axe, the shadow collided with it.

With a human body, it is difficult to resist these black shadows that are difficult for followers—or in other words, it is slightly easier for non-servants to deal with these shadows.

The shadow is nothing but the contents of the Black Holy Grail.

It is the incarnation of Sakura and the Black Holy Grail itself.

It is as difficult for a servant to fight against the shadow, just as it is difficult for a program to fight against the administrator.And the weakness of human beings will also make them crushed by the strength of the shadow.

But Shirou Emiya was different.

He can completely fight against the black shadow with the strength close to that of a follower.

"Shoot a hundred heads!"

The black shadow was extinguished again, but new black shadows began to be generated again.

Behind the endless shadows is the endless magic power of the Holy Grail.

"Very good, very good." Black Sakura applauded softly, like a lady watching a gladiator duel, "But, senior, I'm still curious, how do you break my disguise into another What do I look like?"

"It seems that you are scared." Shirou smiled confidently, but his trembling hands were hidden underneath.

After dealing with so many black shadows, his muscles had begun to lose their strength.

It happened to be this body that dragged him down the most.

Humans have limits.

And this limit came too fast.

"Yes, because the person I'm facing is a senior. According to the senior, he is a partner of justice. Obviously, I am afraid of the evil one, but, senior justice, how do you crack it? It depends on the room you teleported over. Is it?" Sakura pouted, "Senior, I'm really curious."

The black shadows began to recede, only maintaining the point where they would not be completely destroyed by Shirou, and most of them aimed at Emiya House who had been moved to Mount Enzang as a whole.

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