"Tsk tsk tsk, Sakura, you actually learned how to steal the sky and change the day, and want to change my house before my urbanization has taken shape. Your move is very good." Shirou praised, "However, you underestimate my family. Defense, you underestimate me too! Traceon!"

Caliburn was projected, and Shirou realized that his magic power would be almost exhausted after releasing the Sword in the Stone's real name.

Although the black shadow can be converted into magic power by him, no matter how it is converted, it cannot be consumed as quickly as him.


The golden light went straight to Sakura, but Sakura, who could use the power of shadow at any time, undoubtedly stopped Shirou's attack.

The shadow resisted the light, and the light fell under the darkness.

"Is that true?" Sakura narrowed her eyes and looked at Shirou, and did not attack the current Shirou. "These powers of seniors can't defeat me. Although they can temporarily delay the time, it is actually useless. Seniors Is your strength over here?"

Panting heavily, Shirou had to admit that this was true, and the plan to encircle Wei and save Zhao had failed.

"And on the other hand, the plan prepared by the senior will soon fail." Sakura said with a smile, "If you don't believe it, can the senior make a phone call?"

Having said that, Shirou really felt a little uneasy. The key to winning or losing is not with him, but with another.

Whether it is the Holy Grail or Illya, they are the key points of this plan.

"Don't worry senior, I won't attack you right now, because seeing senior at a loss is more enjoyable than anything else."

He took a deep breath, no matter what, Shirou had to ask about the situation.And even if Sakura really attacked, he still had a way to defend against it.The big deal is to rely on your own body to resist.

Immediately, Shirou took out his phone.


"It's really scary, a black shadow like a tide." Archer sighed.

The black shadow burst out with a completely different momentum from before, and the magic field was rushed to pieces.

"Saber, let's go and block these black shadows. I don't think we can handle them solely by relying on the magic field." After Archer finished speaking, he projected a Chiyuan Hound and shot at the black shadows that attacked from the front. .

But temporary disappearance is not very useful, unless continuous attacks eliminate the black shadows, otherwise they will all be swallowed up by the black shadows in the end.

However, Rin's magical power is simply not enough to complete this task.

The amount of mana consumed by casting Akahara Hound once and fantasy collapse is already exaggerated. If you want to cast more, it is almost impossible.

Saber's golden sword also continuously dispersed the invading shadows, dispersed, and dispersed again.

But the black shadows not only did not decrease, but more.

Anjelica wiped the sweat of Ilya who was sitting on the side. Ilya's current condition is not very good.

Illya, who provided Saber's magic power, was panting, and she couldn't stand such a high-intensity magic power consumption.

Although Berserker's magical power is in her body, it does not mean that she can withstand Saber's continuous release of Noble Phantasms.

"Why do we have more and more enemies?" Lancer wailed, "In this case, I can't be of any use."

"That's something that can't be helped." Caster sat quietly in front of the crystal ball, and continued to rub the Holy Grail. Her attack was not very useful to Sombra, "Miss Illya, as the Holy Grail, has the content itself There are fewer things than the other party, and it must support Saber's vowed victory sword and this magic field from being overwhelmed."

Rider was even more powerless against these shadows.

The phone rang again, and Angelica went to answer it.

"The situation... is not good, is it?" Shirou already had the answer in his heart, but he still couldn't help asking.

"It can be said that, Caster, please explain the situation." Anjelica passed the phone to Caster.

Since the replacement magic essentially replaces the space, the telephone line is still connected, and the phone can still be connected.

"Master Shirou, we have done our best, and we probably can only last for twenty minutes."

Shirou's heart sank even heavier.

It will take at least an hour to complete the Holy Grail, and it will take longer if you allow some time for the caster. This can only last for [-] minutes, and there is almost no way to do it.

"Why can it only last for so long? The magic field should be well built."

"If the supply of magic power is sufficient, of course it is, but obviously the magic power we possess is not as good as that of the other party. From Miss Illya's point of view, as the Holy Grail, there is only one Berserker, and although there is only one Sakura, Gilgamesh's soul and The magic power is equivalent to the amount of four servants. We can say that we are one against four."

"That's it, Caster, let Lancer come here for a while."

Lancer walked over to answer the phone immediately.

"Shirou Emiya, if you have any requirements, please tell me quickly. I won't talk nonsense in such a critical situation, and I will implement it."

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

"Thank you then."

"Lancer, kill yourself!"

Author's message:

Calvin is in so much pain!

Chapter 69 The Resurrected Curse Wrist

"Lancer, kill yourself!"

At this moment, Saber seemed to have seen the last Holy Grail War, her Master—Emiya Kiritsugu.

Her face was a little weird, and this inexplicable overlap made her feel a little subtle.

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