Regardless of whether the current Sakura is acting or really trying to control herself.

At least Shirou has been on guard against Matou Zouken.

Sakura's face was pale, afraid of being misunderstood, she shook her head: "Senior, I didn't do it!"

"I believe in you, you have to believe in me and I will believe in you."

Turning around, Shirou looked at the figure that had been polluted by the black mud.

Looking at him, Shirou couldn't help but regret why he didn't kill him directly, so that he was polluted like this now.

At any rate, he still has a good impression of Hassan's lineage. At least their first generation has given him a lot of help, and he is even his nominal disciple.

Let the curse wrist be reduced to this point, Shirou was a little angry at his previous soft-heartedness.

"Curse wrist, let me end your life."

"Senior, be careful! Be careful of me! I'm not under my control now!"

After Sakura finished speaking, the black shadow rushed forward again.

A hoarse voice emerged from Sakura's mouth:

"Weimiya Shirou, the matter has come to this point, I don't need to hide anything anymore, curse wrist, take your reshaped body and kill him!"

Curse Wrist let out a meaningless syllable of Kaka, and then rushed towards Shirou, cooperating with the shadow.

But Shirou, who has replenished a lot of mana, is not helpless.

"My body is made by the sword!"

Chapter 70

Great magic, inherent enchantment, infinite sword system.

It can be said that for countless followers, being dragged into this enchantment is almost a dead end.

The barrier that Gilgamesh had no confidence in winning was nothing in Matou Zouken's eyes.

Even stupid.

The black shadow is constantly eroding the inherent barrier and destroying it.

The sword was disintegrated by the shadow one after another.

The sword is a part of the Infinity Sword System, destroying the Infinity Sword is equivalent to destroying this mental landscape.

"Curse wrist? It was my fault that I didn't end your life last time. I will send you to rest this time!"

What then appeared in Shirou's hand was a large sword, which had almost no special features except that it was extremely wide.

But it was the unpretentious great sword that put great pressure on the spell wrist already controlled by the black shadow.

Even when Shirou slashed over, the cursed wrist couldn't even dodge.

"Leader, bring it!"

Just as Shirou's sword was completely aimed at the cursed wrist, a black shadow suddenly struck.

"Tch, it's really annoying. Broken Phantasm!"

Several swords were suddenly pulled out from the ground, flew towards the shadow, and exploded instantly.

The black shadow receded for a while, and came again.

Aim at the gap between the shadows, shuttle between them, and focus all on the sword.


Dozens of swords flew up from the ground, pointing at the cursed wrist like shooting stars.

The curse wrist flashed to the side without hesitation, and the great anxiety in his heart even made him use the black shadow to resist himself.

The roaring sound suddenly appeared, and the source of the sound was right behind the cursed wrist, where the swords were inserted into the shadow.

Taking advantage of this chaos, the curse wrist quickly prepared to launch a counterattack.

The red hand glowed.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you use the moves of the first generation of adults?" Finally, there were rational words in the mouth of the curse wrist instead of rattling noises.

"Why can't I do it? Curse Wrist, have you even lost Hassan's glory?" Shirou looked at Curse Wrist vigilantly.

"Hmph, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart—how can we Hassan have such a thing? Delusion!"

"Are you really going to dig out my heart?" Shirou was so frightened that he quickly raised his sword and cut off the devil's hand pointing at his heart.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Wang Hassan didn't teach me that way, the cursed wrist and hands are gone, you better hand over your head!"

The severed hand quietly began to move, moving bit by bit.

"Damn it, are you so powerful?" Curse Wrist's tone was terrified, but he was urging the severed hand behind his back.

"Give it to me, go to hell! Delusion heart sound!"

The curse wrist used his own treasure again, and under the blessing of the shadow, he has infinite magic power.His own treasure doesn't consume much mana, so using mana in this way is even a drop in the bucket for Sombra.

He took a sword casually and thrust it backhand.

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