"Why am I so familiar with your routine?" Shirou shrugged, "In my enchantment, your routine is completely unworkable."

The curse wrist just let out a sneer, and the voice was a bit ugly.

"I just need to hold you back, the next thing is to be handed over to my master." The cursed wrist pointed to those shadows.

"When you were about to hold me back, did you ever think that I was actually going to hold you back?" Shirou manipulated the sword in the barrier to disperse the shadows.

Although it is said that his own inherent enchantment infinite sword system was almost shattered by the black shadow, and he could not even last long, but the one who really needed time was not Matou Zouken, but Emiya Shirou.

It doesn't matter if Shirou can't solve the servant of the curse wrist, but if he can't hold the shadow and hold it, the Holy Grail will be difficult to complete, and Sakura will not be able to save it.

"How difficult is it for me to take your life? It's just that when these black shadows are covering you, they will also be delayed by me. Moreover, when you are chatting with me, you will also be delayed by me. I didn't expect it, curse wrist?"

"Clam clack clack..."

Curse Wrist looked at Shirou in a daze, and it turned out that he was the one who was tricked.

Moreover, listening to such a pleasant laughter, he almost couldn't help laughing.

Looking at the bewildered cursed wrist in front of him, Shirou realized that this person actually believed his own words.

He just forcibly analyzed the results. If he really wanted to say it, he still wanted to kill the cursed wrist immediately and lift the unlimited sword restriction.

No matter how you look at it, the other party seems to believe it.

It's all a trick.

Then take advantage of this wave of chat flow to perfectly confuse the other party——

"Wan Zhong already knows your name, sue the feather of death, cut off your head, and sue the angel!"

The cursed wrist pointed at Shirou who raised his sword and danced in the air, his hands trembling, watching the sword flying from behind gently caress his chest.

"Shameless old thief, how dare you bully me."

"Being tricked, it's like this." Shirou covered his mouth and almost laughed.


Still can't hold back.

With the cursed wrist down, Shirou lifted the infinite sword restraint, and Sombra couldn't even devour the dead cursed wrist.

This also means that the magic power flew to Illya.

The brain seemed to be burning.

While lifting the limit of the infinite sword, I was also eroded by the black shadow that eroded the landscape of my mind.

Failing to pry him from the outer wall, the shadow breached the fortress from within.

Looking at Sakura who has been manipulated by Zouken, Shirou wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Come on, Matou Zouken, let's see if you can beat me right now!"


The Holy Grail, suspended.

The faint radiance dispels the darkness and breeds endless hope.

"Holy Grail, it's finished." Caster bowed slightly, "The next step is to extract the magic power in your body, which will take some time."

Illya, who was already lying between Saber's lap, kept panting heavily.

At this moment, she didn't even have the energy to nod.

Saber wiped Illya's sweat, and replied instead of her: "Caster, hurry up. Illya's condition has deteriorated."

"Understood, it seems that one more soul has entered the Holy Grail. The function of Miss Illya's Holy Grail has been magnified. But don't worry, Miss Illya's pain will soon be weakened or even lifted. "

The azure blue magic power was slowly drawn out from Illya's body and poured into another holy grail.

The endless magic power is like a surging river.

"Caster, you said that there is one more soul, does that mean that another one has died? Now, only you and me, and Archer are left. Archer is going to make something with Rin at this time , then what could have entered the Holy Grail?"

After Saber finished asking doubtfully, the caster smiled lightly: "Assassin, in this way, there is no need to worry about the inability to complete the Holy Grail. There is no need to use one servant's soul as two. Master Shirou's plan is closer One step."

Author's message:

Everyone, have you pulled out your bow yet?my bank card. . .I'm running out of money again ==

Chapter 71 Final Preparations

The red-clothed knight spread his hands, looking suspiciously at the girl in front of him who was rummaging through his box frantically.

"So, Rin, why are you pulling me here?"

"Wu Lu Sai, when I find it, you will understand—I found it!"

Archer took the thing from Rin's hand.

It turned out to be a design drawing?

"What is this?" Archer blinked, but he didn't realize what kind of sword this blueprint was for.

On the surface, this is an ordinary dagger.

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