Ordinary is also not suitable. Judging from the design drawings, the degree of sharpening is also very poor, and it is impossible to use it to cut people.

This thing is the same as the Talisman that can break ten thousand spells, it is even difficult to kill a chicken.

"So it's better to throw it away. If you want to use it to hurt people, let me tell you, you just let me project a sword, wouldn't it be fine?" Archer took out a few swords at random, all of which were famous swords.

Although it is an imitation, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a Muramasa or an authentic sword.

"But I can't make something like the Xuanyuan Sword."

"Who asked you to build that kind of thing? - Hey, wait, wait until the war is over, Archer, you can stay here and project these treasures for me, and then, hehehe..."

Rin's brain has been occupied by dollars, gold, Fukuzawa Yukichi, and Grandpa Mao.

"We don't have much time left now, Rin, what do you want me to do, just tell me quickly."

Rin blushed: "I know, I know, you don't need to talk too much, it's not that I don't understand."

"This thing is my ancestral treasure, just as precious as the ruby ​​that summoned you."

Archer wanted to say something, but stopped when he saw Rin's serious expression.

This is also a matter of no choice, otherwise it is estimated that this young lady will make him kneel on the keyboard again at this time.

"The ancestor of my family, Tohsaka Nagato, is a disciple of the jewel man. Do you know the jewel man? Forget it, let's talk to you directly. The jewel man is Kishua Zellich Shubeinau antiquity."

Having said that, Archer has some impressions.

"In other words, the mantra you chanted when you summoned me is the first teacher right?"

"Yes, Gem Weng is the holder of the second magic. This is the magic weapon he made. It was supposed to be in the form of a scepter, but it was manifested as a sword. Can you project it? Sure enough, it still can't, this kind of thing is inherently It's magic, it's so much higher than magic, I don't know where it went..."


Archer, who took over the blueprint, thought about it for a while, and felt that he should be able to project it.

"Although there is no prototype, but if there is a design drawing, it is completely possible to project all kinds of images, and they must be exactly the same. For example, I can't do it like I project Ganjiang Moxie and the Sword in the Stone, but I just want to project a shell, and in essence If you keep half of your strength, that's more than enough." Archer said confidently.

"Then you mean that if there is a similar sword, it can project better?" Rin asked excitedly.

"Well. That's what it means."

Turning around, searching the box, a dagger appeared in Rin's hand.

"Azoth, in terms of shape and appearance, it is very similar to a jeweled sword. In this way, Archer, you should be able to project better? How long can you project? Ten minutes? One hour? That would be too long. ! Hmm——how could this Holy Grail War be so fast, the decisive battle will take place in less than a week, and it took a month before!"

Rolling around on the ground with his head in his arms, Rin looked at Archer who was about to laugh and said dissatisfiedly: "Hey, Archer, do you want to kneel on the keyboard? Forget it, since you projected the jeweled sword for me Come on, I forgive you."

"Yes, yes..." Archer said indifferently, "It doesn't take too much time to project this thing. Don't worry. Speaking of it, this Holy Grail War is indeed a bit faster, and that is something that can't be helped, probably It must be because there is this person called Emiya Shirou, who is very different from the previous me."

"Really? Emiya is so powerful, what about you, Archer? Do you have confidence in dealing with him?"

The movement in Archer's hands stopped, and he hesitated.

"If there are not so many moths in this Holy Grail War, if it is normal, he can really end the Holy Grail War in one day. If there are no people involved, such as Illya, according to his previous style of play, he should Do you choose to directly deal with the Master, and then break through the Holy Grail War?"

"Is it so powerful?" Rin said unwillingly. Although she already had the answer in her heart, she was still a little disappointed.

"You will never understand how powerful a person who fights for his sister will be. Even if there is no card, the card is a way of being possessed by a heroic spirit."

"Is it like El-Melloi II? The one possessed by Zhuge Kongming! Super powerful!"

"Should it be like this? It can be said that he defeated two people who were possessed by heroic spirits in a row before sending his sister to another world. And I, in In the Holy Grail War, you don’t have such firm beliefs. If I had such beliefs, I can do it too. But, Rin, don’t worry, I’m full of strength now, because my beliefs are very firm now.”

Rin looked at Archer who clenched his fists, and couldn't help feeling a little flustered in his heart. He lowered his head to hide the blush on his face.

"Hey, archer, you told me before that you have a way to capture the spell when facing the shadow, right. After all, only the spell of the Great Holy Grail can complete the Great Holy Grail. How are you going to do it?"

"Rin, I have to tell you, Guardian, you have privileges. If not, I can just use my privileges."

"Then why didn't you use it before?" Rin asked suddenly.

"Well, you can't do this kind of thing for your own self-interest."


The air became quiet.

"Things have developed to this point, it's no longer selfish, but you haven't used your so-called privileges, have you?"

Taking a deep breath, Rin looked at Archer.

"Will there be serious consequences? Will it be punished by Alaya? Or, more serious consequences?" Rin shed tears, "Is it like this? Sakura, it's too much, you have to So many people sacrificed for her."

"Archer, I have something to tell you, but I haven't said it before. In fact, every day, you tolerate my waywardness, right? Then you make breakfast and clean up for me. Tell me confidently , as long as it is the servant you summoned, it must be the strongest. I can see your ideals and your entanglements in my dreams."

Rin hugged Archer.

"So, before the decisive battle, I must tell you..."

Archer flicked Rin's forehead, interrupting her.

"This kind of words is like a flag. After you insert it, you can't pull it out. I'm lucky, and I can't avoid this kind of thing. Nuo, your jeweled sword. If you want to say it, leave it at the end Bar."

Chapter 72

"How long will it take to extract the magic power from Illya?" Saber asked Illya, who had lost her heat but was in a coma.

"Soon, after all, I have to consider the situation of Shirou-sama, don't I? Supporting the attack of Sombra alone, even if it is a follower, it is difficult to do it?"

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