After waiting for another five or six minutes, Caster let out a long sigh of relief. This Holy Grail has completely extracted the magic power of the servants in Illya's body.

"In this way, the Holy Grail is almost half completed. Counting my share, I have collected five-sevenths of it. Congratulations, I am one step closer to resurrecting Master Ichiro..."

"Caster," Saber looked at the tearful Caster, and couldn't help asking, "Then, tell me your wish, and I'll tell Shirou."

"Resurrection Master Soichiro, this is enough. He should still remember, and he is also dealing with that bug. Hurry up and wake up Miss Illya, although she is very tired, but this is not the time to sleep .”

Patting Illya's head fondly, Caster could even imagine what it would be like if he had a child.

Unfortunately, this is just fantasy.

To revive Katsuki Zongichiro, one must have her soul and magical power.

"Mom..." Illya murmured, tears dripping from her tightly closed eyes.

"What a miserable child. I was thinking of my mother in my dream. Saber, Illya will be entrusted to you."

After Caster finished speaking, her figure became blurred, and her soul poured into the Holy Grail in front of her.

Saber, who was in deep thought for a while, nodded heavily after the caster disappeared.

Maternity was lost after she became king.

Or rather, never existed?

However, at that time, Eri was still thinking about her lovely daughter, Illya, even when her life was about to dry up.

When she heard the name at first, she was very surprised, but for the sake of fighting, she forcibly resisted the uneasiness in her heart.

"Mom, don't leave me..." Ilya's voice was filled with tears, which seemed to be a nightmare.

A certain string in my heart seemed to be touched, and Saber was like a caster, gently stroking Illya's head.

What if he had a daughter too?

Touched his belly.

Forget it, don't stab yourself again.

Or, is it because I have given too little love?Or not at all?

Let's leave this question for later. Saber shook her head with a wry smile, and called softly:

"Illya? Illya?"

"Who? Huh? Saber?" Illya opened her eyes and saw Saber smiling, "Good morning."

"Hehe—you and Shirou are indeed brother and sister, and you still say good morning to me at this time, it's almost midnight." Saber chuckled.

"They're not brothers and sisters!" Illya replied dissatisfiedly, pouted, "Obviously I'm the older sister, why do you always think I'm the younger sister!"

"Hafnium?" Saber looked at Illya in shock.

"If I remember well, you should have seen me, Saber, when I was nine years old!" Illya said angrily.

Saber smiled embarrassingly: "I thought you were younger at the time, then, so you are—indeed, you are older than Shirou."

"One year older. I have to clarify this matter with Shirou later, so as to establish my sister's majesty!" Illya said with her head raised.

"But, she doesn't look like my sister at all." Saber commented honestly and objectively.

"Saber, that's too much!" Illya said dissatisfiedly, and then looked at the Holy Grail a little lonely.

"Hey, saber, caster, that's already there, isn't it?"

"Well, I left very peacefully, and asked me to take good care of you."

"Caster, just like mother, it's too much. But it's okay, this time I have Shirou, not that idiot Kiritsugu." Illya said proudly, "In this way, we will be able to live happily ever after!"

"I learned to say this kind of thing at a young age. Don't you know? It's said in TV dramas and anime novels, basically they can't survive three episodes, let alone someone who is as lucky as me. "Archer walked slowly, "So, can we get ready to go?"

"Hurry up, wait until I put on the clothes of the sky." Illya replied, "But, archer, I don't agree with one thing. Shirou is not lucky E! If I remember correctly, Shirou has a sister who is the Holy Grail Right? The favor of the Holy Grail can change all luck from E to EX. And I am lucky EX myself, so there is no need to worry.”

"Or, did you put your experience on Shirou?" Illya showed a mysterious smile, "Hey, hey, archer, Shirou was using your power at that time, right?"

After speaking, Illya hung on Archer happily.

"Hey, Illya, you should let go!"

"Yeah, Illya, let go, are you going to attack Archer?" Rin said nervously, and quickly pulled Illya off Archer.

"Hmph, what does it matter? Archer is Shirou, and Shirou is mine, so Archer is mine too!" Illya retorted with powerful logic.

"No road race! Archer is mine, my servant, obviously I came first!"


"Stop arguing, Shirou is still waiting. Illya, hurry up and put on the clothes of the sky." Saber still showed her stability as a king at this time, forcibly suppressing both ends.

"There's nothing wrong with making that guy wait any longer." Archer still felt a little grudge in his heart, wanting to take the opportunity to take revenge.

"Then, Archer, are you going to make Sakura endure more pain for your revenge? In that case, I can't say anything." Saber said coldly.

"How could this happen? I just want to let Illya rest for a while, but considering Sakura's situation, let's speed up. Illya, hurry up!"

Rin was a bit apprehensive: "Archer, just be obedient when you see Saber."


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