The first to bear the brunt are Illya and Rin!

"Ex - Calibur!"

The golden radiance pierced the black shadow instantly.

This is a sword of vowed victory that is more terrifying than before, because the source of magic power connected to it is nothing but the Holy Grail!

"Hehe, Saber, no matter how strong your Noble Phantasm is, what's the use of it?"

Sakura smiled lightly, causing the shadows lurking around to move immediately.

"Go, my children."

Wielding the jeweled sword, Rin made up his mind.

Since there was no way to save her, she could only judge her.

And quietly, the black shadow attacked again, when Rin didn't notice it at all.

"Rin, don't be in a daze!" Archer stood in front of Rin alone, threw Rin several meters away, and faced the shadow alone.

The black shadow devoured him, as if there was no trace left.


Rin stared at him blankly.

The shadow is the killer of the servants, because the shadow is the Holy Grail itself.

Summons the shadows of the followers, and can easily defeat any follower.

If it's just my lack of focus that makes Archer just drowned in the shadows, and makes Emiya Shirou's plan come to naught...

"Hmph, Rin, I've said it before, since it was summoned by you, there's no reason why it shouldn't be the strongest. If it's the strongest, then even the administrator won't be afraid, you know?"

Archer, whose body had been severely eroded by the shadow, showed a cruel smile, and stepped out of the shadow.

"Although in fact, it's these black shadows who dislike me, so they can't swallow me?" Archer laughed at himself, "That's something that can't be helped, after all, in front of me, you, the so-called whole world, Evil is just a newborn baby."

In front of Archer, the black shadow stagnated.

Behind the black shadow is its extremely astonishing owner.

"Archer, what the hell are you?" Sakura's voice even contained some fear, but then a cruel expression appeared on her face, "But, that's it. Go die, Archer!"

The attack like a turbulent sea did not make Archer give in.

However, he seems to have to use the last resort.

"Sakura, I didn't expect that the you on the surface is completely different from the you on the inside. I didn't realize it at all." Archer murmured.

"What do you know about me? Archer, don't tell me you seem to understand me very well." Sakura said angrily.

On the one hand, her anger came from not being able to eliminate Archer, and on the other hand, it was because of this tone.

Why is it so disgusting?

Or is it the feeling of being blamed by seniors?

"Indeed, I don't understand you very well. After being with you for several years, I didn't even notice the pain hidden underneath. On the road of pursuing justice, I gradually lost myself, and even the memories of people around me began to wear away. .”

Archer smiled, his voice changed from hoarse to the same as before he became a guardian.

"Let me end your pain, Sakura!"

The red-haired figure overlapped with the red knight.

Sakura was sure that that voice must belong to Senior.

"Impossible, who are you?" Sakura shook her head, without realizing that she took two steps back subconsciously.

"You don't have to worry about it, you just need to know that I will save you."

The black shadow overwhelmed him again, but after the black shadow receded, what appeared was not the red figure before.

It was a knight completely blackened.

Black Archer!

Chapter 74 The Rotten Archer

How many people have been killed by these hands.

Countless times more people have been saved by these hands.

The red figure, like the god of death, kept ringing the evening bell for people, but saved the world countless times.

Blood stained everything about the knight.

Whether it is a windbreaker, or hands, or heart.

The desire to save everyone is ridiculous, and it is also a belief that the red knight has abandoned.

Abandoning such beliefs, then, the path to the ideal will undoubtedly require others to be filled.

That's exactly—

To save some, others must be sacrificed.

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