Destroy the few and save the many.

There is no doubt that this is correct.

"Don't, don't kill me, don't, don't!"

Such words have been heard countless times during his mission.

People want to live, which is good.

Emiya can always stand on the side of justice to judge these murdered people.

Then kill them quickly.

It doesn't matter whether it is unarmed or extremely vicious, but it doesn't matter if it has been disarmed.

Only the words of the child in front of him made him feel particularly harsh.

righteous partner.

This word made him feel especially ridiculous.

The ideal that has never collapsed from the beginning to the end has cracks.

Whether it's bullets or rockets.

These things are common to Emiya, and they did not break his ideals, but instead enriched his dream of world peace.

After becoming a guardian, Emiya did the same, resolutely performing every task.

again and again.

again and again.

The Heroic Spirit of Steel will not give in to the horror in front of him at all, and will only serve as a sword of restraint, destroying the enemies that threaten mankind.

Because these things are absolutely right, cruel as they are, but necessary.

The hesitation in my heart did not hinder any movement in my hand.

Blood spattered his face.

He has become the same person as his adoptive father, Emiya Kiritsugu.

Even with tears streaming down his face, no matter how frightened and anxious his heart is, he will judge the enemy with the weapon in his hand without hesitation.

This should be the last person killed by him.

Probably, so.

The last enemy other than Sesseiin Kiara.

But he was not Emiya Kiritsugu after all, he hesitated at this moment.

The pace was a beat slower, and Kiara saw his pain.

Stepping into the decisive battle, Emiya saw the instigator of everything——

Wearing religious clothes, like a nun, with a golden ring on the shoulder, everything is normal.

Except for the inexplicably attractive pure but charming cheeks, and the intoxicating aura constantly exuding from her body.

"Emiya? Is that the name?" Kiara said with a chuckle.

"Why are you in pain?"

"Pursuing your own desires and following your inner guidance, isn't that all right?"

However, Emiya didn't listen to her, and stepped forward to kill her with a knife.

The opponent is all the desires (angramainyu) of this world, without any fighting ability, but can charm people's hearts.

Without any power, by the sage who directs the desires of others, but threatens the restraint.


After making sure that the other party was dead, Emiya murmured, tears streaming down her face.

What is this?

What is this!

Kneeling down on the ground, he started to go crazy like Kiritsugu who broke the Holy Grail, searching for a trace of life in the ruined walls.

But Emiya is impossible to find.

All the lives around here have been killed by him.

He killed everyone in this area.


Out of tens of billions of people, Emiya only killed 1%.

"What is this?" Emiya fell to the ground and couldn't help laughing.

He has done a lot of evil, and as an anti-hero, he can't even achieve redemption like Emiya Kiritsugu.

None of that little slice of redemption.

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