The red coat began to be dyed black, and the dark face became even darker.

The body is covered with golden cracks.

"It's so pitiful." Alaya said unbearably, Emiya, who had done her best to eliminate countless threats for herself, collapsed to this point at this moment.

"You, don't you want to go back? I can let you go back."

Emiya nodded uncharacteristically, her eyes glazed over.

Alaya's heart sank.

This is an Emiya I've never seen before.

Emiya should be a steadfast person. Although he said he wanted to go back, every time he told him that he could go back to the past to participate in the Holy Grail War, he refused with excuses.

Except this time.

"I'll fix you for the time being, but it's impossible to fix it completely. If you encounter an accident, never use the guardian's power temporarily, or you won't be able to save it."


Mo Xie, who was flung out casually, chopped the black shadow clean.

The archer at this time is as strong as a ghost!

"Angra Mainu, you really don't look like your descendants. Haha—how weak."

Unleashing his power wantonly, Sombra was beaten back steadily.

"Archer..." Rin looked at the crazy Archer in disbelief.

Is this the privilege Archer was talking about?But how did it become like this?

Ilya also looked at him with wide eyes. What made him look like this? Has human nature been distorted?

"This is the end." Archer took out his gun, smiled cruelly, and aimed at Sakura.

"UnlimitedLostWorks (unlimited sword system)."

Suddenly, everyone was suffocated. They didn't expect that Archer had changed to this extent.

He was about to attack Sakura in an instant.

And it's under the circumstances that no one has the ability to stop it.

However, no one noticed that a figure suddenly appeared.


The petals quietly bloomed from Shirou's hands, blocking in front of him.

The simple bullet put great pressure on Shirou, and he had to block it with all his strength.

The bullets burst out with countless sword blades, smashing the blazing sky-covering seven-fold ring into pieces, leaving only a small piece in the center.

"Traceon! Strength!"

"Shirou! Connect to my magic power!" Illya took out the Holy Grail and connected to Shirou.

With the backing of the Holy Grail, Shirou managed to block the bullet and cursed angrily:

"Archer, what are you doing?"

"Kill her, the source of all evil. What? Do you want to stop me? Then kill you together." Archer pointed the gun at Shirou with a smile.

"Are you a partner of justice? Aren't you going to save everyone with us? Then what are you doing like this?" Shirou roared, what happened to Archer?

"Haha? A partner of justice? Hmm - I'm already rotten. Killing the people who have to be killed is what I have to do." Covering his face, Archer laughed, but the laughter dried up.

"Shiro Emiya, do you want to save everyone? Let Illya connect the Holy Grail to me. Don't hesitate, only the manager can fight against the manager to seize the spell."

Looking at Archer suspiciously, Shirou frowned.

"You, didn't you want to kill Sakura just now?"

"Oh? Really? Forget it. Just pretend I didn't say it. Hurry up. If I don't hurry up, I'll forget what I'm doing too."

Chapter 75 Saber, commit suicide!

A black figure stands in the shadow, and wherever it goes, the shadow is forced to recede.

"Senior..." Sakura shouted hard.

"How's the situation, Sakura?" Shirou hurried to her side, seeming to be barely in control of himself.

"It's okay." Sakura shook her head with difficulty, "It's the same as before, it may lose control at any time. Senior, is that Archer? Why did he become like this?"

"I do not know either."

Shirou lowered his eyes.

Of course he knew.

When he used that blank card, he knew the general idea.

Became a "partner of justice", constantly sacrificing the few to save the many.

Even if sometimes a minority is not a mistake, let alone doing something wrong.

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