He has experienced it before, surrounded by black mud, polluted.

Without the help of Avalon, there would be no purification by Emiya Shirou when he stepped into the black mud shadow.

Relying on will alone broke the black mud's confinement and shackles.

At this level, it is really too low.

Although it is not enough to just break free from the shackles, what he has to do is to help Illya break free from the pollution of the black mud.


"You are weak, Angra Mainu, is this what you are capable of?" Archer laughed out loud, "I thought you had a few abilities, but you are still as weak as before."

"Your crimes are nothing in front of me, and your so-called crimes are as weak as a baby in front of me. If it is the human being who has taken on all the evils of this world, he hasn't even killed a chicken? Let You see, what is distortion!"

If you can't help Illya get rid of the crime, you only need to help her bear the crime, that's enough. Archer doesn't care about this trivial skill.

He will bear all the sins!

Chapter 78 Kirei, Fall in Love with Mapo!

"Does this make you feel better?" Shirou comforted Sakura.


Sakura didn't give a response, and used all her strength to control the black shadow, and she didn't have any remaining strength to speak.

"Anjelica, generally speaking, what position is it more comfortable for a girl to be hugged?" Shirou asked with a sigh, he had no experience in this.

"I've only hugged a child, and it's even smaller than Miss Illya. But if I look at it, as long as it's hugged by someone I like, it's very comfortable." Anjelica answered Shirou's question sternly. question.

"Is that so?"

Being on the top of a small hill, the black mud couldn't come up, all Shirou could do was just wait.

Waiting for Archer and Rin, waiting for Illya, waiting for the completion of the Great Grail.

Then hold Sakura with peace of mind!It is also very difficult to be able to relax at a time like this.

But a person who appeared in the field of vision broke Shirou's fantasy, and the person who came was not good.

"Kotomine Kirei." Shirou sighed, "You're still here."

"Shiro Emiya, it seems that you have understood something."

"Fake priest, your smile is about to bloom like a chrysanthemum, maybe I don't understand what you are going to do?" Shirou patted his butt, stood up, and prepared to hand Sakura to Angelica.

After all, the only one who can defeat Kotomine Kirei here is himself.

"Senior, don't go." Sakura said vaguely, and grabbed Shirou's sleeve.

"I'll come back as soon as I go." Shirou reassured.

"Last time, senior said the same thing last time."

"Ah? Really? I'll be back soon this time, trust me." Shirou patted the dust off his tattered coat, thought for a while, and simply threw the coat aside.

This last enemy, Shirou should also take off his clothes to show his respect.

"Kotomine Kirei, why are you running back now? Wouldn't it be fine to just soak in the black mud with peace of mind?" Shirou sneered, "It fits your false appearance."

"It's just a duel with you. Seeing Emiya Shirou who has grown into the next Emiya Kiritsugu, I feel sincere pleasure."

"Do you have the confidence to fight?" Shirou looked dumbly at Kotomine Kirei, who was soaked in black mud but had not received any damage.

If anything, it was probably because the clothes were so torn that they were simply thrown on the ground, which allowed Kotomine Kirei to reveal his muscular upper body.

The most eye-catching thing is his eight-pack abs.

"Although it is said to be the final duel with you, I'm really sorry. I really don't have much confidence to face you father and son. Even if it's you whose body is on the verge of collapse, or Emiya Kiritsugu whose heart is on the verge of despair, I will There is no chance of any victory. But, maybe it is fate, maybe it is divine revelation, I must come here to hinder the partners of justice."

"It's a revelation—" Shirou covered his face, "This is the worst time your Jehovah has been hacked. No matter how boring your god is, he will not guide you to do such a thing, right? Or is it evil itself? an avatar?"

"But forget it, defeating you is indeed what I want to do."

Shirou's eyes gradually became firmer, looking at Kotomine Kirei.

In order to cut off the connection with the empty and hypocritical self in the past, and to avenge the past.

Shirou still hasn't forgotten who made himself into this in the previous world, causing him to almost die and come to this world.

Everything is Kotomine Kirei's fault.

"Really? That's fine. But since you asked, I have to answer. I'm going to let it be born."

Kotomine Kirei pointed at the black mud left behind, but Shirou understood what he was referring to.

"All the evil in this world? If you want to let this kind of thing be born, your god is really evil." Shirou projected a pair of swords, "So such a god, let's go to one side! I believe in sickle Hammer doctrine, monsters and monsters, just stay aside for me!"

"The temper is really hot, Emiya Shirou! Such a battle is indeed what I look forward to. But I must oppose you, my lord is the only one."

The double swords were blocked by Kotomine Kirei's iron fist, which was the Chinese martial art Bajiquan!

"This kind of thing is fine no matter what, anyway, you just want to destroy the world, right? Then you make so many groundless excuses, how come a heretic like you was not burned to death? Hey——Since the establishment of the heresy inspection agency, it is estimated that You haven’t really executed a few true heretics, have you?”

Kotomine Kirei's expression unexpectedly expressed agreement inexplicably.

There was a subtle consensus between the two.

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